Other Interesting JS Dirr information

I did a search for Johnny Dirr in Canada and found this page  He has a three year old son named Timmy and the mother is out of the picture, just like the Warrior Eli crew.

(There’s another band by the same name in California, but the page linked above is the only place on the internet that names a person with the surname Dirr as a member).

Note that this biography of Johnny Dirr also mentions a twin brother named Sam who apparently was stabbed many many times by his girlfriend in his apartment near the UCLA campus in 2000.  On JS Dirr’s Facebook page, he mentioned he was a twin.

There is no mention anywhere online about a brutal bloody murder on the UCLA campus involving someone named Dirr in 2000.

How long has this hoax been going on?

43 thoughts on “Other Interesting JS Dirr information”

  1. How do I send you something? I’m trying to take screen shots, but there’s too much, I don’t want it to disappear before you can see it.

  2. I’ve got 95 screen shots for you with roughly 750+ photos. I’ll send you the link where I found them. There is one interesting picture toward the end. It is of a woman and the boy. It says E and Momma. The woman is not the same one you have pictured. The one you have pictured is referred to as Megan in another photo.

      1. I sent a link of the pics to the mod. I don’t want to post the link in case they are reading and end up deleting it. I believe that the picture of the woman on this blog is not Dana but the person they are calling Megan. I think she is a family friend or relative. I believe that the little boy is sick and that she is close enough to the family that she has been able to take pics with him and pass them off as her being the mother.

  3. There WAS a Warrior Eli, a little boy named Eli Horn from Iowa, but he died a few months ago….I’m furious because I work so hard for cancer awareness, raising money for childhood cancer research. People like this make us all look like idioits.

    1. I was in contact with the “mom” several times on FB and received snail mail from her…she sent me 2 warrior Eli bracelets and coincidently (SP? sorry) they were sent from Iowa

  4. I did have read receipt on my email once and he answered it in “Canada” but my read receipt came from Iowa. It was also forwarded to New York.

  5. OMG! If you go to Eli Horn from Iowa’s website. You can read that not only has he passed away but at one time you could get an army bracelet with Eli’s name on it! THAT MEANS THE “DIRRS” were using the bracelets of a real cancer stricken child in this sick game. Absolutely disgusting! Here is a quote from Eli HORN’s website: We thank you for your prayers and if you would like a “Prayer Warrior in Eli’s Army” bracelet to wear or give to someone to be a daily reminder to pray for Eli, simply send an e-mail to bracelets@elihorn.com and you will immediately receive a reply with instructions on how to obtain a free bracelet.

  6. That band page is confusing…if “Sam Dirr” was his twin brother…why would “JS” be “JS” when his name is listed as John Andre…the twin brother would be JS as he’s listed as Justin Samuel….also, pics look nothing like the guy on the facebook page. Creepy.

  7. The Eli horn blog looks fishy too…Why would the parents NOT attend their child’s celebration of life ceremony??

  8. I also received Warrior Eli braclets addressed from Ohio. I spent Mothers Day crying like many others. It is one thing to hurt adults, but that SOB had my 11 yr old upset Sunday also. We make home made cards for children with cancer and “Dana” emailed me back with his favorite characters and colors. She knew my 11yr old makes thr cards herself. She/He or both needs to be investigated for fraud and sentenced like the other scanners on facebook have.

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