Mind Blown

Imagine the actual creation of this birthday card.


That’s taking a story to a whole different level when you create yourself artwork by imaginary children for their imaginary father’s birthday.

(Thanks to yet another incredible internet detective who found this!)

122 thoughts on “Mind Blown”

    1. The more I think about this, the more I can see getting into something like this as a teen (maybe not 11, but definitely by 13-14) had the internet existed when I was that age. I remember very well wanting to create my own little world where I was popular, sexy, perfect, and yet edgy.

      I went so far as to write myself notes from imaginary people.

      Heck, now that I think about it, when I was 11-12 I wrote in my own yearbook, all these “You are so cool” and “You are the best” and “I love you so much!” messages and I signed them cryptically (with initials, or “you know who” or “your best friend from camp!”). I wanted anyone and everyone to see the back of my yearbook and be jealous of how popular I was – I had so many friends from so many places, and I was mysterious because all of the popular people I was trying to emulate, didn’t even know all these wonderful friends I had!

      Now, consider this – I was reasonably popular, very smart, and had plenty of friends, and I still felt excluded now and then, still felt the need to create this fake world with fake friends, to try to look better/more popular.

      Just imagine someone who has had a rough time, who isn’t “pretty,” who isn’t feeling part of the crowd. Who might be bullied at school. I’m not saying there is any excuse, I’m just trying to understand the reasons why it could have happened (because yes, my mind is blown).

      1. And P.S. I am pretty sure I wrote fake diary entries, too. I didn’t keep any but I’m pretty sure I had a rich fantasy diary going on.

      2. A lot of people “create” a world for themselves, but not all of those people go to the lengths with their “imaginary world.” I kept a diary as a teen that was my own world but it never went online, or past the pages where I had written it.

  1. These are all made by you. Please post a quick mobile pic showing us yourself, holding a copy of your hometown newspaper, with today’s date visible on it. Should this be impossible, I think we need to leave you along and vice versa. — Tiffany

      1. What link? And what is the purpose of this blog? it seems to just be to collect more hidden drama and exploit it with no real purpose. This whole thing is fraud that can be prosecuted, and the FBI is investigating it. Why belabor the drama?

  2. Sure. Here’s some text and a link from Taryn’s blog
    “Oh, I just realized I forgot to mention on here that I didn’t get the house that I made an offer on five months ago. There was drama with the bank handling the short sale and they counter offered with a pie in the sky number, so I walked away from it.”
    …. Whose sentence structure does this resemble? And the ‘inner dialogue’ cavalier nature of big news or ‘forgotten’ chunks of storyline? Truly — enough.

    1. You’ve apologized to me three times for continually questioning my identity. I write a humor blog. Emily’s “voice” is nothing like what I write on that site. You have my name, my Facebook, my blog and a link to the website where several ladies and I started investigating this hoax. Do you think that Emily just stumbled upon someone talking about her hoax and decided to out herself? What would the purpose of that be?

      I realize that all of this is nuts and that we are questioning everything, but I don’t understand the logic leaps you’re taking here.

    2. seriously….This was likely suspected, and I think I might have suspected Taryn once myself, but she is NOT this Emily. I am not convinced of Emily’s story yet, but Taryn is not her, and she has proven that to those of us interested in reading and thinking logically about it.

      1. not to mention she is exposing info on “Emily” and not painting her in a good light what so ever. What would she as Emily have to gain? that is a stretch.

  3. I don’t even think “Harper” was popularized as a middle name in the time period your photos (which look legit — mostly grainy mobile shots of a Black Lab, and cute snuggly pictures of hilarious hijinks) would suggest you were born. 1970s, 1980s? Rock on, and boy do I feel silly for trying to appeal to your conscience via email. It’s clear that you do not have one. I remain very sorry for your suffering.

  4. I continue to doubt myself for alluding to the idea that you could be deceptive. Clearly I’m willing to be exposed as a fool. I’d like to see your hometown newspaper. Are ya in Cincy!?

    1. I find “Uh huh” to be suspicious. Why come on this site and be so aggressive and rude unless you are trying to change people’s minds? “uh huh” can you post a picture of you holding up a copy of today’s hometown news paper?

    1. I’m just curious, do you think that Emily is posing as Taryn or that Taryn is a made up person all together?

      1. Gah, who knows! Lots of medical fixation in both personas. I think identities online are all malleable to this author. In Taryn’s first email to me she told me that wasn’t her ‘real name’.

      2. Well, I can easily pull up Taryn, her sister, her mom and her dad when I do a search and it all matches up to what she says. So, I’m not sure what you’re implying.

      3. I wonder if a picture with a local newspaper would be enough. Then “Tiffany” may want a picture of our license, then your birth certificate …. maybe a picture of you in your birthday suit might appease her! 😉

        1. Tiffany apologized to me over email, again 🙂 I’m currently waiting for a nurse to get here to provide Tiffany with my DNA. (Kidding, kidding. I do understand the paranoia)

  5. That doesnt even look like kids handwriting.. This story is bizzare… Whoever “emily” is or if emily is her real name to help give some realness to the lies, I know you read all of this… I know you do. I know that you want to see your name and I know that there is SOMEONE out there you are still trying to convence you are telling the truth or are already feeding new lies to. Please get help, I am only young myself right now and even I cant fathem creating such big lies about everything. You will never see that what you have done is wrong because somehow you will say you are the victim in all of this… But you need someone to talk to, someone that you can turn to right now to help you see that you dont need to pretend to get attention and love. You are hurting innocent kids.. there are now over 10 pages I liked on fb for kids fighting cancer who because of you want to shut down their pages and are fearful you stole their kids pics too…

  6. why are you so concerned about this? it doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’m trying to understand how the person hosting this site could possibly be the same person pulling off this hoax?

    1. I don’t grasp that either — but what disinterested third party would put up an wordpress site with language like, “the childhood cancer community was rocked …” — it’s a celebration and almost grandiose chronicling of the sickness. Also a simple way to maintain control (or at least the illusion of control) over the information being exchanged as the real lives impacted are sorted out. The entertainment and fulfillment of 11 years would not just be shrugged off. It would take new, more noble form. My concern is the same as anyone’s reading, I imagine. First shock, then curiosity, then true horror, and now I’m just spooked by the sad soul who really devoted so much time to this. I can let it go. –trb

      1. I have a journalism background. I am reporting information and it’s pretty obvious that I’m not Emily, as it makes no sense for me expose “myself.” Remember when you did this three other times and apologized to me, Tiffany?

    1. tiffany, your reasoning might make sense, but it would only describe personality flaws and not the mental illness required to continue this. Also honestly, a true study of sentence structure would show how Emily and Taryn’s are very different.

  7. Nope, now I’m Biffany Torges! Well, that is enough inflammatory sadness out of me. I have actual, outdoor.sunshine. to play in. Wish you the best, and yes I remember all of my lingering doubts. I don’t have further explanations for you, just a skeevy feeling, and a hunch. Take care of yourself. (Just screenshot your newspaper and yourself, what’s the big deal?)

    1. I guess under the same lines, who’s to say *you’re not Emily trying to cast doubt on what’s being reported here?

  8. And the explanation of why she would do it , would be evident in the bunch of us who are obsessed in part wih watching this play out. It is human nature to be curious of it deviance. And THIS is some sort of deviance at it’s best ( The JS storyline ) .

  9. I see after reading a bit of your blog, Tiffany, that you and I disagree on just about every topic under the sun, so it makes sense as to why we disagree on this one.
    I’d ask you to step back and find a little humility here, and maybe you will find that Taryn and others here are doing their best to get the information out in a way that both entertains and protects the people hurt by this hoax.

    1. I’m willing to be seen for what and who I am, and you’re welcome to disagree at every turn. Really not a power struggle. I can appreciate the intent of truth, but it’s either 100% truth, or extension of a deception. I will leave Taryn & Co. alone from here on out. Pax, trb

      1. seriously….Did you come on here to impress us with your own wordiness and pompus atitude? no-one can get a glimpse ino what you’re trying o say through all that junk. Take care.

      2. I meant Tiffany with my last reply, not directed at Taryn and my incorrect spellign probably puts me on the same level I just accused Tiffany of being on. HAHA…oh well.

    2. She has a personality disorder, if you approached her and asked her where her kids were she would say that thy are over at an aunts house or something. Even though there are no children and no aunt. She’s sick, very very sick. She needs help.

  10. does anyone have any pics of “emily” like…. is she Horribly ugly? abused? raped? Im soo curious why she thought her own life and herself wasnt a good enough life…

      1. maybe she just needs help then.. someone who wont call her a freak or ugly or anything…

        not justifying her in any way just wondering who she is and why she did it

    1. 1n searching her brother elliotts facebook page for clues,which seems real too me,There was only one photo of her that was identified as her but it was from the back/side but its not the same pic of the girl whos photod with elliott as his facebook pic,i think people are thinking that might be her,
      I say she has many issues,if shes pretending to be a guy maybe she has transgender issues or sexuality issues etc the list is endless,

      1. his seems ligit, but the profile pic and her tagged pic dont look like the same person. He is also friends on there with a few “dirrs” that seem to have tons of local friends around there and local connections so they seem to be ligit

    2. Why do you care? It’s criminal fraud. No amount of excuses justify the behavior. And maybe if she gets Casey Anthony’s attorney, she’ll dodge any prosecution. You can’t really find this person interesting unless you are quite bored.

    1. I figured she still would be, no wayyy shed give it up that easy.. just back it off a bit and try with people that dont know its a hoax.

      1. How about you just post a picture of Emily already?

        I think we have a right to know who was behind this deception 🙂

        Bring a face to a name!

      2. chances are she would have had her facebook be real, as an anchor for if something went wrong. Yanno like if someone called her “brother” fake she could get on her real fb and they could see their real family and pics and would try to give some sort of truth to it? I have seen someone lie (not to this extent but in a very similar manor) and they had used their real name as a relative as well but not added on each others account and the real person behind the lies had a real fb with all family added… creepy but it does happen

      1. I think there are two boys, one who is “early Eli” and then the little guy from New Mexico. Actually, I still have to contact “early Eli’s” family. I discovered them the first night of this site but I’m not sure anyone emailed them.

    1. I think that might be coming from the archival site. I don’t think you’re able to do custom coding like that in Xanga, to allow for right-click disabling.
      But then again…

      1. I take that back,. I got the full message that time. Apparently you can add java to xanga.
        It’s nothing difficult, all you have to do is do a search for ‘disable right click’ and you’ll find a million sites with code to copy/paste.

      2. Yes, xanga has a few areas to add your own code, and all kinds of ‘right-click-disable’ codes are available.

        I am so shocked by what this Emily character has done. Did she really think that with so many drastic things happening in such a short time, she wouldn’t get caught? The first being, JS’s heart infection or something, he was supposedly in ICU on the brink of death minute-to-minute. Next the drunk/texting semi driver that hit JS & Marko & Tayo when they were going to the hospital because one of the boys hit the other & broke his arm. Then Dana. Because THAT was what got her busted — so many people looking for a news story, an obituary, of course, none to be had… the only thing that would come up when googling “head-on car crash Saskatchewan” was a mid-air collision of two planes (and NUMEROUS reports on that), so of course a fatal car crash of a pregnant trauma doc on Mother’s Day weekend would have bumped that out of the news! Yet, nothing there.

        What I seriously suspect is that the attention for having a child with cancer in remission was no longer enough… So she made up the latest incidence of cancer with “Eli”. But then I think that she decided to amp it up a bit because there is only so much attention that can get, especially once she/he was so far into groups of parents with kids with cancer, because they’re ALL in the same boat. … So the messages & prayers were not enough with the latest cancer/chemo, so she made up the JS almost-dying, and got *such* a high off of aaaaallllll the messages & prayers, and emails and shares on facebook that she just couldn’t NOT have it. So she invented the drunk semi-driver accident plus the kid broken arm as a double-whammy…then when that died down, quite quickly, she just couldn’t stand it. She neeeeeeeeded it, like heroin, just HAD to have it, so she had to do Dana in.

        I, like so many, was among those who “knew” them for a few years. I just a month or so ago, got a package of Warrior Eli Bracelets from “JS’s sister”. She put a SHITLOAD of time, energy and especially, MONEY into those things! She had to have spent THOUSANDS of dollars — each one is in a ziploc snack bag with the size written in marker, with a little print-out note that says “I asked Eli what he wanted for his 5th birthday. He said ‘Daddy, I want to cure childhood cancer so other kids don’t have to get sick like I did’ and the link to the lemonade stand site, and the links to “read Eli’s story” at caringbrindge and on facebook., with a little yellow ribbon in the loop, with a tiny safety pin, so the recipent can pin it on their coat.
        All that, PLUS the cost of bubble-mailer envelopes, and postage to mail them. I think I tossed the envelope in the garbage, so no longer have the return address, but would that not constitute mail fraud by USPS laws??

        She needs help, she is one sick puppy. That she detracted from so many people who WERE battling cancer in their kids is one thing. Someone mentioned she was posting on various sites AS A DOCTOR, advising other parents on things related to their children’s cancer — that is dispicable and unforgivable — what if her advice caused even one death of a child???
        I highly doubt that she is really just saying “oh, well, time to move on anyway” … there’s NO WAY she’s giving up that easily. She’s going to be jonesing for a fix pretty quickly. The world hasn’t seen the end of “Emily” not by a long shot.

      3. To A Pissed Off Person:

        You talk about her SPENDING money on the package…you didn’t say anything about her taking money. Did you send her money so she would mail you the package? Otherwise, no, it’s not mail fraud to just send someone a package.

        And she never posted *as a doctor* she was giving advice on yahoo under JS Dirr’s profile. She (pretending to be he) never claimed to be a doctor. People need to stop going to yahoo answers to get medical advice anyway…but I seriously doubt any of her advice actually hurt anyone and especially not any more than some of the other ridiculous answers on there. It’s also not a crime.

        Even if this hoax is over, I agree, Emily is probably not done. She’s going to need her “fix” like you said…she craves that attention.

      1. Thinking girl… When you right click any of the pictures on JS’s old myspace page it pops up an error message of sorts saying “You arent supposed to fucking understand!!”
        … yeah creepy

  11. Here’s a line that just cracked me up:
    “Their mother’s water broke 3 weeks before but her doctor was able to hold off labour for 3 more weeks to let them develop more.”

    No one saw through this? Risk of infection goes up after the first 24 hours. Premies in particular would be at risk for this, there’s no way a doctor would say keep them in there for three weeks.

    1. Well, depending on how many weeks the mom was when her water broke, the doctors may have elected to keep her on hospital bedrest under close watch until the babies matured a bit. A week or two can make a huge difference with a micropreemie.

    2. yeah, hate to say but they would. My friends waer broke at 24 weeks and she kept the babies in almost 4 and 1/2 more weeks.

      1. Yeah, I went into labour in my 21st week and managed to hold out (under constant supervision and very strict bed rest in hospital) until my 26th week. They used the period to pump me up with cortisone injections to strengthen my daughters lungs and speed up development.

  12. When I requested my Warrior Eli’s bands, suddendly Dana Dirr sent me a friend request with the following message
    Dana Dirr.Select messages to forward..Select messages to delete.Delete All.

    March 31Dana Dirr Hi,
    We would love to send you some of Eli’s wristbands! How many would you like and what sizes? We have adult large, adult medium, and a child’s size (for kids ages 3-6, they’re tiny). Let us know where we can send them and Eli’s Aunt Emily will send them out to you in the next couple days since she’s sweet enough to send out the wristbands for us! Thanks again for supporting our little Eli!
    Dana (Eli’s Mom)

    After I sent my address she sent me the following message….

    Dana DirrThanks for supporting our little Eli! I’ll forward this to my husband’s sister and she’ll have them out to you very soon!

    This was the first time I was friending someone in facebook that I didn’t know in person.. now i’m freaking out because she had access to my kids & family’s pictures,

      1. maybe she feels like she should really be a boy but cannot tell her family that so she lies online and makes up a fake person….?

      2. Anon, her mother is not “Rhonda.” That album on Smugmug is a family friend, and Emily’s mother is in several pictures.

    1. she looks almost like a boy in this picture, and was 16 in the picture. I think people are on to something.

      1. I do not believe that j.r. Is her mother. Granmajudy is the owner of the albums and appears to be married to a Lowell. Not William. What am I missing.

  13. She did make the deans list at Kent state. She is no dummy. Don’t see a graduation record or anything past 2009.

  14. how did she have time to keep up with all this while going to college??? and to make the deans list? the chick has to be SMART as hell..like an einstein or something

  15. But in order to receive packages, donations to post to alsf she had to give her address, and being “younger” she wouldn’t have thought/have had access to po box.

    1. I don’t think (and if anyone knows I’m wrong on this email me) she gave out the address until she moved out of her parents’ home and into another home that they own near her school.

  16. Another name you can investigate is Benita Miller. “JS” told me that he dated her for a while but he cheated on her and she broke up with him. Said that if he were not with Dana, he would go back to Benny. She posted on his FB a lot and has a pic of her and JS as her profile pic.

      1. probably a coincidence, but a weird one. A simple search shows a Benita Miller in NY and a professional related match with a Joe Dirr. Just odd to have THAT name match with someone with a “Dirr” last name. From LinkedIn .

    1. she also has posted pics since but when you click on them they say they have been deleted. You can only see the thumnails

  17. If you really want to gather information why not create a fb page that has this title so anyone who may have ” known JS or Dana” or even this Emily could find it if they did a search on Facebook? It seems like a logical place for someone behind the scenes here, who has more back story or inside information to do that. Facebook is where a lot of this scam went down so why not go to that resource as a fact gathering place too? You would probably find lots more information. If you’re saying Emily or whoever did this, is reading everything anyway..then it’s not like it needs to be hidden

      1. Is this a public group or one people have to join? If people have stories to tell, as reader 2 did, they may not want to have to publicly join it to contribute information, if that makes sense?

  18. Yes!! I was about to post this… There are probably dozens if not hundreds of ‘reader 1’s and ‘reader 2s’. So disturbing.

    How on earth did she manage this and finish her med school program?.

  19. That’s good, I hope it will help sort more things out. Although it doesn’t seem very likely that the true story will ever come out. It’s pretty farfetched all around.

  20. My opinion was she was trying to find a good way to kill off the personas and stop, possibly… But that is very hard, i’m betting she cried when she killed off dana. As sick as it is, as an online roleplayer in online roleplay games you get attached to your ‘character’ . But once you create SO MANY personas, it’s hard to kill off a family of 11.. Killing off a single character? Sure. Killing off an entire family etc? WOAH. I think it’s very possible she saw no real way out where she wouldn’t be outed. I don’t think she was thinking, I think she really WANTED out, and didn’t know how to accomplish that… this is all my opinion so don’t flambay me.

    1. I totally agree with you. I think she was ready to quit but didn’t know how. Killing off Dana was her downfall. it all unraveled from there.

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