Update on Carissa Hads

Carissa Hads, who joined the Warrior Eli group on the first day it was created and asked many questions about how we figured out Emily was the person behind JS Dirr.  Soon we discovered why she was so interested: she was pretending to be a man and seducing a fifteen year old girl, eventually using a prosthetic penis to have sex with her.  (Yes, it grosses me out too.)

Earlier this week, Carissa plead guilty to the charge of traveling in interstate commerce with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and was sentenced to 87 months in prison.

Here’s Gawker’s article about how Hads was tied to our group.  Our earlier blog entry about her is linked above.

28 thoughts on “Update on Carissa Hads”

    1. Transgenderism isn’t really “fakery” because the transgender really feels they are the wrong gender.

      It was, however, for her and anyone else to have sex with a minor. And yes, I believe transgenders should tell their mates they are transgendered, but I do not believe they should be discriminated for it.

      1. I think it’s VERY obvious Michael didn’t mean transgenderism was fakery. Targeting a teenage girl, claiming to be a man (not transgendered, but a man and a preacher at that), using a back brace to cover up your breasts and penetrating someone with a plastic penis while telling the underage partner it was real… now THAT is fakery. (If you read the blog post about Carissa, you can see she lied about a bazillion other things too).

  1. When I read the original write up a while back, something seemed familiar about Carissa, but I couldn’t place what…now it dawned on me-she was featured in a couple livejournal communities devoted to busting fakes *years* ago! I’m digging through them now to refresh my memory, and basically she had created many, many fake lives and personas. Would take pictures off of myspace of children and claim she was the mother of them, other personas would involve pretending to be men online (she also took myspace photos of them, too, to pass herself off as them.) If I also remember correctly, a woman said she even talked to Carissa on the phone when Carissa was still trying to pass herself off as a man and had no idea it was really a woman. I guess Carissa either had nieces and nephews or some sort of children in her care in real life, and would have them call her by the male name on the phone to keep up the charade. It was very crazy stuff the lengths she went to to try and convince people she was either a mom (she’d pose with baby dolls with the faces pointed towards her to try and convince people she was holding a real, live baby) or the pics she’d take with “salutes” (a pic of you holding up your user name written on paper to prove you were who you said)…she’d hold the salutes up to /pics/ of the guys she’d swipe off the internet. She was very, very dedicated to lying and fooling people.

    1. WOW. If you find this stuff, please send it to us! I’d love to see it. Dr. Marc Feldman, the psychiatrist who coined the term Munchausen by Internet, says that MBI patients will disappear and pop up in another community time after time. This would be another case of that. Ugh. I’d love to read anything you find, though.

      1. community.livejournal.com/_fake_ljers/198622.html?thread=5977310#t5977310

        It’s a locked post, you have to join the community to read it. It has links to her past exploits.

        It’s been going on for bloody years. It really angers me because the Daily Mail (a hate rag, not a respectable news source here in the UK) will use this as “proof” that the LGBT community are just in it because we want to hurt kids. They’re alwayS claiming that gay and lesbian people are a danger to children.

        Ugh. The Daily Fail love stories like this that they can use to whip up hate.

        1. I just happened to link to that paper, but it’s been in a lot of other news sources. I would absolutely hate to have this story add to that despicable claim, as predators are predators regardless of sexual identity.

    1. Also, in relation to the above comment.. In the Ed community on Facebook this seems to happen a lot, I’ve watched a few with interest as they have created a new profile, spun a heap of lies about who they are, how sick they are, stolen photos from other people and claimed they were their own, and then when people started realising that things were off, questioning things that didn’t add up, or calling them out, they seem to go the path of threatening suicide, saying ‘this is it, bye’ and deleting the account. Then popping up again to start over. I just can’t get my head around why people DO this. Most of those I see do this on facebook are pretty young, too.

  2. I have a question: are transgenders gross and fake or just in the case of when they have sex with minors? Because I believe that transgendered people really believe they are the opposite gender than they are born, and that they cannot help their pref. just as gays cannot.

    1. I can’t believe you’re trying to whip up an identity wars clusterf**** over this. It’s quite obvious that the author and anyone else is grossed out because this person lied to others and COMMITTED STATUTORY RAPE. The need to make everything a transphobic issue is pathetic. A child has been raped. Please find a way to focus attention on the true victim and not the legions of the Tumblr trans army and their allies.

      1. I wasn’t attempting to “start” anything, I was simply curious about the entire situation of transgenderism. I’ve been on the web long enough to know that people can be the sweetest people in the world, and then a minority (race, sexual) comes along and they turn into the biggest assholes ever.

        I wasn’t assuming that about taryn or michael. I was simply curious on their stand point about people who have physically changed their gender. Unfortunately, my only education on the subject is Jerry Springer episodes from the 90s and hateful people on the web.

        My apologies for not clarifying this at the time I posted.

        1. I was just clarifying that my “I think it’s gross” comment in the blog entry was meant to be a comment about how I feel about someone raping a 15 year old. I have close ties to many transgendered people and I’d hate to be thought of as not approving of them. Thanks for clarifying! I appreciate it.

          1. No (true) worries. I was curious how you viewed transgendered regarding faking since they are not presenting to others, an exact identity (personal/physical) they were born with. My apologies for not making that clear the first time, but I’m sick o’ bed with a virus and typing from my phone, which I try to give abridged comments/entries with.

          2. Reader –

            Reader – If someone is black but “passes” for white because of their features, are they being deceitful?

            I’m disabled, but it’s an invisible disability. If people assume I’m able-bodied am I a fake or a liar?

            First – we don’t know if Carissa is trans. There’s nothing to say that she ever presented as male to anyone but her victims.

            Second, even if she is trans, trans people are not lying or deceiving when they present as the gender that feels correct to them. There’s enough scientific evidence to show that someone assigned female at birth (AFAB) whose gender identity is actually male, has the internal brain structures and sensory mapping of people typically assigned male at birth (AMAB). Any changes they wish to make in order for their body to fit more closely with that internal schema are proven to reduce death by suicide.

            Trust me, actual trans people do not go into relationships lightly. They agonise over disclosing to potential partners, mainly because trans people are murdered in appallingly high numbers every year after disclosing their birth sex. They don’t lie, insist on fully-clothed sex in the dark, prey on children, or threaten people with violence, like Carissa did. Many spend their lives alone, fearing that rejection after disclosure would destroy them. A great deal of trans people never pursue transition (no hormones or surgery) and present as their birth sex, because they know they’d lose everything – family, friends, partner, job – if they came out.

            Trans people are not liars for daring to live as their true selves, any more than I’m a liar for dying my hair or not disclosing my health problems. That’s essentially what being transgender is, a medical issue where the person’s assigned sex at birth did not reflect their gender. Surgeries and hormones are simply corrective procedures to rectify that. Just like my mother taking HRT, and me taking neuroleptics and muscle relaxers, so that our bodies feel right.

            Google “trans 101” for further insight. I also think it’s derailing to continue to discuss trans people when Carissa has never indicated that she is trans. Cara Goodman pretended she had cancer, and we didn’t malign or judge cancer patients. When childless fakers invent sick kids we don’t question the lives of actual mothers. It’s doing a huge and dangerous disservice to people with gender dysphoria to continue lumping them in with this lying, predatory criminal.

    2. I think anyone who commits statutory rape is gross, I think someone who lies about their sex organs and tries to fool their partner with a plastic one is fake and gross. I wasn’t commenting at all about the fact that Carissa is transgendered (and I’m not sure she is, and neither is anyone else here… she’s lied about quite a few things in the past and this might be another manifestation of that). What IS clear is she is a predator and I’m happy she’s behind bars because of that.

      I would hope that, from reading this blog from the beginning, it would be obvious I’m very open minded and not judgmental, and thinking transgendered people were gross just because of their sexual orientation wouldn’t even enter my orbit.

      1. You are the least judgmental person I have ever spoken with or followed and I have followed your amazing work front the beginning & yes thinking transgender people are gross because of their sexual orientation would be the total opposite of everything you stand for! Out of your orbit fits well!

      2. I think you should know it’s “transgender” not “transgendered”. It can be shortened to “trans*”. Also, being trans* has to do with gender identity, not sexual orientation. Trans* people can have any sexual orientation cisgender (not transgender) people can have.

    3. Though I think a lot of news outlets are a bag o’ fail when it comes to transgender issues, I don’t think anyone here is really thinking people were saying Carissa was fake or gross because they’re transgender, but gross in that they conned a teenager into sleeping with them by lying about their age, who they were (ie;, they were most definitely not a teenage single dad with intentions to be a youth pastor with things like Asperger’s or sensory issues, but a very adult 25 year old childless person) and also threatened the victim’s friends when they brought up their suspicions.

    4. Also, a quick note: I apologize for using the name “Carissa” if they do indeed go by James. However, I honestly do not know if they are transgender, as the article doesn’t seem to make it super clear.

  3. Thank God yet another criminally sick person has been taken out of action. I think one of the issues worth addressing is that like many serial criminals, these people become arrogant & confident the longer they’re able to get away with what they do. Like Cassie, there have been others who will attempt to make themselves look legitimate & gain trust by inserting themselves into other scams. A good example would be several people who became involved in the “April Rose” scam, when they themselves were proven to be less then honest.

  4. It’s unusual for women to get long terms for rape, so glad she has a lengthy sentence and will be classified as a sex offender. The whole story was so weird…the mom drove the girl to meet him at a hotel….I hope the girl gets some counseling.

  5. The woman in the livejournal posts was me. 🙂 i dated “bade”, caugjt carissa in her lies and moved to texas with her.

    while in texas she began doing the same thing with her emplpyers photos and started “dating” melanie lodi. Not sure why they didnt know that part..

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