
Everyone who screenshot shotting “Dirr” children pictures, could you run them through google image search and try to find who these kids really are? I would especially like to let “Eli’s” family about this whole thing if we could figure that out.

I’m doing something work related for the next hour so please either leave info in the comments or email me at

40 thoughts on “Help”

  1. I tried to figure that out myself, nothing came up. no family pictures on caringbridge. So sad that someone could make this up.

  2. Well there is a little baby in the photos, who may or may not be sick. In that sense, yes, he is real, but the Warrior Eli people appear to have stolen his image and created the Eli identity. So I think warriorelihoax is asking for help find the true identity of the child in the “Eli” images.

    I did some Google Image searches on a few of them, and couldn’t find anything, and I’m working too so I can’t focus on it…

  3. Anyone know who the photos of “JS” and “Dana” are? I imagine the people whose photos they really belong to might not know that this has been going on.
    Also, I just did a quick read of the FB pages yesterday, so please correct me if I have anything wrong, but I thought I saw that they were in Manitoba. JS claimed to have some sort of employment through the police which would probably be the RCMP (I’m Canadian, but in BC).
    The url above shows how to contact the RCMP in Manitoba and I might suggest sending an e-mail to the contact under the heading of “Scams and Fraud.” The RCMP probably won’t be too happy to find someone has been “posing as a police officer.”
    The RCMP is also a federal agency, meaning they have police detachments in every province, so by contacting the detachment in Manitoba, it should go out to other detachments in other provinces as well.

  4. I keep thinking Eli is actually their kid that they have faked childhood cancer with. So many people do this. Shave the head and such.

  5. I don’t understand why they would do this? If it was for money, wouldn’t they have asked for donations instead of having the donations sent to an actual foundation? People are nuts….

  6. Okay, I was wrong. It wasn’t Manitoba; it’s Dundurn, Saskatchewan. I just phoned the newspaper in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to see if I could speak to a reporter. Waiting for someone to call me back. I’ll direct them to come and read this site and see if they can (being local) dig up more information on this family locally (at least confirm that no such thing happened).

  7. Theres a bit of info on anEmily Dirr in Ohio. A FB page!/edirr?sk=info , recently put on lockdown and this page links to a CAUSES website ( with a childhood cancer cause associated to it) ..I wonder if this person went to any of these colleges listed? the person who sent Money to Emily Dirr, did they have an address?

  8. I also see on some of the Xanga sites that mention an emily durr, the people mentioning her are all medical students in Ohio, same as she has referenced in her Facebook for herself. I really think some of this is going back to this person.

  9. This stuff is weird! There are trails all over. Just doing the Emily Dirr search. Things liek lots of references to 11:11, which ic coincidently the TIME that the baby Evie was born. Which stuck out to me yesterday. Also links to her ( emily ) posting things on peoples pages on FB supporting ALS and the people whose pages she writes are from UCLA ( remember the link to the Sam dirr stabbed near UCLA?)

    1. Emily’s twitter is gone too. I have no doubt “she” is part of this too, but who knows what the characters are and what the real ones are? I don’t know if we’re ever going to get to the bottom of this.

  10. Hi, just a lurker here, but in watching this Canadian story explode last night, I saw someone mention this Mike Feigen hoax. They said that an aunt or someone in that hoax was named Dana Dirr. Could they be connected somehow?

      1. Lots of parallels with Mike Feigen & Eli: use of twins, use of chronically ill children, both sports fanatics, both non-religious/atheist, both use multiple made up family members, both had caringbridge and multiple fb pages, both cases wife dies/died, both seem well to do and never wanted any personal donations of any sort, both used scenario of a tragic car accident to off someone, there is more. Emotional scammers. Don’t know if it’s coincidence or not, but interesting to say the least. BTW, people who investigated the Mike Feigen case pretty much nailed the person who created the fictious family by tracing IP addresses, his name was Lee Sinins. The two may have nothing to do wit each other, but you can’t deny the similarities.

      2. One more thing, I just saw in the journals that were summarized, that the story with Eli used the idea of a “third twin”. In the Mike Feigen hoax, he had 2 twin sons with CF, he also had a nephew that had CF that he referred to constantly as the “third twin”. Interesting. Again, I am just throwing things out there, it is pure speculation that these 2 stories are related somehow. It’s just so odd the similarities.

  11. Does anyone know if these people ever asked for money…anyone have a receipt for a paypal donation or anything like that? There are laws against this. A paper trail is crucial.

  12. Aces & Eights is a bar in New York City I think it is closed now I am having issues posting a comment so if I post more then once I am sorry delete them. check out pictures on all the friends you listed some of them are going private pretty fast but others not yet here is one that has lots of what was talked about It seems his friends are focused on him. There are lots of accident photos, twins and police…

  13. Not sure if this helps or not in discovering who the actual child “Eli” is. I’ve been browsing the photos that crazycanuckj posted on Mobog and certain things struck me right away. My son is a cancer survivor and was treated at BC Children’s which is the only hospital in BC that would treat children with cancer. Looking through all those photos, I can tell right away that none of those “hospital” or “clinic” photos are from BC Children’s. Browsing through pages and pages of pictures, I did come across this one:
    If you look on the back wall, it looks like it says “(something) Apodaca (something) Media Center” (Canadians spell it “centre” by the way). A quick Google search indicates that Apodaca is a city in Mexico. Is it possible that the REAL “Eli” is a child living in Mexico? I don’t speak Spanish, so I wouldn’t even know where/how to begin looking for websites/pages there that might identify the real family.

    1. He also wore a shirt in a picture that said Mt.Shasta on it and that is in California. I would like to know who the real Eli is. If for nothing else than to let his family know…. Although, personally, not sure why, but I think it’s a woman and “Eli” is her son.

  14. Okay, it’s not Mexico. It’s New Mexico. The hospital is the University of New Mexico. Take a look at this photo taken of “Eli” in hospital:
    If you scroll through photos of the inside of the UNM Hospital:
    You’ll come across images (like the mosaic tile horse) that matches all the photos of “Eli” in hospital.
    So we’re looking for a mother and child that are/were being treated there (New Mexico).

  15. IMO he used more than one child for the pics because they look nothing alike. My daughter had a port and she came home 45 minutes after it was removed. In the pics he stayed overnight but when he came home he had an IV hooked up. They wouldn’t have taken out the port if they were still using it like for an IV. My daughter had to not use hers for 6 months before they took hers out. They also sold Warroir Eli bands, they wouldn’t have spent money to make them unless they knew they could sell them and make more money.

  16. I remember seeing a pix of a box of “warrior Eli bands” on his fb page that show them shipping out 146 bands. How much were people paying for those? That’s where he was making money.

  17. Well i got 5 warrior eli wrist bands but they were sent to me for free ill see if i can find the return address tht was on the package maybe tht can help??idk

  18. “Eli” isn’t named Eli, but rather goes by “e” online as his Mom has dubbed him. She’s a friend and colleague of mine. She’s posted already here in a different thread and has made contact with the owner of this website, so I’ll leave the details for them to hash out. But the nut of the situation is this: the little boy exists, as does Mom, and the photos were lifted from various websites. Mom had no idea until today that their photos were stolen, the little guy did have a ferocious fight with cancer, and they’re both alive and kicking.

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