Tangled Web

Check out the profiles of the friends of JS Dirr and Dana Dirr.  I have a hunch all of these people are fake.  They either have blank profiles, are only friends of each other, only post pictures of each other and most like the web page Squeeze the Day, a cancer fundraising page.

Warrior Eli’s Social Circle

(I think all of these profiles are fake)

William Houston (friend)

His girlfriend, Kim Sutton.

His father, Wayne Houston

Friend Marc LeBeau

Friend Shawna Birclay

Friend Brittany Morton

Friend Adam Spain

His wife Alex Spain

Friend Benita Miller

Friend Mitchy Aaron

Friend Shane Pellizer

Friend Ben Palmer

Friend Todd White

Friend Rob Birclay

Friend Doug Clark

Friend Jennifer Clark

Friend Grace Benedatto

Relative Joshua Dirr

Friend Ashleigh Miller

Friend Sid Baker

Friend Wade Ralleigh

Friend Dierks Cody

Also include Dana’s father’s page (now deleted), plus Dana and JS’ pages.  Whoever came up with this hoax must need spreadsheets to follow it.

(NOTE: These profiles might be deleted, but I have screen shots).

Edit:  Interestingly enough, the friends list of JS Dirr has now been made private.  I’m sure that’s just another strange coincidence.

27 thoughts on “Tangled Web”

  1. I believe the Squeeze the Day page and the Lemonade Stand page to be suspect. Why are there no posts since last year on the squeeze page?

    1. The Alex’s Lemonade fundraising page for Warrior Eli and in memory of Dana have been deleted. I have emailed the organization asking for details on what happens to money raised. I’m assuming it went to the organization but will provide their reply when I receive it.

      The Squeeze the Day looks to be a legitimate fundraising page for Alex’s Lemonade through a citrus company. They donated $1 per Facebook “like.” I guess the huge number of fake profiles associated with JS and Dana could be fraud in this case, but I doubt any company will balk at money given to fight childhood cancer.

      1. I had made a friend request to Js Dirr when I saw a complaint about the scam by someone in South Africa named Bernadette, so loo messaged her. She hadn’t replied yet. I wonder about the fundraisers, too, because I also emailed Alex’s Lemonade Stand with a complaint. Soon afterward, the pages began to change, photos disappeared, etc. are you certain they are a legitimate charity? The squeeze page is closely tied to the network of fake friends and family. I believe it is fake.

        1. I can’t tell you 100% if the Squeeze fundraiser was legit, but Alex’s Lemonade is definitely a legitimate charity. Once I discover more about the Squeeze the Day Fundraiser, I’ll post it.

  2. Just looked at Joshua Dirr’s FB page. There are 45 kids’ photos, probably fake, some supposedly with “Grandpa” JS Dirr, with white hair.

  3. Why do all the friends like the same photographer in the US, Fla-vor-ice, Pioneer Trail, etc, etc. I don’t usually see a group of friends all liking ONLY the exact same things.

      1. They’re really bad at some of the “easy” stuff. Not like I really want to tell people how to make a more plausible cover up, but even when I’m adding new people or creeping on friends of friends’ I always look at their likes to see what they’re into. Not the point, I know.

  4. Hi There….

    Thank you so much for all of this information!! PEOPLE are SICK! I spent my night before mothers day in tears and everytime I told my story yesterday I was in Tears on Mothers Day!! This just sickens me!! I am baffled! I made a contribution to Alex’s Lemonade Stand of $50.00 and I am just not sure how to find out if I am getting this money back or if it really went to a “ligate” childhood cancer fundraiser then that is fine as well!! I feel as though I could vomit as I was so very upset and couldnt sleep thinking about this “fake family” the night before mothers day and didnt finally fall asleep until 5am on mothers day morning as knowing that i was celebrating mothers day with my children and just couldnt understand why this was happening to “such a great family”!! I too was looking alllllll night while I couldnt sleep trying to find information on this family and with no luck what so ever. People are so sick!! Thank you again for doing this!! Please let me know as to my donations! Thanks so much again!

    1. I can assure you the donations did go to the childhood cancer charity. The “Dirr Family” never had access. The charity is going to get back to me when they have an official statement but they did let me know the money went directly to them.

  5. Like many others, I googled Dana Dirr last night to find some sort of news story. Instead a listing came up for ‘Find A Grave’ memorial website. I thought it was very odd to have a memorial listing only hours after her death. But, I thought maybe it was created by one of the hundreds of people following her story on facebook. Anyway….today it has been removed.

  6. If you google “crazycanuckj” – its a good lead into finding postings on various sites by this guy. I saw somewhere that he blogged using the name “crazycanuckj” so I just googled the name and a lot of information pops up. It also gives his email address.

  7. Some interesting patterns in these friends. Texans are named “Houston”. French Canadians named “LeBeau” and “Devereaux”, and most interestingly, a gay married couple named Alex *Spain* and Adam *French*! It’s almost as if… someone was making these names up!

  8. If Emily is truly remorseful, why are the majority of these fake FB profiles STILL up as of today. And to add to the list of fake profiles, just looking under “Mitchy Aaron,” there are links to fake profiles of:
    Mike Walling http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000081248248
    Mike Lucas http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000064448192
    Nicole Brandon http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000050646453
    Kayla Pittman http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000507433017
    Lynn Aaron (Mitchy’s wife) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000047797549
    Liz Aaron (also Mitchy’s wife) http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=1989236535336 (link to a note on Liz’z profile about horrific accident Mitchy was in … thanking Dana and Jay for looking after their kids)

    The list goes on … and all of it is STILL up waiting to be used again as of today.

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