Questions about “Fighting for Schmidty”

Brittany “Brett” Schmidt is a 21 year old woman who has been dealt a rough hand of cards in life.  Estranged from her mother, she has fought cancer three times and currently has a terminal diagnosis of two high grade brain tumors with brain stem involvement.  Her nurse, Jay, posts on an awareness Facebook page for her and the two share her story on a CaringBridge page as well.

Unfortunately, some questions have come up about Brett.  On her Facebook page, she posts about receiving radiation treatment.


That picture was found elsewhere on the web, posted in 2006.

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All of Brett’s pictures of her treatment are very closely cropped.  She has no hospital gowns or bracelets.  The rooms she claims are in the hospital could be anywhere.






Brett  has been talking to some pretty important people about her story lately and it would be a shame if she wasn’t being 100% truthful.

EDITED TO ADD:  Brett deleted her Facebook page and then put it back up again with these pictures deleted.  Hmmm.

Why Did Dana Dirr Have to Die?

Last year, Esther, the mother of the boy whose pictures Emily Dirr stole to use as “Eli Dirr,” privatized her Flickr account.  Unknowingly, this put the first nail in the coffin of Dana Dirr and probably Eli too.

On January 25th, Esther received a notification from Flickr that someone had added her as a contact.  She never noticed the connection request.  The profile used a yellow pediatric cancer awareness ribbon as an avatar and talked about a son’s battle with recurring cancer.


After the Warrior Eli hoax was revealed, Esther finally noticed the request but didn’t note the date.  She looked at the pictures associated with the account, recognized a couple of the “Dirr kids” and figured it was a parent who had also had their children’s picture’s used by Emily to illustrate the Warrior Eli saga.  Tonight, when our Facebook group was trying to identify the kids involved, Esther shared the Flickr profile.  I read it and immediately knew it was another sock puppet created by Emily Dirr.

Julia was a character in the tale of JS Dirr.  She was the biological mother of Eli, Dougie and their half brother Kyle.  JS had gained custody of the boys (as was his custom) but Julia King was still a member of the Ex Girlfriends of JS Dirr Facebook group.

When Esther didn’t add “Julia_KDE” to her Flickr contacts, Emily no longer had any access to new pictures of Eli or of Dana.  She stole a few pictures from Esther’s Facebook profile, but not enough to maintain her lies.  She had no choice but to kill off Dana and have Eli relapse, a grim future ahead of him.

Many people have pondered that Emily killed off Dana because on some level she wanted to be caught.  The hoax had taken over her life and ending the life of a main character on Mother’s Day showed desperation.  Now it’s obvious the only reason Dana (and maybe Eli) had to die was because there would be no more pictures of either of them.

As a side note, check out some of the pictures from other Flickr users that “Julia” had marked as her favorites.


Look familiar?


Other favorites might be a preview of coming attractions for the Dirr family, if Emily hadn’t been exposed.

There’s a huge display of cancer medications, an MRI of a brain tumor (which lucky loved one was fated to have that?), and some close up pictures of the back of a couple of little boys’ heads, perfect to serve as generic pictures of some of JS’ tribe.

She also favorited a picture of a dead child’s toy, encased in glass and preserved with flowers that had been displayed on a little boy’s coffin.  It was a memorial the family had made to remember their son.  Eli’s future, perhaps?

If Esther hadn’t decided to make her pictures private, Emily might never have killed off any characters and this whole mess might never have been exposed.

The Friends and Family of JS Dirr

People have asked why Emily Dirr went to such great lengths to create over 70 fake Facebook profiles in order to create the world of JS, Dana, Eli and the rest of the Dirr family.  Check out this profile of JS’ best friend, Mitchy Aaron.






All of the comments on Mitchy’s page are from sockpuppet accounts created by Emily Dirr.  Mitchy also had over 100 pictures on his Facebook profile, most related somehow to JS and Dana or his job as a Canadian Mountie.


Mitchy was just a supporting player in the Dirr universe, but by creating a full profile for JS’ best friend, Emily made sure that anyone who had doubts about the Dirr family or Eli’s story could click and see that of course the Dirrs are real.  Who would spend so much time making a fake profile just for a friend of the family?

This was all done to add depth to her story and make it appear more authentic.  At the end of the Gawker article, Adrian Chen raises questions as to whether Emily Dirr acted alone in creating all of this.

Anna, who had the online romance with J.S., believes there was more to the Dirrs than just Emily. In early 2011, Anna and J.S. had a fight, after which J.S. gave Anna the silent treatment. So she decided to use a service called SpyPig to see if he was reading the emails she sent him. SpyPig lets you hide a code in an email that notifies you exactly when and where your message was opened, and if it was forwarded anywhere. SpyPig told Anna some of the emails she sent to J.S. were being opened in Vancouver, while some were opened in Ohio. One of her emails was opened three times in Ohio, then forwarded to New York.

Why were emails opened in Vancouver, if Emily had run the entire hoax from her father’s home in Ohio? Who was in New York? I sent an email to J.S.’s email account. So far, according to the Spypig code I embeded in it, it hasn’t been opened yet.

It could just be that easy for the Dirr family to disappear.

JS Dirr had a close friend who only knew him through online interactions.  She lives in New York.  My theory is that Emily used a proxy to make it appear like she lived in Canada, opened the email at her house in Ohio and forwarded it to this friend in New York.  Why?  She wanted JS and Dana to be rich and multifaceted characters, and what better way to show this than to share emails written by an online girlfriend to another friend?

The awareness bracelets were also a ploy to authenticate the story.  Anyone questioning would have their doubts silenced when they saw that the family was sending out packages for free to draw awareness to Eli’s story.


The package pictured above was sent in November of 2010.

EDITED 7/3/12: Emily also made donations to cancer fundraisers in the Dirrs’ name.  She had a YouTube channel of stolen videos that she claimed were the Dirr children here.  You can also see screen shots of part of JS’ MySpace here.

Here are screen shots of the many fake Facebook profiles associated with JS and Dana Dirr.  The ones that are still active as of today are marked.

According to Facebook  you can either deactivate an account or delete it entirely.  Interesting that JS Dirr’s account is deactivated and not deleted.

JS Dirr

Dana Dirr

Dane Deveroux (Dana’s father)

William Houston (friend)

Kim Sutton (girlfriend of William Houston)

Wayne Houston (father of William Houston)

Marc LeBeau (friend)

Brittany Morton (friend and ex-girlfriend)

Adam Spain (friend)

Alex Spain (wife of Adam)

Benita Miller (friend and ex-girlfriend)

Mitchy Aaron (best friend of JS)

Shane Pellizer (friend)

Ben Palmer (friend)

Todd White (friend)

Rob Birclay (friend)

Shawna Birclay (Rob’s wife)

Jenn Lisko

Jennifer Lawrence

Doug Clark (friend)

Grace Benedatto (friend)

Joshua Dirr (brother of JS)

Ashleigh Miller (ex girlfriend)

Sid Baker (friend)

Wade Ralleigh (friend)

Dierks Cody (friend)

Lynn Aaron (Mitchy’s wife)

Tara Dirr (Joshua’s wife, mom of triplets)

Connor Kloeten

Jimmy Dirr

Here are some profiles that were associated with the Dirrs that are deleted with no available screen shots.

Nicholas Brandon (friend)

Mike Walling (friend)

Mike Lucas (friend and fellow Mountie)

Kayla Pittman (friend)

Liz Aaron (friend, ex-wife to Mitchy)

The following are profiles created to fill up the Facebook group “The Ex-Girlfriends of JS Dirr”  That Facebook group is still active and these profiles still exist. (I’m including screen shots in case they are deleted).

Alyssa Shaw

Taylore Spear

Deanna Clinton

Ashleigh Freeman

Sarah Ryder

Amanda Blake

Amy Wheeler

Liz Anderson

Jessa McGrey

Jenn Ashbury

Mandy Porter

Heather Walsh

Nicole Brown

Jessi Taylor

Laura Glass-Pickens

Allie Carter

Danielle Sweet

Hannah Hennessee

Kelly Shaw

Natalie Cooper

Megan Yrson

Bonny Abbott

Christine Porter

Andrew Tampa

Elise Conninx

Sam Lenae

Ashley Summerlan

Meghan Johnson

Taryn Morrisson

Renee Kelczewskie

Shelby Victoria

Mady Amera

Amy Duncan

Karri Hutton

Kitty Marin

Brandy Wright

The following were women in the group whose profiles have since been deleted.

Jenny Roberts

Julia King

There were seven other women in this group whose profiles were deleted and whose names I didn’t screen shot, unfortunately.

This makes a total of 81 fake Facebook profiles involved in the Warrior Eli hoax.  And I’m pretty sure there were more.

And, just because it’s interesting, here’s JS Dirr’s take on people who would try to trick the childhood cancer support community.

