Reader 1’s Response to Emily


This is a package sent to Reader 1 from “Warrior Eli.” It contained fifty plastic bracelets meant to raise awareness to Eli Dirr’s cancer battle, pictures of Eli printed out and suitable for framing, and several drawings by Eli that are pretty impressive for a 6 year old but not so hot when you realize they were drawn by someone who is 22.


im so disappointed. you came into my life at the most vulnerable time for me, when i was just diagnosed with crohn’s disease at 12 years old, and i started talking to you when i was 13. i had no friends. i was lonely and miserable. you talked to me when i was sent to memphis for boarding school and were a friend through my darkest times. you were there when i battled a drug addiction, when i went through side effect after side effect of my medications for crohn’s. you listened to me about my worries of my boyfriend leaving for the Marines. You know everything there is to know about me. i trusted you.

in return, you fed me crap. i thought i had a serious friendship with you. you were my online big brother, and now i find out you’re not even real. i put so much of myself into your story. your “family” i handed out at least 200 Warrior Eli wristbands, and advocated for him on my own facebook. i cried when Dana died. i even offered to fly up to Canada to help you with your kids the second i turned 18.

I bought all of this story that you fed to me. i really did. i really thought i could trust you. im in so much pain right now because i can’t even grieve over the loss of a friend because that friend didn’t exist. I keep logging on to facebook excited how i can vent about these recent turn of events, until i remember that you’re not there anymore.

you lied until the very last second. you had the chance to come clean with me, and you kept lying. that hurt the most. Honestly, after 4 years, even if you said that this was all a lie, and you were sorry for everything, i would have been mad obviously, but who wouldnt? but eventually, i would have healed. i would have forgiven you. and i would have been able to be there for you when you were REALLY discovered.

but instead, you didnt trust me. you just used me, for unknown reasons.

i have no idea why you kept up this friendship with me, as far as i’m aware of, there are only a few people who actually maintained a relationship with you for a long period of time. i dont understand what the point of me was. i didnt donate money, i passed out bracelets that i got for free. I thought, maybe, you kept me around because you needed a friend, because you were lonely, but its not like you told me anything real. everything we talked about was either about E, your kids, Dana, or your job, and none of these things exist.

I wanted so much to believe you. I was defending you against the people that showed me the wordpress site. but then i saw lily and jude, oh sorry, kate and adam, on another person’s blog. and then all your other kids from random people’s facebooks around the world. it killed me.

my lesson is well learned, never trust someone you meet on the internet. i haven’t even begun to recover from the fact you sent me hard copies of pictures of a sick child you never even met, and that you drew pictures with crayons saying they were from a boy who didnt even exist. the boy who likes Cars the movie and loved his family more than life. who comes from a family of ice hockey players and once referred to me as his girlfriend.

i keep trying to brush this off as if it was no big deal, what should i have expected? you’re just someone on the internet. but its more than that. i got so attached and so involved, and now its gone. i miss J. i miss my friend who was there for me during the hardest 4 years of my life. but he was never even real. nothing that was part of him was real. and that kills me.

i knew you lied to me, at least a little. it was the little things, like your tattoos, i looked at all your pictures, and i couldn’t find a single one of you with the tattoos. so i thought maybe that was a lie to look cool. The rebellious teen who got stupid tattoos when they were younger. Then you told me the story of Sammy, and i couldn’t find it anywhere online, so i thought you either made it up or were exaggerating. or maybe you changed his name. i didnt really care. you talked about it like it was important to you, so i went along with it because i cared.

Then it was Dana. i thought no one could be so sick that they would make something like that up online, but you did. i tried to believe you. but the way you acted when she was gone was the calling card that you were lying. at first i thought it was just shock, but you made a mistake. you started talking different. using different words than J would have, you even sent a smiley face on the facebook chat when you said you were just happy about having Evelyn, i knew something was off. J NEVER sent smiley icons. come on, i’ve been you “friend” for four years. i know better.

i wish i knew better than to have believed all of this. so much time and effort was put into helping you and your “family” and now im destroyed. i told you how i dont really have that many friends anymore, and now i just have one less.

i cried for hours after i saw the post with your apology letter. you acted like it was no big deal. whatever, people got hurt, who cares?

I care.

did 4 years really mean nothing to you? was this roleplay just one big game to you and you dont care at all if anyone gets hurt?

i got hurt.

a lot.

So this is it. i said what i needed to say. i dont have anything left of me to give you, because you know every single detail about me. what i want to do with my life. my fears of my boyfriend leaving and me relapsing on drugs. my family problems.

i know absolutely nothing about you. i know about a fictional character. but i know nothing about the real person behind it all.

i dont expect you to respond honestly. you can if you want, you can email taryn, or you can email me directly. but i know you wont. you’ve hidden behind facebook walls through other people’s names and pictures for so long, you probably feel like you dont owe me anything.

I know one thing for sure though. I already miss JS and Eli so much. and dana, timmy, dougie, katie, marko, tayo, lily, jude, jack, and the baby i never got to learn the personality of, evie.
i miss the whole family. and i miss my friend.

i hope this was worth it to you.”

A Message From Emily

Emily and I talked on the phone for twenty minutes last night.

She expressed a lot of remorse about the situation.  It started out when she was very young, 11, and it obviously snowballed out of control as an escape for some sad situations in her own life.  Emily agreed she owed a lot of people an apology, so she sent me something to post for all of you.

To whom I have hurt:
I am deeply sorry for all the pain I have caused everyone. It was
never my intention to do so. This all started 11 years ago when I was
a bored 11-year-old kid looking for an escape from the pain and
heartache I saw in my own family. It started almost as a fiction
writing, but the more time I spent escaping to it, the more “real” it
became. I am so sorry it hurt so many real families, and so many
people out there.

After several years of writing, I thought I could
do some good with my writing. I had read stories of children fighting
pediatric cancer and thought I could raise awareness for these kids.
I owe perhaps my deepest apology to the Alex’s Lemonade Stand
Foundation. They are such a wonderful organization I wanted to help
support. I did not mean any harm at all, but I know I caused harm in
how I earned support for them. My actions do not reflect what ALSF
stands for. They are truly wonderful people and I hope more than
anything that I did not hurt their foundation. Every penny donated to
the 2 sites I set up with them went directly to them.

This was never about personal gain for me. This whole thing snowballed from an
escape for me into trying to raise awareness and funding for pediatric
cancer, although it was completely in the wrong way.

I am not mentally ill, we all make mistakes, some, such as mine, more grave
mistakes than others. If I could take back the years of writing
turned into the years of using others’ photos, I would in a heartbeat.

When I get up in the morning, I will be removing every page I
created. It’s way past time for me to move on and do something good
without harming others in the process. I am truly sorry to each of
the families I have hurt. I hope, but do not expect that you will be
able to one day forgive me. Or at very least move on and forget about
what I have done.

Lastly, I would like to urge you all to continue to support ALSF. They had no part in this and they really do deserve as much support as they can get.

Yes, Warrior Eli is a Hoax

I have heard today from five people who received “Warrior Eli” bracelets.  All were sent from the United States.  This was explained away by JS and Dana as an easier mailing solution.

Reader 1 writes:  i’ve been talking to JS for four years. i am so dissapointed that this is all a hoax.
he had sent me a bunch of warrior eli wristbands and i thought you might want to know the return address.  supposedly his “sister” emily sent them to me, because he didnt want anyone to know where he lived exactly because he wanted to protect his children..

Reader 1 friended “JS’s sister” Emily on Facebook and received the following message.

Im sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to your friend request – I really haven’t been on facebook too much lately. Between school, work, taking care of my parents, and trying to get to Sask as much as I can it’s been crazy! I usually don’t accept friend requests from people that are also friends with J and Dana but you sound like you’re pretty awesome and I could totally get away with being friends with you without my Mom getting suspicious of anything! I do have a rather odd request though, if it’s ok, please don’t post anything related to J, Dana, the kids, or childhood cancer on my wall. I’m friends with my Mom on facebook and she doesn’t know that I still talk to J at all. I feel bad sneaking around behind her back to have a relationship with my brother but it is what it is.

Today, after child after child of “JS and Dana” were found to actually be the children of a popular South African blogger as well as many unsuspecting Flickr users, Reader 1 had the following conversation with “JS.”

JS:  “I feel like I should tell you before anyone else does that some people stole a lot of our photos and are calling my family a hoax and me a scammer. My father-in-law made all of our pages private to keep them away last night. Please stay away from these people, I really don’t want to lose you as a friend because of this bs”

Reader 1 will be blacked out to protect her privacy in these screen shots, but I’ve verified the contents.












I should note that Reader 1 is young and has been talking to “JS” for several years.  She’s heartbroken over this, but she was smart enough to realize something was very off about this situation.

I have more proof.  In fact, thanks to the wizards of the internet who have been emailing me all day, I know Emily’s work history, prior addresses, and favorite Harry Potter movie.

No, she doesn’t have a son, let alone a son with cancer.  No, she doesn’t have a brother JS.  No, she didn’t have a murdered brother Sammy.  And Dana didn’t die on Mother’s Day because Dana is not a real person.

I personally would like Emily to apologize to the people who’s pictures she stole, the people who she emotionally manipulated and the people who donated money to a charity she chose under EXTREMELY false pretenses.

I also think she owes a huge apology to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.  They are an incredible charity and did not deserve any kind of black mark on their reputation.