14 thoughts on “Title Confusion”

  1. Moblog has tons of pics on it, and most of “eli” seem to be the same kid, does anyone know who that kid really is?

  2. Some of “Eli” are actually very different:
    For example this photo here is supposedly taken the morning of this one, yet it implies that Eli’s hairline, eyebrows, and even the shape of his ears changed in the time it took to be discharged from the hospital.
    The eyebrows are very close, but the hair goes from symmetrical across the face in the morning pic, to clearly having the most forward point of hair being over the left eye… The morning pic earlobe is low and pronounced, essentially giving the ear a rectangle shape, the afternoon has it more tucked, ammazingly transforming it to the “typical” ear shape.

    1. After looking at both pictures close. You can tell it is the same boy but you must remember that when you look at someone straight in the face then look at them from the side or at an angle they do look a little different. For instance, My fiance’s sisters do not really look that much a like looking straight at them but when you have them turn at an angle they look like twins. Just saying,

      1. Looking at someone from an angle doesn’t make that drastic of a change in the hairline. His hairline is markedly crooked and much closer to his eyes in the afternoon pic, and particularly the shape of the ear as described (I initially made a career out of noticing these things).

      2. If you go to a picture of the haircut (I’m on my phone now or else I’d add the link right now), it is also from an angle but you can see it’s the same boy as the morning pic.

    1. But the thing that is sorta freaky is the picture of the little boy in Pauls pics has that stuffed rabbit in pics at the hospital and sitting on dads lap at the piano. THen picture on Danas/ester the picture taken with her has the same rabbit in her pics? Its gotta be two different kids.

  3. It’s the same child. His parents are no longer together, which is why in Esther’s pictures he’s with Esther and on the other page, he’s with Paul and a different woman. This is a terrible violation for Esther, whom I know, and I can’t imagine all the second-guessing and speculation makes it any easier.

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