The Ex Girlfriends of JS Dirr

Readers have uncovered two Facebook groups that are very interesting.


and this one, screen shot below in case it gets removed.


As you can see, this page had activity as recently as March of this year.  If you look closely at the member list, all added by “Alyssa Shaw,” you can see that every one of the profiles is fake.




This adds 46 profiles to our cast of characters for a total of at least 71.

102 thoughts on “The Ex Girlfriends of JS Dirr”

  1. I found the first screenshot you posted in the ‘mobog’ pics I sent the link to you from, but I could never find an actual group. This is insane! So she made all of this up too????? What the hell???

    1. I was not able to find the first group once I found the screenshot on mobog. I searched Monday and couldn’t find any other groups but I guess I missed one.

      1. Angela, I never figured out how to access it either. I think it might have been deleted, hence the need for the second group. My guess is that “JS” pretended to be appalled by its existence to create more drama, but that’s just speculation. Thanks again for finding it.

    1. OMG! I wonder who’s pics are on some of those fake profiles? I’ve tried the reverse pic search with several pics and have gotten no where. Maybe I don’t know what I’m doing? I’ve tried google and tineye (sp)?

  2. and the pic is dated 2007 so “somebody had to have stolen it from her and made it look like it was posted years back” LOL I thought that comment was funny

  3. I’m sorry but there’s no way that just one person is involved in this. There are too many profiles to keep track of, too many details in stories, and too much time being devoted to this entire fantasy world. I couldn’t manage something this elaborate even if I wanted to, and I don’t work or have children.

    1. The majority of the identities were simply “filler” — inactive profiles with little information created just to fill up the friend lists of the main characters. I think the number of “active” identities was probably only a handful, Dana, Dane, JS, maybe one or two others. Not too hard to manage if you’re careful.

      1. In order to keep active with that, to maintain different personality styles with that many different people, you need a lot of concentration. This is why most novels only have up to 5 main characters. She would have had to dedicate her entire life to this.

    2. This has been going for years, 11 or who knows if more, definitely could be the work of one person, as the profiles are fake, they’re most likely inactive, she probably never got around to adding any content/pics to most of those.

    3. @Mrs. O, I totally agree with you. There is no way its one person. Emily would have to have a room with hundreds of computers with profile loaded, and a chair on wheels, lol. She (they) had to be getting something out of doing this, those wristbands are not cheap.
      Plus mailing cost, printing photos. Its just not right. Someone should take this whole thing from the start and make it in to the next Stephen King novel. Im from Canada and I have contacted News media in Toronto about this whole thing, but they don’t seem interested, I will keep trying.

      1. Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds) just popped into my head when you said “a room with hundreds of computers with profile loaded, and a chair on wheels:. LOL

      2. I think getting the mainstream media involved is a great idea– I’m trying to get as many people as we can to submit an investigation request here but i dont think anyone is doing it.
        I emailed taryn the one running this blog asking if she’d post it as a blog entry so more people would see it rather than me just posting it in a comment but she hasnt replied.

  4. I have been trying google too and only about 1 in 6 are recognized but I think they all should be recognizable not sure why only some are though

    1. The only thing I can think of is with the new changeover to FB timelines, that security settings changed and now these pics are private? Or they are for old myspace accounts that are no longer accessible. Either way, this girl spent way too much time on the internet and I’d love to know how she started this at 11 when she should have been in school, and why her parents were unaware of the amount of time she spent on the computer. For her to start this and work so hard to keep it going, she had to be on almost 24/7.

      1. >>> For her to start this and work so hard to keep it going, she had to be on almost 24/7

        This is why I say it can’t be just one person doing this and I doubt she was 11 yrs old when she started this because like you said, where were the parents?

  5. Well I looked up a julia king from idaho and a julia king in idaho comes up a a fifty something year old female but weirder than that right underneath was a name Julia King Psychologist in Hamilton Ohio so she may have just stolen the name and made idaho the residence or perhaps something even weirder is going on

  6. I have three questions. Do you think her brother got involved at some point? Does steffyjean mean anything to anyone? Also, did you know that there are/were foreign facebook accounts? They would be separate accounts from the American one right? If that doesn’t work google “JS Dirr facebook”, look for this link and view the cached version.

    1. It comes up as Macedonian? I can’t view anything though. It says it’s attempting to redirect it but cannot.

    2. I don’t think her brother was involved. Emily was very worried that he’d be notified about all of this, which makes me think he had no idea. I don’t know anything about foreign Facebook stuff. Any non-Americans want to comment on this one?

    3. It might be that she created fake pages/profiles for a real brother so that if she ever did get caught someone could talk to her “family” and she would be the one doing it, that way they never really would find out.

      1. I don’t think that’s the case. It doesn’t seem like she thought that far ahead, which is crazy for someone with 73 FB profiles, but she used her own last name as the characters’ name, so she’s not exactly a criminal mastermind.

      2. Not only did she use her own last name, she made herself a main character. She was the sister, aunt, admin on Warrior Eli’s page and friended people with her personal page. She either thought she was super tricky or she almost wanted to get caught someday.

      3. How do we know she was using her real name? Is there some proof of that, other than her saying it’s her real name?

        1. The return address that “JS’s sister” used for the bracelets she sent out in support of “Eli” traces back to a couple who exist, meaning that when googled it’s obvious through posts from different workplaces, genealogy sites and things like that that the are real people. Their daughter, Emily, is also verifiable through google in much the same way. When evidence was posted outing Emily as “JS,” she contacted me, at first with another bullshit story and then finally with a confession.

        1. This was the original email I received from Emily.

          I don’t know what to say to you and I really don’t know who you are.
          I apologize to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for whatever harm you
          may think I have caused them. They are an organization my family
          holds near and dear to their hearts. Yes, I sent out Warrior Eli
          wristbands for JS and Dana for multiple reasons. And no, those are
          not their real names. JS has always been overly concerned for the
          safety of their children due to his previous employment and the
          previous history their twin boys’ “mother” has with them. I sent them
          out for them because shipping from the company that made the
          wristbands was much cheaper to the US than Canada, and JS did not want
          his home address to be publicly known. They are not from Dundurn, but
          they are in rural Canada. I have talked extensively about this with
          JS over the past few years. It is one of the points he and I never
          agreed on. Some of the pictures he has posted are his true children.
          What he talks about does, for the most part, happen to the family. He
          was not my brother by blood, but a dear friend I have been close with
          for a very long time, who happened to have the same last name as I do.
          And yes, that really is his last name. Since your blog has been
          published, he has expressed his extreme remorse for what has occurred.
          He knows that in trying to protect his own children, he has made the
          grave mistake of “using” other people’s children’s photographs. The
          children’s photographs he has posted look similar to his own, but they
          are not. He has NEVER asked for anything for himself, just directly
          to the cause of pediatric cancer to the reputable charity ALSF. I am
          truly sorry that I did not force him to speak the truth and allowed
          him to continue on with posting other children as his own. He does
          have 11 children, and they did lose their mother yesterday. The only
          thing I ask is that you please remove my name from your page. I did
          not receive a facebook message from anyone this afternoon while I was
          at a memorial service for the body donors of my former school. Please
          leave my Mother and brother out of your site as well. They did not
          and do not know JS and his family. I was pointed toward your site and
          you’re right, I have no children and I am 22 years old. Please remove
          me from your site, do not post my email address, home address, or
          phone number. I am beyond frustrated as well, and I will have no
          further contact with this family until he is ready to speak out for

          I told her everyone in the world could smell that bullshit from their living rooms and that she should confess and apologize. She asked if she could call me and then confessed, but not even 30% truthfully. She seems to (shockingly) have a problem with honesty.

    1. It is a bit odd nothing’s been posted since the 11th… There’s 13k “likes” on that page, you’d think there would be some activity over 5 days with those numbers.

      1. Especially since it was a pretty active group before then. There hasn’t even been posts by other than the group’s creator since the 11th.

    2. I am also a member of that group and Fb friends with the owner. She has posted on her personal page many times since 5/11 and has said she has tightened security on the cancer sucks club because of the hoax. Hope that helps. I REALLY hope that turns out to be a dead end because I (and so many of my cancer momma friends) have trusted her.

      1. That is the part about all of this that sucks, every cancer page that “warrior eli” and all of the fake names were involved in, commented on, friends with I now wonder if they are even real or if it is another hoax or part of the same scam… It hurts the kids that arent lying because I am currently not sending out any one of them toys or anything cuz I cannot figure out how they knew “eli” and if they were involved…

      2. I am the created of The Cancer Sucks club page on FB. I lost my cousin Lucas in 2000 to AML. I am very active in spreading awareness for kids with cancer… I will give you any info to clear my name of associating with Eli and this hoax!!!! The reason the site is not updated is because I am the only person running it and I have a real life. My name is madissen Levesque and you can find me on Fb. I have nothing to hide and will clear my name as well will others cancers moms. Ones of whom I am very good friends with.

    3. I am re posting here as I am finally home and can see the full screen instead of on my phone.
      I am the created of The Cancer Sucks club page on FB. I lost my cousin Lucas in 2000 to AML. I am very active in spreading awareness for kids with cancer… I will give you any info to clear my name of associating with Eli and this hoax!!!! The reason the site is not updated is because I am the only person running it and I have a real life. My name is madissen Levesque and you can find me on Fb. I have nothing to hide and will clear my name as well will others cancers moms. Ones of whom I am very good friends with.

      1. @Warriorelihoax
        your email is not working and I have been trying through Hotmail, I have tired 3 times and it says delivery failure. Is your email correct?

      1. RIght! She has so many fake ids for this one scam, she seems to really enjoy being other people and has no problem creating names and stories so now everyone I add/see/hear on fb I always think its her and have to spend all day looking into if they are legit or not. I guess she wins in that way

    1. I agree. Someone with that magnitude of a problem cannot just stop lying…and I believe she is probably to the point that believes the stuff she is saying, even though it is a lie. She’s been living a separate life and has been lying for so long, there is no way she just hung up the towel and said “I’m done.” No way in hell…

      1. I think the apology was to draw attention off of the whole thing in hopes people would let it go and stop looking into everything she does, perhaps cuz she has another hoax going on and is afriad it will be found out too

  7. The blogs from MySpace are pretty incredible. I sat down and read all of them last night and this girl needs some serious and I mean serious help!

  8. I have a question for warrioreli, you said you spoke to Emily on the phone, have you done anything to get that phone number out to the proper authorities? I hope so! Because protecting her isn’t going to protect her, she’s going to go back out there and do this over again, maybe move on to a different medical condition or such thing, someone like this doesn’t just up and stop just because they got caught, they just make sure they don’t get caught again, not to mention she has serious mental issues. I hope she’s reading this and gets help but I highly doubt it, right now she’s just busy deleting every instance of her fake existance, everything that has been mentioned here seems to be disappearing, the mobog, the Dr website…

      1. While I am busy screen shotting the MySpace blog right now, if you put in the crazycanuckj into google and go a few pages deep you will find that she answered several medical questions in forums all relating to cancer. Also, in one of the MySpace blogs dating back to 2009, she refers directly to the fb pages she created for ex girlfriends. This blog goes all the way back to 2005.

      2. I have lost count on the number of different medical sites / chat rooms / forums that this nutcase replied on. I seriously got to 25 different ones and lost count. She has been handing out medical advice from at least 2009 on all of these different boards.

  9. Just wondering if anyone has verified (aside from her and her one friends word for it) or what are peoples thoughts on “E” and his real mother “Esther”. Do we all think we can rest easy that she is in fact his mom? I do not want to cause problems. I Just want to be absolutely sure the boys real parents are aware of what has happened.

    1. I am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Esther is E’s real mother. She is aware of what happened.

  10. Still having a difficult time believing that this person began this tangled web as a young teen and was able to be consistent enough to continue it without just disappearing at some point. She created so many people, why would she use her own last name. I picture some 30-40 year old..8-10 years is so long for someone only 22 right now. Of course, this false life probably feels very real to him/her.

    One thing that made me wonder if this is a “couple” is that Reader 1 stated that the tone of messages changed. Made me wonder if another person was answering.

    This boggles my mind!

    1. I have personally thrown the whole “I started this when i was 11” thing out the door and give no credibility to what she’s said really… this person is capable of horrible deception and believe anything they say is difficult for me.

    2. i think that Emily forgot who she was talking to and probably was acting as if she was Dane (dana’s father) or something. I think the “JS” had probably been talking to so many people, emily forgot “his” personality and the way he would talk around me.

      -Reader 1

  11. All of our serious (valid) icky, angry feelings aside, please pray that Emily can emerge out of this. And each of us who are entrusted with children had better realize that giving them a smartphone, or unchaperoned access to the internet, lays them at the feet of demented souls who troll for vulnerable children. Thank you to Taryn and the brave contacts of “JS” who shared their stories. I assume and hope that you’ll all connect somehow and be able to work through it semi-privately. DO NOT LET EMILY JOIN A PRIVATE GROUP, IF YOU MAKE ONE. Do it via video chat, initially.

  12. What confuses me, is that there are 31 members in the first group and 45 the next, when clearly in the old xanga blog there are 3 girlfriends with naming. Not only that, but who has 45 ex girlfriends, all of which who would come together to form a group about how much they miss him. Really?

    1. From the myspace blogs, which I’m going to post in the next twenty minutes or so, it seems like that was created to show exactly how checkered and wild “JS’S” past was and thus prove how cool he is and how incredible it is that he grew to be some an amazing father.

      1. This is all starting to border on hilarious. Seriously, all I can do is sit back and laugh. I will say this, it definitely leads credibility to the fact that she alleged started this at a young age. No one but a teenager would think that a FB group of exes would be logical.

      2. So she’s password protecting some of her sites instead of deleting them? Yeah, she really is remorseful and going to stop. For anyone who believes that, I have a set of twin bridges here in Canada that I’m willing to sell for cheap $.

    2. no-one cause this is all so mental!

      There is so WEIRD link though here. Between the Cancer, Canada and twins or children. It’s too weird to just come up with. It keeps repeating itself. It doesn’t quite make sense. Why Canada? Why all the twin stuff? And with a male character who is so “bad ass” .So weird.

      I wonder about the people who say they had an online sexual relationship as well with JS…and what THAT was about.

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