
We were looking into a profile of a lady from a mid-Atlantic state.  “JS Dirr” had asked two people to friend her on Facebook, so we wondered if she was somehow either a sock puppet or involved.

I have verified she is a real person and that she was just as duped as everyone else.  During the early days of Yahoo chat, she messaged “JS” because he was a Mountie (sigh) and this lady had an interest in horses.  They chatted online and via text for years, and this lady also IM’ed with “Dana.”

Apparently, Emily had people friend her because they all shared an interest in photography.

This lady is just as shocked as we are and has requested that I remove her real name from this blog.  I am doing this as I am confident from what I discovered (via email, IP address and a long phone conversation) that this lady is real, uninvolved and she just wants to move on with her life.

Thanks, everyone!

Did Emily Dirr Profit from “Warrior Eli?”

Emily sent me the following information the day after she was revealed to be the person behind the “Warrior Eli” hoax.


No one had come forward to admit they had sent “JS’s US sister” any money, gift cards or gifts.

Until today.



Obviously this woman, Reader 3, didn’t get the address from the return address on the bracelets and then send an unsolicited gift.

About those bracelets.  Emily sent out hundreds and hundreds of them.


She sent them internationally and ordered them from a company in China.  Depending on her order size, Emily spent anywhere between 19 to 57 cents per band, including shipping.  And she sent a lot of them out.

This is pure speculation, but a reader wonders if maybe the death of “Dana Dirr” was going to be the set up for the big scam.  The family asked for donations for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, but you know that anyone who had the return address was going to send something.

Again, we don’t know if it’s true, but since Emily lied about only receiving unsolicited gifts or cards, it makes you wonder.

If you sent anything to JS and Dana Dirr through their “relative in Ohio,” I’d love to hear from you.  warriorelihoax@gmail.com