Some Revealing Posts from JS Dirr’s Myspace Blog

Here’s when JS announces that his many, many ex girlfriends have created a Facebook page to discuss him.  Only the coolest and baddest bad boys have that many exes still thinking about him, you guys.


(That’s in reference to the first JS Ex Girlfriend’s page.  That ended up being deleted, apparently, but was recently replaced with a second page and even more exes.)

In 2009 “Eli” had been recovered from his original cancer and relapse for two years, but he developed secondary cancer.




(These included pictures but they didn’t transfer in the screen shots and I’m sure they’re pictures of real cancer survivor E from New Mexico)

Emily inserts herself into the story by having JS wish her a happy birthday in 2009.


This is from a blog entry from 1/27/09.  Most of these entries detail the developments and tantrums of the kids along with Eli’s cancer treatment.  I did find this bit interesting.


Here’s my favorite, though.  Apparently, someone lied to JS!  He was absolutely disgusted.

It’s from 2007.




More to come.  Thanks to Rae and to J.

57 thoughts on “Some Revealing Posts from JS Dirr’s Myspace Blog”

  1. Would be interesting to find out who the person was that supposedly lied. Maybe they were calling out JS’s inconsistencies online.

    1. I think it’s all teenage angsty drama made up in her head. Or someone in real life that she was mad at and this was an outlet for her to “speak her mind” without facing what was really going on.

      1. I’m trying to glean some encouragement that her overall story arc is one of redemption (creepy tattoo badass hockey womanizer becomes stable, steadfast family man).

  2. So supposedly elis brothers name was tim dirr and when you look that up on google there is a tim dirr in cincinnati oh who is a real estate agent. Is it a family member of hers that she reused the name for the fake family or I wonder if there is no relation at all.

  3. Seems to be a LOT of Dirr’s in Ohio, yet none ANYWHERE else or very rarely anywhere else in the country. I have a bit of wonder if Emily Dirr is real ( a real name even) or somehow fabricated.

    1. There are plenty of records for this family (including years of mentions in their church/temple newsletters) – no way could someone have made the whole family up in real estate records, education records, genealogy records, utility records, etc. Emily Dirr is real, she has one brother and two parents.

    2. The thing is that even if she thought of those names herself without looking them up, there’s most likely at least one person with that name in probably every single state.

  4. A big component to this pathology is believing they are surrounded by morons, and setting up little clues to entertain themselves. I’m still creeped out by the revelation (posted in here) that Eli is “lie” transposed, and Emily can spell “My lie”. Perhaps Dirr is some amalgamation of her last name. All the genealogy pages can certainly be faked. No one would really pretend to be a realtor, though. would they? haha. (Kidding)

  5. from a psychological standpoint, I too question the link between the cancer and canada stuff. Why the canada obsession and the cancer stuff? JS provided help to so many asking questions. WHY ..THIS….fantasy life? just really curious about it all on a human level.

    1. This MySpace blog is pretty detailed and honestly I don’t think any of us can piece much together other than this individual needs some very serious help and somebody needs to get her that help. She blogged from 2009-2005 and some of these posts really just make me sad because there is no way this person was not living this lie to the fullest degree everyday. She’s sick, very very sick.

    2. the choice of canada was because in the US there is very little financial help with cancer and I think there is more in canada, she didnt want people to think she needed help with bills or anything cuz that would be her getting mail like big checks and toys and stuff and if she was a teen when it started, surely her mother would notice all of that coming in?

      Just my guess

      1. Some of my emails to him were opened from a computer in Canada. So there is definitely a Canadian link.

    1. Well I’m going to be busy later so I will just post the links here, I don’t know if you know this thing called the wayback machine, you can see old posts from certain websites, a “bot” “crawls” through websites and saves snapshots of stuff. So I looked up JS xanga on it and I was able to pull several posts with several pictures on them, some from 2009 and some from 2010, all you have to do is click on the dates that have a blue circle around them.



      1. on the mobog I noticed it says somethinga bout dates 2 days ago, etc, that’s not correct, it is 2 days ago from the date the snapshots were taken, so those pages seem to be from around 2010.

      2. Last thing, I promise! look on the top of the mobog waybackmachine archive, you can see a sort of line table and some arrows on the right, you can navigave back and forth through the years, not sure how far back it goes, I got as far as 2008, you can even go to the main crazycanuckj profile… Emily, if you’re seeing this, you might be able to delete all you want honey, you can fool people, but you can’t fool the internet!

        1. This is what I was saying earlier 🙁 the amount of medical advice this woman or
          Whatever it is gave is astonishing. Somebody pick up the phone and call her parents, hell I’ll do it if somebody gives me their phone number, hers or her brothers. Come on guys….

      1. I left you all the links above while i was on my computer, I’m on my phone now so i can’t repost them tp your email.

  6. I am beginning to think that Emily was not the original or sole JS. Early on, she/He is very consistent in the use of conventional Canadian spellings, such as “tumour”, “favourite”, and “recognise.” It seems like an awful lot of meticulous double-checking for an American 11-year old.

      1. yes , I noticed that as well. I think perhaps they lived in Canada orginally? But I do not think 11 yr old capable.

    1. Someone said they had some records of her being in her 30’s, maybe she lived in Canada when she was younger and that’s where those come from. I am not originally American but over the years I’ve gotten used to the accents, etc.

    1. Here’s the first thing that pops out to me in that picture…I don’t know too many women who’s handwriting looks like that. The y’s in “Happy Birthday” match, but not in the word “you”. And it looks forced…not written naturally.

  7. I am thinking maybe it was created to catch someone in a lie or cheating…then when that relationship fizzled away it took over her. I read some of the xanga bit and it said moved to canada for dads job, then back to ohio and js went back to canada feeling that’s where he belonged.

  8. I have spent most of the morning researching “crazycanuckj” on Google and I have to say that I am appalled by the amount of responses and advice – MEDICAL ADVICE no less – that she gave on numerous medical forums not only in the U.S. but all over the world. “Emily” or whomever is behind this needs to be dealt with and soon. She was giving advice to people who were sick, or dying, or in hopes of some breakthrough advice that she had absolutely NO BUSINESS giving to anyone. People with kids who had cancer were going to her thinking she had history in this – THEY TRUSTED HER – and she lied…to each and every one of them. Imagine how many people were duped by her – not just through the Warrior Eli site, but on every single freakin’ board she posted on. This girl has managed to have her name in 15+ consecutive pages of Google searches in relation to posts on medical boards. THIS IS A PROBLEM! How many people may have relied on her “advice” thinking she was someone she wasn’t???? This isn’t just about stealing pictures anymore, or posing as the father of a family that wasn’t real. This is about someone who is soooo needy that she did whatever she could for attention. This truly makes me sick and I would love nothing more now that to see her prosecuted to the fullest extent.

    1. I thought the same thing yesterday when I googled crazycanuckj. And what most bothered me about her posting on these websites with her made up story was the hope she was giving these mothers, fathers, grandparents, etc. that maybe their child’s cancer could be cured because “Eli” went through so much and was in remission … and it was all a lie.

    2. People should not get their medical advice from people on the internet. Search for ideas? Okay. But they should always consult with their actual doctor rather than some random person on the internet.

      1. I know this. I also know that in times of desperation people turn to the Internet for answers and while that isn’t always the best idea, people do it….and she has no business posing as someone she isn’t and giving people false hope.

  9. Isn’t computer code for a placeholder- like a fake name or information to be held for something real later? Any programmers on here who can confirm? I think that the whole thing is fake. Emily Dirr is not real either, imho.

  10. Isn’t computer programming code for a fake name or a place holder for future info? Any programmers who can confirm? I think that Emily Dirr is also a fake. The levels of deception here are pretty incredible.

  11. This is my comment on an earlier post, I really feel this woman/man/girl/whatever is dangerous. Since everything else has been a lie, I am assuming ‘Emily’ is as fake as everything else she has stated: I have been following this story and believe me when I say, this will definitely hurt more than just the people she has duped. I am heavily involved in raising awareness for my friends little boy who has Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer and this story has put MANY people off of donating. This is worrying many organisations who truly are trying to help people, not just the organisation she used in this hoax. Also, there is no way this girl is simply going to pack away all of her ‘friends’ and put this down to experience, this has gone on WAY too long for that. I don’t think she has any intention of doing so. If she did, why not either come clean on ALL of the profiles she used or completely close them down? We know of at least one ‘friend’ she contacted AFTER the hoax came to light and she was STILL continuing with the lies. We have no idea how many other people she has privately messaged on Facebook. By making those profiles so private, what she has actually managed to do is stop any of us letting people know what has happenned. I do not know how it would work but this needs to be kept on record somewhere, she will go on to do something like this again and maybe worse so this whole thing needs to be known about by the proper authorities. How many times have serious crimes come to light and it turns out this person has been duping, stealing and other petty crimes for years before they are caught doing something really big? If she is only 22 years old now, she has plenty of time to move up the scale into much more serious offenses. Just my opinion.

  12. If you guys would. Please take a moment to fill in a quick form here:

    Perhaps if enough of us submit this as a case MSNBC should investigate, they will take on the story. I cant remember who but someone posted this link earlier and I’ve submitted 2 entries about Emily, JS, crazycunuckwhatevertheF*CK.

    My last entry is as follows if you’re curious… (angela, i hope you dont mind my quoting your comment) there’s a 3000 character limit and SO MUCH BS to explain it’s difficult to know what to write but just try something- do your best, we need to get this investigated:

    In the past 3-4 days a group of people have been uncovering a scam-artist by communicating with each other on the following website:

    The “uncovering” all began with a twisted individual pretending to have a child named Eli sick with cancer, gaining friends and followers on facebook (building some relationships years long) and then telling everyone the childs pregnant mother was in a car wreck and died on mothersday. This in turn caused real anguish and grief for those hundreds of people who followed this families story and invested their time and emotions in what happened.

    Through further investigation, we have found this person to have an extensive presence on the internet dating back over 5 years ago.

    As one of the “investigators” posting the the website mentioned above put it:
    “I have spent most of the morning researching “crazycanuckj” on Google and I have to say that I am appalled by the amount of responses and advice – MEDICAL ADVICE no less – that she gave on numerous medical forums not only in the U.S. but all over the world. “Emily” or whomever is behind this needs to be dealt with and soon. She was giving advice to people who were sick, or dying, or in hopes of some breakthrough advice that she had absolutely NO BUSINESS giving to anyone. People with kids who had cancer were going to her thinking she had history in this – THEY TRUSTED HER – and she lied…to each and every one of them. Imagine how many people were duped by her – not just through the Warrior Eli site, but on every single freakin’ board she posted on. This girl has managed to have her name in 15+ consecutive pages of Google searches in relation to posts on medical boards. THIS IS A PROBLEM! How many people may have relied on her “advice” thinking she was someone she wasn’t???? This isn’t just about stealing pictures anymore, or posing as the father of a family that wasn’t real. This is about someone who is soooo needy that she did whatever she could for attention. This truly makes me sick and I would love nothing more now that to see her prosecuted to the fullest extent.”

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