Prayers for Arianna Rae

Poor Aurella Rocca-Greer, better known as AJ, can’t catch a break.  She had two extremely traumatic late term miscarriages before giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, Arianna.  Unfortunately, little Arianna is deaf and suffers from Goodpasture Syndrome, a rare disease that causes kidney and lung failure.  This disease usually targets older men, but luckless Arianna is only four years old.  In fact, she is the youngest person ever diagnosed with the disease.

Luckily, AJ has a lot of support.  Arianna had a Facebook prayer page (screen capped there but since deleted after friends upset AJ and caused her to give up drama) and had racked up over 4000 fans.  AJ celebrated every time the number of people praying for her daughter went up.

AJ also organized prayer chains on the day of Arianna’s kidney transplant to help guard against a possible bad outcome.

Arianna and AJ lived in England with AJ’s husband Joshua.  (They are also expecting twins, of course).  After Arianna had a kidney transplant and experienced complications, the doctors in the hospital decided that the best treatment option for the little girl would be to transfer her to a hospital in Lansing, Michigan.

So, on October 28th, AJ, Arianna and a couple of medics boarded a small helicopter and took off from England bound for Lansing, Michigan.  Even though the helicopter ride must have been quite bumpy, what with flying through Hurricane Sandy and all, they arrived safely in Michigan just a handful of hours later.

Once she arrived in the land of medical miracles, Arianna quickly started feeling better.

She was released from the hospital on November 8th (eleven days after the perilous life-saving helicopter flight) and apparently felt well enough to stop and do a family photo shoot in a cornfield on the way home.  You know, just like all families with immunosuppressed children do.

The real “AJ” is a woman from Nebraska named Danielle.  Her sister, Sydney, has a pretty public Facebook page.  Sydney’s pictures were used as AJ’s sister Maddie.

The picture of the family in the cornfield after “Arianna’s” hospital stay was found on Danielle’s husband’s father’s Flickr account.

The main profile picture for “Prayers for Arianna” was also found on Sydney’s Facebook profile.

Even these pictures of “Arianna’s” birthday party and new bedroom accessories were taken from other places on the internet.

Danielle’s pictures have been used as “AJ” for many years.  Here’s a profile at that was made in 2009.  Here’s another profile, this one from, with more baby pictures of Danielle’s real life child used to portray “Arianna.”  That’s also from 2009.

“AJ” is also an admin on various Mommy related Facebook groups, including Kid’s Prayer Network, Mommys Matter, Moms and Future Moms and The Journey Through Parenthood.

We’ve figured out the person behind “Prayers for Arianna.”  I’d like to talk to her before publishing more about this.

Also, if any friends of AJ Rocca-Greer want to contact me, I’d love to hear your stories.

91 thoughts on “Prayers for Arianna Rae”

  1. The fictitious Arianna wouldn’t be the youngest diagnosed even if she was real; from the limited research available on the condition shows there’s been a few small children diagnosed with the condtion, two or three years old.

  2. That’s so sad!, people are so sick in those thays, why they have to pretend to be someone?, why cant they live their lifes![/ sorry im from brazil, my english sucks

  3. I was “friends” with this psycho for months. I admined on a page with her. I told my friends and family her story because I found it so inspiring. I an sick to my stomach right now. I exchanged messages with this woman, offering her support any way I could. I knew the story was just too perfect, but the details and the depth of her lies is outstanding. Who does this? Who has the time and nothingness to pull off such a hoax? I had her phone number, her PO Box, everything. Absolutely ridiculous. Where is the honesty and faith anymore?!

  4. here account was deleted today, all her friends on here still love her and her little girl. She is need of prayers now more then ever! Please help us to understand why, talk to us, let us know if you are ohk?!

    1. “She, AJ” does NOT exist–the little girl “Arianna” does NOT exist. It is not a matter of being a friend to someone that is in trouble or under hard times. She LIED to you. She is not who she says she is, neither is her daughter. She STOLE all of the pictures and “Arianna” is not deaf, sick, or a transplant patient. “AJ” is not pregnant with twins–the entire STORY is fake. This person you are praying for does not exist. The girl in the pictures (Danielle) is a real person with a real daughter. “AJ” STOLE her pictures and created a story.

      1. I meant to say, that i realise that it is all fake NOW, its hard for me to get my head around it all. However I did talk to a real person on the phone and whoever she is needs help. Maybe I am not the right person to give it to her, but i am also not really in a position to judge. I just hope she is ohk.

  5. wow i can t believe this we all befriended her . what a pos and a lowlife .. all we can do is wish her the best bc god doesnt like ugly and KARMA will come back and bite her.. we all had a connection with her… sad she would use someone else dead child pictures and lie about a child being sick.. i really hope she doesnt have children bc she would probably make them sick so people can feel bad for her

  6. wow i can t believe this we all befriended her . what a pos and a lowlife .. all we can do is wish her the best bc god doesnt like ugly and KARMA will come back and bite her.. we all had a connection with her… sad she would use someone else dead child pictures and lie about a child being sick.. i really hope she doesnt have children bc she would probably make them sick so people can feel bad for her.. there are really sick people out there.

  7. GOD! I feel so sick over this. I was close to her. I admin-ed on facebook pages with her. We talked all the time about all the stresses we both had. I loved her and cared for her dearly. Its so difficult to wrap my brain around this. My head is pounding and I’m trying so hard not to be sick. I heart ached for her and Arianna. I was there for her when she “lost” Ian. I supported her through it all. This is so sad and sickening anyone would even consider doing such a thing. Especially when her, herself was reporting fake pages, taking pictures and claiming them as their own. Its all to much to comprehend.

  8. I was going to send her things for this lil girl Please Email if you would like her Address.That is awful that someone would do this Children are so heart hurts

  9. Hi, I own Moms and Future Moms and I had no idea that she was fake and everything was a lie. I offered one of my kidneys to Arianna, so I’m really shocked and disgusted by this whole story.

  10. Wow…I wonder how much money she stole from people when those people could have donated that money to a actual sick child!

  11. Looking back on it now, some elements of the story seemed too bad to be true, and I questioned her actions, but at the same time things were real enough that I still believed it. I became attached in a way to this little girl and always looked forward to updates to see how she was doing. I don’t understand why people would put so much time and energy into deceiving people to this extent. It’s not just the fact that she lied, it’s the fact that she claimed to have a sick, and at times dying, child of course people are going to flock to that.

    1. unfortunately its because look at how easy it was for her to rip people off. I can just imagine how much money she has received in donations from people wanting to help her and her sick child in her time of need. So many people we asking for her address and stuff to help her so I could see her using this as a way to make money. And then some people just want attention too.

  12. Have to ask the lil girl in the picture is she healthly and alive??????I just can`t not belive this that someone could do this …All those babies that are really sick and are fighting for their lives and their parents sit by their beds and cry ….Please find this person…

  13. I have known “AJ” for a while, since 2009. She never once asked for money from me or for things. When she started up the page “Prayers from Arianna” she never once that I saw asked for anything, people OFFERED to send her things, and it took quite a bit of convincing for her to agree to being sent things. I just don’t feel like I am getting the whole story. I think she got caught up in her lies and it got too far out of her control even. I do not believe though that she intentionally set out too defraud anyone.

    1. Well if you do eventually get the real story, feel free to share it with us. I think you may feel differently in the long run though…fraud is not just based on money or gifts.

    2. Are you crazy??? Do you know how many sick children are out there who really need help? You don’t think you are getting the whole story? Let me break it down for you;

      She’s some kind of psycho who trolled the internet looking for the images of someone else’s innocent child to steal.

      She STOLE from people under the FALSE pretense that she had an ill child!

      It’s really that simple, just an average, every day SOCIOPATH CON-ARTIST who has now contributed to the doubt of the REAL SICK CHILDREN who are out there in desperate need of help.

      Someone needs to lock her up and she should be forced to return all gifts that were given to her.

      1. No I am not crazy, no I do not know the entire scope of how many sick children out there, though I imagine their are a lot. Thank you for breaking down the story for me, but that doesn’t tell me everything does it? Maybe to you they are the only things that matter but there is a person out there who I talked too for THREE YEARS and I would at least like to know she is going to get the help that she needs, whoever she is. Maybe she is nothing more then a sick child herself, certainly the person I talked too on the phone didn’t sound like she could be more then 14-15 years old. She wasn’t born this way, lady, she was CREATED. So some pity/mercy or whatever won’t go amiss, as someone else on here said, I am going to continue to pray for her, she obviously needs it.

    3. I think it’s pretty much “intentional” when you set up false accounts, with stolen pictures, and then proceed to communicate with people…many, many people…under that false identity. Being scammed by a sociopath is no doubt painful, but there is just no excuse for what this person has done. She was in control of every aspect of her actions. No one else is to blame.

      1. 14 or 15 years old you say but you didn’t realize it was a scam? Hmmm, sounds a bit fishy to me. You talked to someone imaginary.7-10 children die at the hads of child abuse each day, over 40 are diagnosed with cancer and 7 die from this horrible disease EACH DAY. .People give their time, money, hearts, and prayers to these sweet children. There is no sympathy for people who defraud. Can you imagine the feelings of the actual family she potrayed herself to be? Sure she needs some help but if you chose to remain in this person’s life there is no telling what you are setting yourself up for in the future.

  14. There actually is a hospital in Lansing, MI that’s partnering with the Mayo Clinic for some programs (Sparrow Hospital). But the thing is just going through and I don’t think that anyone will refer to Sparrow as “Mayo Clinic.” It’s still just Sparrow Hospital.

    But they never could have made it in a helicopter. Really?

    1. Yes there is Sparrow Hospital in Lansing MI and they do partner with Mayo Clinic, however when children are as sick as this mom has said they (yes even Sparrow Hospital) send these children to University of Michigan, which has many more specialities. This is from a mommy who has dealt with both. Sparrow isn’t even equipped to do open heart surgery on children they send them to U of M (that is just one example) I will also add Sparrow has great staff and we have spent a great deal of time there.
      As far as a helicopter making it from England to the US well it is far fetched but not impossible, they would have had to make stops for fuel. And a plane would have been much quicker

      1. Right, I know this… I’m a Michigan native with multiple medical issues. I live close to Sparrow now, but was treated and will continue to be treated at U of M simply because they’re the best. I have also been treated at Sparrow (they took out my appendix!) and they are a wonderful hospital as well, but not equipped for rarities and specialties the way Mott and the rest of the U of M Health System are.

        I just wanted to point out that the “Mayo Clinic” thing was somewhat true. As for the rest of it, it’s all just garbage.

      2. i don’t think they could have made stops for fuel while crossing the atlantic ocean.. i honestly can’t believe that anyone believed they flew from england to the united states in a helicopter.


  16. You know I am in complete Awe over this!!! My heart is extremely broken! When “AJ” kept talking about how sick her daughter was I felt so helpless! I connected with her and felt so much pain for her and all she has been thru! I am the one who talked her into making the “prayer page” for Arianna. I just never thought for a second that it was all just a sick joke to her! She needs a serious psych evaluation!

  17. I’m the owner of the journey through parenthood I had no idea she was fake I feel bad for Danielle and her family for having someone steal pics I hope justice is served I wish I know who this “aj” chick really was

  18. I became friends with her,after liking a page called There is nothing better than being a mommy. I felt so sorry for her,lost 2 children,one was on the verge of death and her pregnat with twins.In my gut I knew something wasn’t right,but I kept thinking “why would someone make this stuff up?” I am so sick to my stomach right now,she had me fooled along with alot of other people.I think what she did should be punishable by law.Even though I never sent any money or anything like that,I know alot of people that did,and that is fraud.I hope if she is reading this,she knows how sorry a person she is,how horrible this is,to make up such stories and use an innocent child in her wicked actions.I hope she pays for what she did.AJ,Danielle,whoever you are,you are truly one of the sickest,twisted women I have ever met.May the guilt eat at you for your cruel and heartless actions.

    1. I became friends with her from that page too – there’s nothing better than being a mommy – I left the page because of drama, but followed “AJ” and her story. I never sent money (I’m not one to jump on that kind of bandwaggon – not saying I wouldn’t donate for a good cause, but when the internet is full of “liars” it’s hard to know if your money is going for what you really think it is going for), but I did pray for her. Things did seem like they were happening too quickly (pregnant with twins too quickly after the MC of the little boy – not enough time for hormones to go back down, plus give time for healing, her kidney or liver issues, the quick move from the UK to the US, and how all of the sudden the little girl got better and left…I know the power of prayer, but with my human brain that sounded too good to be true). I think I’m more in shock than hurt…but let me say this – if I EVER find this girl using pictures of me, my family, and telling lies and fake stories – trying to “swear” that the real fake is me – I will have a hard time showing her the graciousness that my parents tried to teach me, and she will see my hot headed Irish temper flair…because there is 1 thing that you don’t mess with…and that’s a “Momma Bear and her Cub.” Hope she doesn’t cross me…

  19. I had my suspicions that AJ was a fake from the beginning. But as soon as she posted a “cousins address in Michigan” to send things to “Arianna”, my suspicions were proved true. It just doesn’t make sense for a 20 year old to have a child at 16 becomes deaf and has serious medical issues, has a stillborn at 17, another stillborn at 18, and currently pregnant with twins. Meantime, studying to become a vet tech and be married? Seriously… The internet is scary place and I’m horrified that I subjected my profile and my childrens’ photos to people like her. I personally can’t wait until you publish her first name though I’m going to look for this sick, disgusting person anyway.. Manipulative, attention-seeking psycho!

  20. Please note, Danielle was NOT involved. She is a victim. Her photos were stolen and used to perpetuate this fraud. She is NOT at fault. Just wanted to clarify, as there is no need for her name to be slandered in this.

  21. Have you figured out who the children in the picture were? There was a girl baby that was on a ventilator, and a boy who died back in like April. She had all kinds of pictures of ‘Ian’. Her story always seemed a little off to me, like it was tooo perfect, but I didn’t want to ask any questions for fear of hurting her feelings. I just can’t believe someone would fool around with talk about losing babies, she really needs help.

      1. Where can I find the pic of the baby boy on the ventilator? I commented on her page a few times and have a pic of my son at 3 days old on a ventilator due to him being born very ill September 2005 which she’s had full access to for a long time. I will take it down now and watermark the rest.

      2. Have you tried Google image? You use the picture you are inquiring about and it searches the internet for that exact picture and will tell you what all sites it has been used on. Anyways, check out google image search. I hope it helps with what you are looking for.

        1. I’ve edited your comment. Just a reminder to please either Facebook message or email us at if you want to discuss a suspected hoax. Please do not mention your suspicions in the comments of the blog or on the Facebook page. Thanks!

  22. This makes me so sick to my stomach. Sometime she was talking about how a friend had a son pass from SIDS. I take that personally because I was initially told my son passed from it. I sympathized with her friends and said I knew how it felt to lose a child. The psycho personally addressed me in a comment and said she knew how it felt too. Ugh just disgusting. Grieving mothers have enough to deal with without people portraying them. This is no life to want to love guaranteed. You have to be really messed in the head to think it is ok to play with people’s minds like that. Shame on her. She needs serious help and should be legally responsible for paying back all the money she stole and gifts h received. So so so disgusting!

    1. That meant to say sometime last week she was talking about the friends with a child who passed from SIDS. So much tragedy an sadness. I should have known better. I can usually spot a fake. I will admit I was just a bit curious after her daughter had that surgery and then she posts a picture in the cornfield. Wtf?

  23. This sounds like a classic case of Munchausen syndrome. Essentially just someone who uses sickness in their children to gain sympathy for a very ego-centric and selfish desire to be the center of attention. Sick, but a real thing. These people shouldn’t have children. Child Social Services should be notified in MI to see if this person has any actual children because she can be dangerous. These kind of people don’t wait for their kids to get sick, they MAKE them sick so that they can get that sympathy fix. Disgusting, but true.

    1. Unless she has children, it’s probably just a sick bit for attention. Munchausen Syndrome is actually when they make themselves sick, doing it to their children is called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Unless she has actually made a child ill, they can not take her children away for lying on the internet, as much as it may seem appropriate to us.

  24. Wow… This is horrible fraud and as a parent of a little girl who has gone through very real issues and still endures a tracheostomy, I find this offensive and criminal. Thank you for discovering the truth and exposing this hoax.

  25. You’re awesome, Taryn! These people need to be EXPOSED. These hoaxes make me feel sick, especially when they involve children…

  26. I am at a complete loss for words! Just found out that my Facebook daughter, bestie and someone I LOVE is all fake! I have spent two years of my life with this girl. Phone calls , texting, facebook and now I have read an article and found out is isnt real…AJ Rocca-Greer I am beyond disappointed in you and what you have done to us all…You should be so Ashamed of yourself ! I hope GOD has a judgement day with you soon…..You LIED and DECEIVED so many of us praying for a sick dying child that isnt even yours…You Lying BITCH!!!! I am beyond PISSED .AJ Rocca-Greer was the only one person who was able to fill a HUGE whole in my heart two years ago when my biological daughter that was placed for adoption found me 25 years later only to tell me how much she hated my guts and to walk away…Aj you should be ashamed of yourself and what you have done to so many! You have ripped my heart to shreds here and left me ♥ I am so sick now and will NEVER TRUST anyone ever again.

    1. Nic honey, please do not say that, do not let one person destroy that warm loving heart that you have. Mourn her, let it go, their is a ton of people who love and care for you , better people then her. :'( I know this is hardest for you, you took her in like one of your own. <3 You are strong, you are an amazing women you will get through this, this will not break you. Kia Kaha Hon xx

      1. Thanks Bathsheba…I Just cant seem to make the tears stop! She was like my daughter to me, she called me “Momma” for over 2 years , we talked on the phone so much! I am heart broken…Its like dealing with the death of a child or something …I cant Believe she did this to us…I love you girl

      2. Idk if anyone has taken the time to quit treating u like ur stupid and say this but you are a wonderful person. I applaud you for doing what is right and instead of sending more hate out you are praying for this person who is clearly in need of help and guidance. Because she felt so low in life she wanted to receive attention. We dont know her side of the story just that she lied. I jst wanted to say thank you for showing that there are still wonderful people out there not passing judgment and giving hatred. You should be proud of urself.

      3. Thank you :). I feel that the original purpose of the page was to provide prayers and support, the reasons may not be the same but they are still just as necessary, for everyone involved. Nic I really hope you are feeling better, hug your new baby and remember that good people exist, because you are one of them xoxxo

    2. Nicole,
      I know how bad this has been for you and how close y’all wore. I’m so sorry hun. I’m here if you need to talk. You deserve so much better. Much Love.

    1. Sparrow Health System in Lansing is a part of the Mayo Clinic Network, but it would not be called “Mayo Clinic.” The only locations referred to as Mayo Clinic are in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida. Being a part of the network just basically means that Mayo collaborates with their hospital; a well-informed mother of a very sick child would surely understand that they weren’t going to Mayo Clinic. This confirms again in my mind that this was a person making up a story because she wasn’t too far off, but she just didn’t have her facts quite straight.

    1. I think somebody may have questioned ‘AJ’ and then the page was shut down. I’ve heard alot of people say that they’ve had their suspicions but didn’t want to confront ‘AJ’ incase the story were real and may have resulted in hurting her feelings. Other than that I’m not sure. I’m just happy these people are being outed. 🙂

  27. The idea of a helicopter flight from England to Michigan is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. How was that NOT someone’s first clue that something was amiss with this woman’s story?

  28. WoW!I really cannot believe this. I befriended her when I became a fan of the page There Is Nothing Better Than Being a Mommy. When she spoke of what her daughter was going through and I felt like I could relate. I’ve been that mother sitting by her child’s hospital bedside,crying and feeling helpless that she spoke up. I cannot believe she made this up. How sick can you be?

  29. I have been on “AJ Rocca-Greer’s” facebook friends list a little over a year. I remember her begging her over 1000 fb friends collected from mommy pages like There Is Nothing Better Than Being a Mommy & the american mom ( asking them to report “fake accounts for stealing pictures” -she was like “whats-her-name’s at it again, she has another profile, its so disturbing! go report her’ I am very disturbed, because of all the time this person invested in these lies. I mean hey, its fun to troll the internet a bit but this bitch took it too far. I became pregnant last year with my son who is now almost 4 months old, and she “lost her son” during that time. I felt so guilty that I hid her from my pregnancy updates on my profile, as to not cause her any emotional distress after her loss. She then “Had a mental breakdown after the c-section to remove her deceased son” and “lost a bunch of weight” gaining sympathy from hundreds upon thousands along the way. “Got pregnant with the twins” while “in the hospital after her breakdown”….. That is what I know, and I pray this individual seeks a mental institution out. I missed a lot of her updates since I had my son, but happened on this article and was stunned. Who in the hell would believe a helicopter is going to just flounce across the pond through a hurricane? If I had seen that update I’d have called the loon out myself.

  30. I personally believed everything “AJ” told me. Who would think someone would lie about having a sick child. I admined on plenty of pages with her. The latest was the one on Lil Gifts From God Parent Chat and Advice. I looked up to her because she “went” through so much. It’s so crazy!!! I sat here night after night, worried about her daughter, and then to find out she’s a fake, it’s unreal! I’m yet still all confused about all of this… I’m great friends with a girl that she was friends for 4 years and told her her whole life story. She’s sent them money, gifts, she was there for them day after day, cried over that little girl. She’s taking this so hard. Especially knowing that this was all fake and now there is a person out there that knows everything about a lot of the admins on the page listed above… It’s so sad to think all of this has happened.

  31. I’ve been so angry since I found out about this yesterday. I became friends with “AJ” on facebook and felt sooo bad for her with the “death of Ian” and her struggles with “Arianna’s” illness! It’s so hard to even wrap my head around this completely. I don’t know how or why some people go through such great lengths to pretend to be someone else. This woman truly had alot of people who cared for her and come to find out it’s all a fraud! But yet, she’d speak about people using fake pictures…funny! All I can say is wow & I hope whoever she really is finds the help she needs! Does her actual family know about this?? Ugghh, I’m so angry!! Makes it hard to trust people with crap like this…

    1. (cont…)
      One thing that didn’t sit right with me though was the “helicopter ride from England to Michigan”. Uhhh… There wouldn’t be enough gas in a helicopter to make that trip and it takes like 10hrs by AIRPLANE and she did it in a few hours! But even then, I looked passed it…smh

      1. You’re right, I live in the UK and I’ve been to America twice by plane, and it took AGES! (Plus it felt longer because I was an impaitent 7-year-old wanting to get to Disneyland, lol.)The bit about the helicopter just doesn’t make sense.
        ~ Peace and good prayers.

  32. i just talked to her the other night on prayer network she was telling me that yall was spreading lies about her . I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE .

  33. I am shocked, speechless and in disbelief! I would look for Ari’s updates and had her in my prayers. I would write to AJ on comments and really felt her pain. Why would she do this???? I went on vacation and as soon as I got back I checked for updates and saw none. So I looked for her page and it was gone. I thought little Ari surely had passed….. I can not believe this!!!! Thank you for outing her!

  34. AJ was also an admin. On the page The Story of A Mom …never thought that she would be a “fake” I thght her pics she sent were different but never paid attention to it

  35. Wow! I was friends with her since myspace days. I fell out of contact with her the past year or so. I cannot believe she did this. What a sad pathetic person. Shame on her for what she’s done.

  36. I feel sorry for the family who pics and life she has messed with and I feel sorry for her and I will pray for her she has to be sick to do this and to keep it going for years im friends with a lot of people who has sick kids that I pray for I don’t send money but I do buy things that are made from them like shirts and any thing else

  37. I lost my 6 month old daughter to cancer on tje 24th “aj” exchanged many messages with me she is obviously sick and discusting shame on this psycho. Karma will get her someday

  38. What does the little boy “Ian” look like? My grandson Ian was a stillborn and I have pictures on my page of him taken by “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep”! Just want to make sure my pictures weren’t stolen. Thanks!

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