Did Emily Dirr Profit from “Warrior Eli?”

Emily sent me the following information the day after she was revealed to be the person behind the “Warrior Eli” hoax.


No one had come forward to admit they had sent “JS’s US sister” any money, gift cards or gifts.

Until today.



Obviously this woman, Reader 3, didn’t get the address from the return address on the bracelets and then send an unsolicited gift.

About those bracelets.  Emily sent out hundreds and hundreds of them.


She sent them internationally and ordered them from a company in China.  Depending on her order size, Emily spent anywhere between 19 to 57 cents per band, including shipping.  And she sent a lot of them out.

This is pure speculation, but a reader wonders if maybe the death of “Dana Dirr” was going to be the set up for the big scam.  The family asked for donations for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, but you know that anyone who had the return address was going to send something.

Again, we don’t know if it’s true, but since Emily lied about only receiving unsolicited gifts or cards, it makes you wonder.

If you sent anything to JS and Dana Dirr through their “relative in Ohio,” I’d love to hear from you.  warriorelihoax@gmail.com

69 thoughts on “Did Emily Dirr Profit from “Warrior Eli?””

  1. There is no way the only thing she ever got was a blanket and a few toys. Does she know the person who gave her the blanket took the story to her local fact finder team on the local news? I have to wonder if she does know and that is the only reason why the blanket was even confessed about. I am certain if this hoax made the news in our little town that normally reports nothing then surely it was picked up by other news sites.

  2. I think that emily needs a friend right now.. she needs help so that she will stop doing this. There are soooo many other ways to get attention without hurting people or lying to them

    1. I ditto that right now, emily probably needs a friend. Mental help for sure, but also maybe a friend.. Emily, as someone who wasn’t hurt by this at all.. since I really didn’t know about any of it tell now can I just say, go outside, get a hobby. Remove your internet for a bit, I have to say you must be someone in a lot of pain.. you probably really need a friend. Believe that people will care about the actual emily, if you just be that person. I know this won’t be popular with everyone here but I think we need to see someone who is HURTING, this is a massive cry for attention in the worst way. I actually feel really badly for this person, and for everyone else involved.. I think she probably really wishes she was J.S dirr, because over 7 years she most likely developed relationships AS him that she feels wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. Being J.S gave her the friends she needed, betting she didnt’ feel worth anyones time and this made her attractive, interesting, she didn’t have to feel all the pain emily was feeling. I’m honestly sad for her and can see that above and beyond everyone else who’s upset over this, is a person who is in desperate need of people to pay some attention to her. So, here’s an email, honest to god I’m not going to judge you, I may not be nice all the time but.. someone
      has to do this and right now you’re weighing on my heart

    1. So she pretended that this girl was Dana and also the girl in the pictures with “Eli”? Esther i think? Were they both supposed to be Dana? Cause they look nothing alike!

    2. No, there is no “real Dana and JS.” The only time the girl in this picture was used was for the center picture in “Dana Dirr’s” facebook profile (the one with all the kids photos around it). Otherwise, Emily used Esther’s photos of Esther and Ethan.

  3. What about the video that was taken of Danas belly on Thurs. or Friday with the baby moving? Did one else see that?

    1. Yeah, that was stolen too. We’re working now on figuring out who all the kids actually are in “real life.” So far, we know who Lily and Bear are, Eli and possibly Jack. I think that’s it.

      1. I didn’t know you still had to find other kids. Can you post pictures of the other kids you are still trying to find? Not that you don’t already have enough to do 🙂

      2. Can you write a post about who the real people are so far and the ones we still need to identify? Like:

        Characters in the Deception
        Eli — this person (link to his real self’s photos or whatever)
        JS — Ryan (flikr link)
        Dana —
        Dane —
        Tim —
        Lily & Bear — the lady in South Africa’s site
        Marko & Tayo —

        Maybe include your emails to and from those who you have talked to about this. I would like to see that, just to know they have been made aware and what they think about it. I’m sure there are people who “knew” the Dirrs who are now over the shock and wanting to know more.

        Thank you Taryn, for all of your sleuthing and for this site 🙂

    1. That’s not it — “Dana’s” video showed her more from the side, and “JS” was narrating, he said something like “looking forward to seeing you Monday” which was the date of the sonogram. Of course, Dana never made it to Monday…

      1. Sounds like there was some exquisite timing to that video. Christ, I wish I could have heard about this chick for some other reason than this. I would have paid her for story arcs and subplots..

  4. No that is not the video I saw it was a side angle with Dana and JS laughing and you could almost see a foot if I remember right, her post was, ” This is what my husband does when he is delirious”.

    1. I saw that same video.. I looked back a bit farther on “her” timeline and there was a full body and face shot of a pregnant “Dana.” Who the hell was that, I wonder??? She was brunette with long hair, and in her last trimester.

  5. Smoking gun! If there’s evidence that money was sent to her, then it’s finally crossing the line into fraud.

    And is it just me, or is her writing “style” different again. There has to be more than one person.

    1. No, it’s not just you. Between her online med chats, these responses from her and some of her other online interactions there have been different writing styles. Does anyone know, if she has a multiple personality disorder, would that affect her writing? Maybe through her role playing, this disorder emerged? Maybe Emily didn’t want to take money, but maybe “Dana” did? I don’t know. I’m completely perplexed.

      1. I’m still thinking there is more than one person involved. I don’t work and don’t have children and even on a day when I spend several hours on the computer, I don’t get a chance to read all the few blogs I like to follow and chat with my family/friends on FB and text with my friends/family while also getting in my meals and bathroom breaks. To the extent that “Emily” did this, she would have needed to have several computers running at one time, manning each of them without confusing one for another, with a mini-fridge by her side fully stocked, while sitting on a mobile commode.

        If “Emily” really started this in her early teens and continued it while in med school, when did she had the time to study and attend school? There’s a lot to this story that we may never know.

      2. If she did have true multiple personality disorder, then yes, writing style, knowledge of certain subjects, would chance.
        However, getting engrossed in roleplay wouldn’t create dissociative personality disorder. It’s usually something that stems a major personal trauma, for instance being the victim of a severe attack of any kind. it essentially begins as a defense or coping mechanism, one creates another person inside their head, a person who didn’t have this horrible thing happen to them. It’s almost like a security blanket.
        Now… We could take that an extra step… Theory #5 for me st this point: Emily does have 2 personalities…one is “normal” and the other is responsible for all of this.
        Wouldn’t that be something?

      3. I thought the spelling of counselor was of interest. Almost like she was trying to sound Canadian again.

        Is his site getting a lot of hits? Traffic up? I am wondering if the word is getting out. If you look at comments alone, it does not seem very active.

      4. Yes, I agree that it’s not the correct spelling either. I just found it to be odd.

        Anybody hear back from the relatives or Elliot’s girlfriend? Anybody contact the local news?

      5. Mrs. O, I agree. The time it would take to search for pictures, reply to questions on Yahoo and other forums, maintain contact with readers, etc. is like a full time job. Throw in school and studying, and you have to wonder if she ever slept.

        Melissa, are you the one with a psychology background, or am I mixing you up with someone else? What is your take on the Twin obsession and 11? Do you think that has something to do with why she may feel like two people?

      6. I do have a psych background, as well as a bit of law (this is why I was so pushy before about there not being any illegal about what we already knew. I was taught to err on the side of caution until there was enough evidence).

        The twin thing almost seems like a fascination. 11 is either lazy or the fact that it looks like twins. I still feel life something happened to her, something huge, that made this will start. But both could be important.

        So… If I were to take all the various theories and tie them together, using everything we know and everything that she has said to Taryn so far (and I admit it sounds a little farfetched, but *shrug*):

        Emily was a twin. When they were small the sister or brother was diagnosed with cancer and died when they were 11, maybe only shortly after the diagnosis.

        Emily, of course, is devastated, and unable to cope. Her mindcreates this fake persona (JS) to cope. Because even an alternate personality can’t completely escape the reality, or on some level doesn’t want to, JS has a twin who was killed. And then it all spirals from there.

        Told you it was out there, but, you never know.

        With most dissociative identity disorder cases, the age of onset is childhood to adolescence. There is also the brain capacity to develop different memory systems (we’re all capable of it, really, if we truly wanted to remember a lot of interconnected info, we could), which enabled this rich backstory.

        1. Emily told me she picked cancer as her focus because a young sibling of a friend was diagnosed with it. She said that happened four years ago, which doesn’t make sense as to the timeline of the creation of “Eli” but I’ve learned you can’t really take anything she says as fact.

      7. Exactly. And she may be confused on timelines if she has DID.
        I dunno, I’m reaching. Just trying to make sense of it. It’s easier to speculate than to just sit and wonder.

  6. Also, because curiosity and boredom (and finding a new site to by these from for my yeah is just awesome), I decided to play around with pricing. If she just bought a bunch of each size, 100 of each, it would have cost her $115.

    1. Wow … yeah, she spent a fortune on the bracelets. I’m sure she was being sent money by people to “help pay for the bracelets, etc. Either that or she is rich.

      And there is NO WAY she told her mom … if she did, she would not be on the internet! Her mom would be here on THIS site reading through everything she did, and commenting, for sure. If it was my kid, I would have taken her directly to a psych ward & had her admitted.

      There MUST be more than one person doing all of it — there are not enough hours in the day to so all the writing, blogging, updating, 365 photo challenges, online chats, emailing pplus mailing out the bracelets. There HAS to be a few people behind this.

      1. I think maybe at some point there might have been more than one person, but not the whole time, I doubt that several people would keep such a thing going on for so many years, and that’s another t hing, this has been going on, according to her, for 11 years, 11 years is long enough for her to have made all these accounts, she probably spent most of her time on this, the time that she went to med school wasn’t that long, it was only like 2 years? so 2 out of 11, not much.

      2. and the bracelets went out in record time too…I was actually shocked that mine came so soon, espeically for a pregnant trauma surgeon with 10 kids, and constantly beng at the bedside of your very ill 5 year old…even when she said his sister would be sending them, at the time, I was so impressed that with all they had going on in their life these bracelets seemed like a top priority…

  7. Well, again, keep in mind she’s an adult now, so really, it’s not like her mother can come to her place and ground her from going online.
    I don’t know what kind of order she would have placed, I went large, so who knows how much she spent? $115 sounds like a lot, but it’s really not. Over the last there years that I’ve been playing an RP game, I’ve dropped $150 towards game development and a few in-game treats-and that’s a game, something I could walk away from anytime. This was her existence, something she had to keep going.

  8. I don’t know if this is of any help but I found out she’s from Symmes Township, Ohio. There’s a very small newspaper that goes for their area including surrounding areas and they have mentioned her name in a few of the issues as being in the Dean’s List at Kent State in 2009. http://issuu.com/cincinnati/docs/northeast-suburban-life-092309

    And i also found several mentions of her being listed in research studies at Kent State Univ. all with animal testing, fortunately.

    1. Intersting thought Gemini is the astrological sign for twins. Their logo is similiar to II , maybe she was supposed to be a twin. Or is she a Gemini, do we know her bday? That would explain the 2 personalities kind of, just extreme.

      1. Not true- there were several notices in the local newsletter about her making Dean’s List several semesters.

  9. I wonder if she involved some other people as things started to escalate and take up more of her time. I would think it could be pretty easy to get someone to help send out the bracelets, monitor blog or Facebook comments, etc. She could have told them the whole JS/Dana/Eli, etc. story and said that she’s trying to help this family with so much bad luck, but she needs help because it’s getting to be too much work.

    1. I removed it because I don’t want to expose the pictures to more people without their parents’ permission. They’ve already been victimized and I don’t want to add to it.

  10. Btw. Wasn’t the Dirr family in Canada? So no one thought it was weird that the address was Ohio? Or was that just Emily living there??? I’m so confused. :

    1. they explained it by saying that cause they were so busy, his sister who lived in Ohio was helping them out…

  11. Oh Lord. Going through all your old posts, I just realized that you already KNEW about Tertia!! My sincere apologies. My last comment until I read everything. Heh.

  12. So is Emily hot? I’ll be her shag friend now that her “life” has been ruined by you people.

      1. She ruined her own credibility and her life, by her lies. You want to be with a crazy woman go ahead. These families and children are loosing support because of what she did.

  13. Ok, I understand how people are hurt by this, they were drawn into a story they believed was true and have invested time and support to a fictional family. I can understand people’s anger and they have every right to be. Now reading these posts, it is becoming clear that people are making this a personal crusade to crucify a person that obviously needs help. She has already been exposed and will most likely be kicked out of medical school, and if she does not finish medical school she does not get her BS degree either since she is in a six year BSMD program. Whatever intentions she had, it is not obvious she did this for monetary gain, and I believe she truly enjoyed motivating and inspiring people. Once again, I do not condone any of this, but someone has to play devils advocate for someone that needs psychiatric intervention. All of this non-sense about contacting her small town local newspaper is ridiculous and is a personal attack to embarrass this girl because people are angry they have been deceieved. If you people really want to invest all their time trying to hurt this young girl with your “detective” work then what is gained here? Are we back in ancient times, eye for an eye? Are you embarrassed you believed the story and now want to embarrass her? Do the right thing and focus on healing and helping those hurt by this. Every word I read on these posts screams vigilante justice, she will be punished for her deceit without you trying to destroy her whole life. What if she goes to the extreme and harms herself because her whole world disappeared, is that blood you want on your hands?

  14. On the other hand what she chooses to do is not my fault, nor yours, nor anyone’s. Not blood on anyone’s hands except her own. Yanno?

  15. She isn’t a ‘young girl’ either. She is a (or should be) responsible adult. If someone is smart enough to get into med school, does that absolve them of all responsibilty? Does being in college get you a ‘free ride’ to break the law sans any consquences? If that is true, I am 48 years old and am in college, I can scam people and walk away scot-free because I am in college? I do not understand why people are so ridiculous as to assume because someone is “young” that they have no ability to know right from wrong. And the word “young” is debatable. I consider age 55 young. So I disagree with you. I think this character knew what she was doing and refused to just stop. That’s all she would have had to do, would have been to take down her pages and such, and just…stop. The instant world we live in would have forgotten about the entire thing in about a week, if that long.

  16. This is the first I’ve seen of this and I’ve been reading all these comments and I just have a couple of my own. I wasn’t effected in any way by this so my opinion doesn’t truly mean shit but just think of it as food for thought…

    My first question is: do you really know the name that she’s given as her “real name” is actually her? Just because you found the name in a town and med school information and all that crap doesn’t mean that’s REALLY her. It’s what she gave you and it could be anyone. Unless you’ve been inside her house, checked out her computer and have 100% proof that the name you gave her actually IS HER, you don’t know a damn thing. Anything you do by contacting a local newspaper about her is a MISTAKE and you very well could be dragging someones good name and MEDICAL CAREER through the mud. That person in turn will have to defend herself against something she not only has nothing to do with, but has NO IDEA what anyone is talking about. Has that occurred to anyone? I’d want finger prints and a blood sample before I ran my mouth to anyone.

    Secondly, I have a comment. If the name she gave really is hers (which I highly doubt) and someone reports her to a newspaper and she commits suicide as someone above suggested, you better believe that whoever reported her should have some guilt. If you don’t, then you’re just an asshole. Period.

    Thirdly, I totally agree that whoever this is, and you can’t even be SURE it’s a woman, needs help. A lot of help and a serious intervention. But the long and short of it is that the information here isn’t the be all end all and someone that actually can handle it should handle it. If this person is turned over to the authorities, then they should deal with it.

    Also, just kind of a side note – the site where people were donating money, don’t they have a record of where it went and wouldn’t they be able to track down who was benefiting or is it more like you donate but it doesn’t go to a person, but to the organization?

    My point is that the internet is a VAST place and there is more bullshit than truth. Obviously this person is not to be trusted with any information that she actually gives about herself. I find it hard to believe that this went on for 11 years by one person and I find it even harder to believe that she’d be a split personality only because it would seem difficult to keep it together. Just my opinion and again, it doesn’t mean a damn thing in the overall scheme of things but if you weren’t duped by her then you need to leave this alone. If you were duped by her and you feel like you need some type of justice, then give all your information to the correct person and let them deal with it.

    Honestly, how would you feel if you were the one that turned in this person who just so happened to lie again and give you a fake name of a girl who just happens to be in med school working her ass off to make a life for herself when she is suddenly thrown into this mess – gets kicked out of med school or is just flat emotionally ruined by something she had no part of and she kills herself? This might be over the top, but you really know what someones emotionally stability is and it’s the internet…..there’s no way to know the truth.

  17. After reading even more about all this today it really makes me wonder what else she’s managed to do. I realize she was only one person (in theory) but could this really be the only thing? What she did was wrong on so many levels but I’m very curious about the motive because it had to be much more than just cash.

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