Dear “JS” and “Dana”

Please contact me before I out you on the internet.  I’d like to hear some excuses before I start unleashing a mountain of evidence.  Please get a hold of me before 5:30 central time.  Thank you.

14 thoughts on “Dear “JS” and “Dana””

  1. thank you and I give you a lot of credit for doing this…this is a lot of work…when I first posted about this on MWOP, and people would tell me, incl my own son who is a news reporter, that they thought something was “up,” I got upset and actually defended these stupid people…now, today? I feel so used and pissed off…I am so upset that someone would do this…I would not even give them a chance, did they give us a chance?

  2. I’m so confused…Is there really a twisted person name JS Dirr out there or is the name fake. Is Eli really apart of the Dirr family….? Is this even a real family lol so confused

    1. This makes me mad & sick to my stomach to think that some person or people would come up with this as a scam!! To whom it may concern, you will stand before God almighty one day & i shudder to think of what Hes going to say & do to you. He knows who you are and im sure He will judge you fairly! Hell is a bad place. Also for all of the children fighting this disease…..pray that God will show us these evil people and that He shows us who need prayer, help, wisdom & more.

  3. This crap makes me sick!!! These people ruin it for all of us who do have children fighting for there lives.. It makes it harder for those of us trying to do fundraisers and ect because people think they are always being scammed!!! I pray justice is served!!!!

  4. what I don’t get is taht they did not ask for money for themself? They asked for the money to be donated to a charity? So what was the intention of these people? Usually these kinds of people do it for the money for themselves but the donated money went to the charity and not to them? Man, this is all so wrong on so many levels.

      1. The only weird part is that Munchausen by Proxy actually involves making your kid sick or act sick… if this girl really doesn’t have a sick kid at all… not to mention everyone is expressing sympathy to fake people, NOT to her… then she’s even more twisted than any “normal” Munchausen case.

  5. Did anyone reply? It’s 430 mountain time so I’m curious as to if there’s new information, this is mind blowing to me. How could someone feed off of other people’s grief like this?! It’s truly insane.

  6. So unbelievable. I kept checking Warrior Eli page yesterday for updates on how “Dana” and the baby were saw where she died and stayed up late reading post from all the pages and looking at the pictures. I kept thinking how can Dana and Js be so young married such a short time and have 11 kids. No mention that I saw of his, her and ours, but only appeared to mention about 6 of them in all the poat I read. I also was googling for any “news” of such a horrific crash and was shocked that there wasn’t even one little blurb anywhere. My heart was breaking for a little boy with cancer that no longer had a mommy and a poor young father who lost the love of his life and was left with 11 children to raise. Too gullible! LOL

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