The foundation is investigating now. They assured me that any money raised in Eli’s or Dana’s name did indeed go directly to the charity and the “Dirr Family” never had any access to those funds.
I’ll post more as I receive it.
Finding The Fakers One At A Time
The foundation is investigating now. They assured me that any money raised in Eli’s or Dana’s name did indeed go directly to the charity and the “Dirr Family” never had any access to those funds.
I’ll post more as I receive it.
Last night, I called the two large hospitals in Saskatoon which is place the small town where the Dirr’s live -neither had ever heard of Dr. Dana Dirr or Devereau and had not heard of a tragic death of any doctor in their area. Also, there was nothing on their news that told the people I spoke with of this happening. Such a sad thing to exploit a child who has cancer or the whole cancer situation. Like many Mothers -I spent mine yesterday in tears at this terrible tragedy. I’m sorry there are people who would do this. Also, there was nothing on their news that told the people I spoke with of this happening.
I’m convinced that at the very least no mother of 11 children died after giving birth following a crash in Canada yesterday.
If they where not receiving any money and it was just a hoaxs, then my question is why???
I had sent my name and address to to see if they where really sending out wristbands, cause I seen alot of people asking for them but no one posted a comment thanking then for the wristband. I am not worried about someone knowing my name and address, you can find that in the phone book. Could they continue to contact you and eventually ask for money??? Here is the email I received back only couple minutes after sending it>>>
Hi Bonnie,
Thank you for your love and support. I will forward this to J’s sister Emily as she is sending the wristbands out for the family. She just told me this morning that she ran out of mediums. We just put in another order for more wristbands so they should be in to her in the next 7-10 days. I’m sorry it’s going to take a while but I have your information down on her sheet and she’ll have them to you as soon as she receives them. Thanks again for your support!
Dane (Dana’s Dad)
Such a shocking story and yet all so strange. If they didn’t get any money out of it, then why the hoax? It really makes no sense.
Google Munchausen by Internet. Super fascinating stuff.
Lol, yeah, I didn’t think of that.
In this case I think it’s actually Munchausen by proxy, but all the same. This stuns me.
Munchausen-by-proxy is when someone is intentionally hurting another person (usually a child) or by frequently taking them to the doctor’s office or the hospital with complaints of various symptoms – often requiring invasive medical tests which typically turn up nothing being wrong.
Munchausen-by-internet (or, as one clever person put it, Munchausen-by-proxy-server) is creating online stories about yourself or someone else having a serious fight with some kind of health problem. While no one can discount or deny the emotional pain that MbI cases cause to the people who get caught up in the hoax, the one small window of comfort is that there isn’t an actual child suffering. All too often the efforts of people with MbP to cause a child to be sick enough to be able to seek frequent medical assistance end up with the person going too far and severely injuring or killing the child.
It’s a good thing the money at least went to the right place, so that’s something.
Yes, I know everyone who searched for this info didn’t do it to discredit or take money away from Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
I just hope that Alex’s Lemonade Stand doesn’t suffer. Just being associated with this might be enough to tarnish their reputation.
It is not Munchasuen by Proxy as there was NO child. SICK. I too wasin tears over this all yesterday. Sick people.
I agree not Munchasuen by Proxy as there is no kid. The thing is in my opinion although most or some of the money was going to a charity, they were probably also recieveing things. They probably gained more from this than we’ll ever know. It’s very sick! Sick thing is this isn’t the first time something like this has happeend(actually far from it) and it won’t be last. People see any easy to way to get money and gifts and use it. This type of scam saddly is easy to get away with and brings in alot of money and gifts!
They had about “fake” fundraisers for families of sick children, my guess is since people are saying they have pm’d them on fbook for months, hours at a time that they were using the info learned to set up fake fundraisers and that’s where the money came in. I already googled my son’s name (although I followed them never had direct communication. Seems they quickly found fbook pages pray for…. and befriended them. I am advising everyone with a child and fbook pray for page to google their child’s name and make sure there aren’t pages out there. They learned the details for their posts from these ppl to make it sound legit.
Someone needs to contact the authorities in their area.
Hi Julia,
It’s hard to know where they live. When i had told them I wanted to send money and not use a credit card, they had me send money to Emily Dirr in Ohio. That donation did show up on Alex’s Lemonade Stand. This hoax was very elaborate.
Yeah, the area here is very hard to figure out. If anyone has emails from them, I might be able to narrow it down from IP addresses.
I started to wonder about it when they said they had plenty of toys for their 11 kids. Most of the kids I give toys to have plenty, but they always want more. Maybe they dont even have kids at all so no use for the toys and didnt want to get stuck with a bunch of toys
awhile back there was a documentary on HBo about a woman who basically did the exact same thing as this Dirr guy had done it was interesting to watch and made you wonder why someone would go through all the trouble of so many fake accounts I cannot remember tha name of it but it was very similar in so many ways she said she had an ill Daughter who was an artist and was selling her paintings which was all just a scam….. anyone see that show by chance?
it was CATFISH
Well just google emily dirr. She is on tons of those xanga blogs, just like JS dirr. Also you see lots of cancer related charities (including alot for alsf)…might be a girl. Maybe a news station will pick it up and get to the bottom of it.
Just noticed “Emily” deleted her Twitter. Hmmm.
Alana, you are talking about Catfish. That was one sick lady!
So wrong.
How was it found out they were fake? I havent followed them for long but I found a few other child cancer pages through them and now have no idea if they are ligit…? I mean all of these stories were sooo sad but yesterday after reading that the mother passed I finally looked at their fb page and read about a car crash from before? and the fact that they didnt want anything for their children seemed out of place to me because… well kids can never have enough toys.
Im young so I dont know what to look for in a fake page or how to find out if they are real or not
google Munchausen by internet, and there are many blogs and articles that describe the characteristics of someone who is faking a life (or illness) on the internet.. Its crazy
If you look at the photos on that “Uncle Wills” fb page, there are a bunch with JS & several other tagged people. If you click the profiles of the tagged people, most if not all say they went to The university of British Columbia & mostly only like flav-or-ice & squeeze the day. It’s seems funny that all these people would only have those likes or interests on Facebook! Also it says that the photos are from 2011 & “JS” is partying it up, drinking in every photo & has no wedding ring on. He also looks pretty young to have 11 children. Last night before the page was taken down I think it said they were married in that’s an awful lot of kids to have in that time frame & wouldn’t she also have been attending medical school during these years too?
I’m thinking that there is no JS & Dana who were married with kids and have all these other scenarios attached to them. I think it’s some kind of a fraternity prank or scam that they concocted or someone did.
could it be that the pictures of “JS and Dana” are not really them either? Could be a guy or a girl making everything up including their names and pictures.. Does anyone have screenshots of their pics, because you can run it through some websites and see if there maybe are no js and dana and those pics are stolen too
I personally think that it’s just some random people that the scammer found on Flickr and has used for years, but nothing would surprise me now.
I received Free Warrior Eli bracelets
From “aunt Emily.” this just disgusts me.
The measures they took to make this seem real are extreme!
They don’t exist. It’s all a creation. And the person who ‘busted’ this hoax is the same one who created it. Just a hunch. I think the speed with which this blog produced all the evidence and the timeline chronicling it, points to it being the same person, craving the same attention, in a slightly new format. Move on, people.
I have a pretty extensive web presence that would show you I’m not the scamming type, but with all of this crazy stuff popping up I don’t blame you for not believing everything you read.
(I’m sure it’s not my BS detector and wounded ego in overdrive, since I fell for the FB viral prayer bomb yesterday.) Sorry to accuse you. The link you sent me to your blog went to an empty URL. An extensive web presence doesn’t cut the mustard ~ does PoppinPippa Picture Helper really exist? I think this site initially burst the bubble, but is now almost glorifying the hijinks. In any case, I sympathize with anyone who has more of a web presence than a real-life presence, and can understand how this would snowball over time. Take care.
It’s actually very easy to find the information once you spot something that is off. There was another page just a couple of months ago that me and a couple of other people busted and it took us less than 2 hours to find over half of their pictures on other websites. In fact, I found one just minutes after they posted it! I see no reason to believe they are the ones who created it. Once you find one thing and realize it’s fake, finding the other stuff is easy! And I won’t move on as long as people are being scammed! Something needs to be done to stop these fake pages because they are taking money and support away from kids who really do need it! Nothing can be done until awarness is raised to show big this problem really is.
I think that this,”Emily Dirr” IS “JS Dirr.” I looked at some of the links and the pics of this dude are NOT the same person. Also, the blog posts do not seem to be written by a guy, the language, sentence structure, wording, etc. I bet the actual blogger(liar, scammer, scumbag) is a sick, sad, teenage girl that is clearly mentally ill, and this is her fantasy life. This stuff reads like a really cheesy soap opera and everyone except Eli, has a cheesy soap opera name.
I don’t think this was a teenager -my niece has been communicating with JS Dirr for about 10 years. Also, you see a man and woman in the videos they posted -I think it is a man and woman involved. So sad.
I too have been in contact with JS Dirr for a few years now. Very saddened to find all of this out
What if this wasn’t about the initial $$ from donors but our contact info on Facebook….befriending, commenting etc…..our names the states we live in, our college info….all enough for identity theft. Someone takin the time and elaborate steps is not a dumb person….he is a scammer. Everyone whose commented on & liked the page warrioreli be very careful.