Update on Cheecha Kicks Cancer

Chelsea Hassinger and I have talked on the phone and discussed this situation.  There will be an update tomorrow afternoon.

In the meantime, please refrain from accusing other Tumblr users of being Chelsea.  One was pointed out in the comments section of the last entry, and she is a close friend of “Chelsea Goldberg” who is sticking by someone who she loves.  She’s not involved in the hoax at all.

Thanks, and I appreciate your patience.

30 thoughts on “Update on Cheecha Kicks Cancer”

  1. If Chelsea proves to have some form of cancer, how is this story not liable, slander and more or less an extreme invasion of her privacy medically and otherwise….HIPAA laws would not allow a hospital to allow you or anyone to seek medical information on Chelsea, or any patient. From what I can tell, the facts are not correct…very irresponsible journalism to post a Blog or opinion which causes irreversible damage to a reputation, emotional distress and more. If this is proven to be wrong, I believe a law suit is in order.

      1. It’s not. I can attest to that from my experience running into Chelsea at Blog for a Cure. She posted pictures there that she had stolen from a blog which belonged to a woman who died from cancer a few years ago. Can you imagine that family’s pain, seeing their loved one’s pictures used to support a scam? And why don’t you use your real names when you comment?

      2. Oh, what’s in a name anyways? For all any of us know, the commenters on here are fake, too. That’s why an open mind should be kept about this. Warrior Eli could be correct but then again, it’s also possible this Chelsea woman is legitimate and all if this is one huge mistake. After all, what is this woman’s, Warrior Eli, credibility? How come she never mentioned this woman’s original response to the accusation? Assuming Chelsea was contacted prior to any of this being posted, right? What’s so wrong with wanting to keep an open mind?

        1. Heather, I hope you know I can see your IP address when you post. I realize that Chelsea is your friend, but you are being lied to, and I am going to post her confession in two hours.

          My blog has been around for nine months now and I’ve worked hard to build a reputation as someone who tells the truth. If you click on the “In the News” tab on our site, you can see I’ve been quoted in many newspapers and have appeared on several TV shows. I have worked hard to be credible and honest, and I’m proud of that.

  2. If there is no real Chelsea Goldberg…who is the victim in this? It’s just an individual writing a blog, much the same as you do. A fiction, maybe, but if there is no solicitation of money..what is the crime?

    1. From what I understand, there was money involved at some point, though, hence the posts about “a cousin pretending to be Chelsea Goldberg accepting donations.” Even if this isn’t about money-many people seem to feel “at least awareness was raised”-pretending to be someone suffering from a horrible disease and contacting/building up a friendship with people really going through cancer is deplorable, I’m sorry. Even if no money was handed over by friends, it’s sucky to con people into thinking you’re sick for attention and friendship, even if its it’s just online-I have a lot of people I care about online and would be devastated if they were to fall ill or pass away, even if I never knew them in real life. If no donations actually happened, then no, there really isn’t a “crime” but it still hurts people.

    2. Technically, there is no crime if money didn’t exchange hands. But just because it’s not illegal doesn’t make it right. Misrepresenting yourself on a resume isn’t illegal, but it doesn’t make it right and the company has every right to fire you if they find out. Fakers like Chelsea cast doubt on an entire community of honest, truthful individuals who may actually need to raise money and need support. They use their stories to emotionally manipulate people, and that breeds cynicism and mistrust in what should be a supportive and positive community. Try as you might to dismiss this as a victimless crime, it is not. There’s a whole community of people who feel victimized by Chelsea and others like her.

  3. Just a suggestion. Why don’t you post your stories as one big piece after you talk to the people involved and get the whole story? Tumblr has been exploding the past few days with hate on innocent bloggers there involving this last story and it has happened in the past. The comments being made there to innocent people over sides and who believes what wouldn’t happen if you just wrote one big story without saying “an update is coming…” and then giving people a chance to start accusing one another and hurting those not involved in these hoaxes. It seems to create more problems and drama and not be helpful at all. I know people want updates but maybe if you just waited until you had the full story it would eliminate some of the hateful talk and fighting that goes on when you post these blogs.

    1. I gave Chelsea 24 hours to tell people in her real life what we are going to publish today. I am not without compassion.

      The problem with posting the whole story is that we often get information from people we wouldn’t expect to hear from after the first post goes up. Also, many of our hoaxers do not tell us the truth at first. It’s more sensitive and delicate an operation than you would imagine.

      I’m truly sorry that so much drama has gone on about this case, but that drama didn’t originate from me.

      1. Well said and so true! I have been involved in advocating for childhood cancer for awhile now and there isn’t anyone I trust more when it comes to the facts than You!! I have never seen you be cruel but I have seen you be compassionate, I have never seen you talk mean, obscene or rudely to anyone but I have seen them talk that way to you.. You do what you do with caring, compassion and class and it’s why so many in the childhood cancer community respect and value everything you do to try and put a stop the the needless heart wrenching pain that these “fakers” cause those of us who are truly just trying to make a difference. Thank You!!

  4. At risk of people attacking me by posting under my real name, pease be assured…things will be cleared up and the story set completely straight. As people make assumptions no matter what they’re told, based on their own opinions, I don’t expect my words to make a huge impact on anyone already hell bent on assuming I’m insane/a bitch/whatever. However, I do ask that the speculation as to what is/was going on be kept to yourselves simply out of respect for Taryn and not causing bickering or chaos on her site.

  5. That’s weird…my comment looks totally out of place here now. Wasn’t this comments section where Chelsea wrote that giant block of text denying/”explaining” her actions??

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