The “Death” of Dana Dirr

The close-knit childhood cancer support community was rocked on Saturday evening when this post went viral on their Facebook timelines.


Dana Dirr, a mother of ten children and one unborn child, was horribly injured in a car accident.  Since the family was already dealing with a child who’s cancer had relapsed, this news was even more tragic.

Hundreds and hundreds of people shared the post and prayers were said across the world.  Then this news came in.


Tragically, on Mother’s Day morning, it was revealed that the young mother of eleven had passed away.


Many many tears were shed by complete strangers and internet friends of this family alike.  What a terrible, awful tragedy, the kind of thing that the media would be all over, right?

Not one Google news story about a pregnant doctor and mother of eleven killed in an accident on Mother’s Day Eve.

The family didn’t want money.  They have enough toys and their health care is provided for them.  They asked for donations for a childhood cancer fundraising charity.


A page was created in memory of Dana and by the time it was taken down, over $1000 had been raised.  Hundreds of people flooded the Warrior Eli Facebook page with condolences.

People started to have questions and some deception was discovered.  Many of the family pictures of the Dirr children actually were the twins of a popular South African blogger, Tertia from So Close.  Other pictures were lifted from Flickr and from other places on the internet.

By the end of the night, the Warrior Eli Facebook page had been deleted and the profiles of JS and Dana Dirr on Facebook had been locked down tighter than a maximum security prison.  The fundraising pages at Alex’s Lemonade were deleted and Eli Dirr’s CaringBridge page had been made private.

This is were we are right now.  I’m waiting to hear from Alex’s Lemonade to find out if they actually received the donated money.  If you have any other information for me about this hoax, please email me at

I’m so sorry so many spent their Mother’s Day mourning for a woman who most likely never existed.

Thanks to Joe Goedereis for the screen shots here and to my friend PoorPippinNPoppy for helping dig out all this information. 

59 thoughts on “The “Death” of Dana Dirr”

  1. Again, great work on pursuing all the angles to this incredibly twisted story!

    Dane Devereaux’s page is still there, just completely de-listed and mostly private. I found it by going to my history:

    Before it went private the Dane Devereaux page claimed he went to McGill university.., might be worth a call to them to see if they’ve ever had someone by that name, though I’m pretty sure I already know the answer…

    Regarding motive, Joe Goedereis speculates it could be and I think that’s a good possibility. I thought of that last night but I couldn’t think of the name. Some people just need attention and sympathy so badly that they concoct wild stories like this. What’s worse is when they hurt the ones they love to satisfy their craving, that’s, and there have been some really tragic cases of child abuse/murder that have been attributed to that. So maybe this is all about a psychotic need for attention…

    Fascinating. I really am relieved that it’s a hoax, because it was SUCH a horrible story, and now I’m just fascinated by it.

    1. It’s so fascinating that it went on so long! And the complexity of fifty different Facebook profiles. Someone on the other end of all of this really leads a very sad life.

  2. i can’t understand how some one could do this. the story made me cry so hard. my heart feels even heavier this morning knowing i was fooled. i was really sad yesterday. its not ur fault u were fooled too. the blame lays on whomever made that page and wrote all those things about this so called “family” shame on you!

  3. I am just sickened that the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has been dragged into this terrible mess. The ALSF has an excellent charity navigator ratings, has supported my family through my son’s illness, and is one of the most reputable organziations you will find. I pray that all who read this will be encouraged to donate money to their cause rather than be deterred by the sick actions of this deceitful family.

      1. I agree. We must not stop for the sake of the good-people who have take advantage of the good will have to answer to God. ALSF rocks!!!

  4. For families like myself who has a child with Neuroblastoma Cancer I find this repulsive. Thankfully when I came across the story on Mothers Day my discerning spirit protected me from falling for the story. The Lord had me skip right over the story.

  5. OMG! i hope who ever made this page, get what he deserve. However, i will be donating to the REALLY ALSF….

  6. This is just the most rotten thing anyone can do. If this is a hoax I hope social services goes in and takes what kids they do have away forever. If this is a hoax I hope all these people go straight to jail for as long as the jail is standing. How aweful to use innocent children to scam people out of money based on a total lie. When we heard about the accident and death yesterday we were so saddened and devastated that my husband was too sick in his stomach to even go out to eat for Mothers Day. He said he couldnt bring himself to go out and eat like that when a family was in so much devastation. We all cried and cried and prayed and prayed. I hope that if this is a hoax they are made to pay and I hope they never see their kids again. What a group of wing nuts.

  7. Despite having a heavy heart all day after reading this, I told so many others about this sad story!!! I did have a hard time figuring out how this young man (30ish?) had 6 children “with other relationships” then married Dana and they already had 4….plus there was a boy Connor that he listed as a son that appeared to be about 16/17. WOW……… I have been questioning God how this could have happened…… I am really ticked off!!!! I hope they did not benefit $ wise. Karma, Mr. J Dirr……….or whoever you are!!!!

    This is a popular photo blog website where “JS Dirr” posted photos about Eli & his condition for the past three years. His last update was 8 months ago, and then the postings stopped, and he started becoming more involved with Facebook.

  9. This is so sick. I hadn’t followed the page very long, only when I saw posts about the mother. Then when I saw that she passed away my heart broke for that family. My husband passed away last month and I felt the pain of that poor family. I posted a comment from my heart and soul and now feel beyond stupid finding out it was all fake. There’s a special place in Hell for people like this, and I hope they are charged with fraud and anything else that will stick.

  10. I thought something was off when this JS DIRR had been on facebook on and off all day.night. Aren’t you supposed to greif your best friend/wife? SHE JUST DIED? SO WHY ARE YOU ON THE INTERNET????? I have him as a friend on FB and saw him going from page to page commenting on things. I knew something was up then!!!!!!

  11. I also wanted to confirm that yes, he was on a site called “MOBOG” for awhile and made several friends whom he followed to facebook. He never had asked for money out in public but who knows…. I am discusted!

  12. I just received some Warrior Eli bracelets in the mail. The return address is in Ohio. Has anyone else received these bracelets? I did not pay for them.

    1. I received the bracelets also and talked to “Dana” just a week or two ago… it makes me angry, but we need to remember that there are still so many children fighting cancer that need our prayers and their families need our support.

  13. I have been watching closely for crooks trying to be my fb friends, but I fell hook, line & sinker. A “positive” thing that may have come out of all of this… Maybe someone who didn’t know before found out that the Cure for a lot of Cancers has been known since the 70s, but people who Make Huge amounts of money from Cancer have kept it a secret by paying money to lawmakers, cancer study board members, etc…

  14. If you google “crazycanuckj” you can see multiple postings this guy did on various medical sites. Looks like he answered questions on a dozen or so different kinds of cancers. You can also see his blog/email address.

  15. It is important to read critically. Read slowly and look for incongruent statements and info. Never be afraid to be a skeptic.

    1. totally agree, I got sceptical with the whole cardiac arrest thing, and really there seemed to be no emotions in the journal

  16. I am someone who reposted this, I seen it a few times, but did not share, then I did. I spent time thinking about this poor family.. I am angry.. I have seen this happen over on myspace, a friend of mine had her pictures stolen and used 🙁 This story reeks of something someone done, named Ashley… Who was also in OHIO.. Feel free to message me if you would like, I do not remember all the details, but ya, it could be an angle and finding the one who is responsible.

  17. Okay, completely confused. So the story about her was fake. I get that. She didn’t really die. Is there anything true about it though? Do they really have a son named Eli? Is he really fighting cancer?

    1. Nevermind my post up there. I just researched a little more. Are THEY even real people? This was a very elaborate hoax! So sad and SICK!

  18. That’s ME in the picture (though I’m very much alive)! And, I’m pissed. My son’s name is not named “Eli” but he fought cancer for years (he’s been cancer-free for nearly 3 years now–after 2 bone marrow transplants in Denver). Yes, he really does exist!

    He is the strongest, most-resilient, most amazing little boy any of you will ever meet (or hope to know). He was diagnosed with germ-cell tumor at 18 months). He’s gone through surgery-after-surgery. Chemo. He experienced hearing loss. Kidney disease. If you want to know about my little guy, just ask! His little body is riddled with scars. But, his smile and laugh and personality are all infectious. He loves life. He loves bugs. He loves “minerals”–he says that he wants to become an artist and a geologist some day. And, I firmly believe that he will be and become whatever he sets his mind to…

    I called him “e” for a long time online (perhaps that’s why the person decided to name the kid “Eli”. So, what do you want to know?


    1. Esther,
      I am so sorry that someone has decided to basically steal your and your son’s identities. Thank you for sharing this information with us. I am one of the thousands who was duped for over a year! I prayed and cried for this little boy they called Warrior Eli. And even talked to “Dana Dirr” via online chat telling her I was here for her if she needed anything. I am so glad that your son has come through this horrible disease and is doing well. I can only imagine how violated you must feel. I am just glad the truth has finally come out after all of these years!


    2. Esther – I saw your picture on this crazy thing and had a double-take. Can’t believe someone was pretending to be you. That’s awful. I’m glad people figured out the hoax and hopefully are understanding that you had nothing to do with it.

  19. Hopefully we can find out where these people are and who they are and if they have any kids at all the state should take them away and put them up for adoption with a normal family. These people are psycho’s. No excuse for what they did. They totally ruined my mothers day and others too that I have seen posted and I am concerned that this little boy may be kidnapped or something. Who knows what these crazies are capable of. There is a special place in Hell with their names on it. Karma will get them and it will get them good one day. Just you wait and see. What goes around comes around. just lets try to get any kids they do have away from them before they snap and do something more horrible.

  20. There are MANY scams from adoption to sex trade slave scams from South Africa. The best thing to do before we share ANY story is to check snopes and HOAXslayer~ ALSO- reporting ALL suspicious activity to the FBI. I had to do this regartding a woman posting to sell her child. It takes a few minutes of “paper work”…. but should be everyones responsibility to report.

  21. I have my doubts about this hoax page and it’s moderator. I do not doubt warrioreli and the Dirr tragedy was a hoax but i HIGHLY suspect the person running the site is the person who created the deception. It’s the perfect way for the sick bastard to look at everything he’s done- all the people he/she has hurt, get even MORE attention, stay one step ahead of the game and throw people off. I mean NO DISRESPECT at all to you Esther but I’m even doubting if you really are Eli’s mother- I would not put it past this deceiver for ONE SECOND to create a profile such as yours to claim to be Eli’s mother so that everyone will stop looking for the real eli to alert his ACTUAL parents. Such a disgusting twisted mess.

    1. I know Esther. She’s real, her son is real and there is no way she is anything but an innocent bystander in this crazy mess.

    2. I know Esther, I have known her and worked with her for years. She’s real and so is “e.” And his full name is not Eli.

  22. Beth, Esther and her son are real. They were dragged into the scam and if I were her, I would be angry too

  23. Esther is a real and amazing Mom. E is an inspiration. Esther worked – full time – for me for over a year and dealt with all that was going on in her life with grace and humor. I am sickened that these monsters seek to profit from the suffering of a child. If I believed in Hell, there would be a special place for someone who does this?


  24. I am disgusted that someone can be so evil to use a childrens cancer in this manner. I am the mother of 7 daughters and in October 2010 my 6 year old daughter passed away from stage 4 Neuroblastoma. I cried when I read about this “mother” and all the “children”. I was already in bad spirits since it was mothers day and losing a child is the worse pain ever. I will pray for these people and I hope the law steps in!

  25. The baby born at 11:11… 11 children… 11 hours since she died… Humm… They need to be more creative with their numeration

  26. This is for Beth…………I would not doubt that this whole blog is not a continuation by “Emily” of the whole Dirr family/Warrior Eli hoax. Why not continue to watch people suffer trying to figure it all out?? I say let Jeff Rosen from MSNBC unravel it all and wow…would it ever be a great hour of TV!!

  27. Wait a minute; Thoracic Surgeon, 11 children, and 35 years old?…how many hours are there in a day in Canada? Next you going to tell me she was an accomplished concert pianist and fighter pilot!
    I don’t know what’s worse, the liar or the gullible people who believe her.

  28. I am just wondering if someone can check out this person:

    she is trying to scam money from people. first saying it was for cancer treatments and now it is for her dog.

    Friends ….I have a special prayer request . My service dog needs surgery asap . I stopped giving him his medicine (was told to because it made him edgy and he barked too loud) and and large tumor has grown possibly because of it . I said no more cancer treatments but need over $1,400.00 for the surgery. Would you pls remember Dex in your prayers and pray for the person who is constantly irritated by everything about him . From his loud bark to the jingling of his tags . I want to live in a peaceful home but untill the Lord heals me of epilepsy I will just exist and not live w/o Dex to alert me when a seizure is coming on. TY and hugs

    Every post on her page she is indirectly asking for money. Strange. Very Strange. People need to be more aware of scammers!

    Can you please help???

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