This is Rachael.

Rachael writes a Tumblr blog called Terminal Chronicles. She’s almost 22 and has had an extremely hard life. She’s been diagnosed with MS, Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease. Tragically, she lost a baby to SIDS in December of 2011. Her family and friends have more ailments than Web MD. And now, she’s dying of brain cancer.
It’s very sad.

Rachael started out her blog lamenting the loss of her hair. On December 9th, she says her hair loss “hurts so bad” and she only has three small sections of hair on her otherwise bald head.

On December 10th, she posted this video of herself pulling out chunks of hair. That doesn’t look like three small sections of hair with the rest of her head bald.
Also interesting is that many of Rachael’s pictures that seem to depict scenes in a hospital were actually taken at an apartment complex in Missouri.

As you can see, Rachael posts a lot of pictures of herself, some which are supposed to show medical procedures. Much like an earlier hoax we exposed, these pictures are always close cropped so the backgrounds aren’t visible. Very interesting.
Rachael racked up a lot of followers on both Tumblr and at her CarePages blog. Sometimes she begged her followers to just leave her alone.

Other times she asked them to vote for her in a contest sponsored by a hair salon.
It didn’t take her very long, though, to start asking her followers for money. And lots of it.

After sharing pictures of her boyfriend, who shaved his head in support of his beloved, Rachael started lamenting that they were broke and wouldn’t have money for rent.

Soon she began begging her followers to donate to her Gofundme page and to share her story with everyone they could.

The money came rolling in.

One extremely kind reader even donated $1000. And Rachael decided she could raise money for other needs too, thanks to a well-timed anonymous suggestion.

She was grateful for the donations, even offering to have herself cremated with her friends’ Tumblr URLs in her pockets so she could greet them in heaven like a limo driver with a sign at the airport. (No, I’m not kidding)

Soon, though, the donations started dripping, not pouring in. This made Rachael very sad.

Fortunately, her dad just happened to pick that very minute to have a stroke, and Rachael’s boyfriend popped in to let everyone know and to remind readers they could still help in any way they could, whether it was by donating through GoFundMe or by sending Rachael “a card or anything.”

In these dark times, a ray of hope cut through the clouds. Rachael might possibly not be terminal! She had a consult and announced that she could have “this thing where they take a certain kind of stem cell that can fight cancer.” There’s a problem though. Rachael’s insurance won’t pay and she has to raise $7000.

Let the begging begin!

Social workers harassed Tray in waiting rooms for the down payment. Surgery was tentatively scheduled, but wouldn’t be done if no one donated.

The full amount was raised and the social worker loan shark backed off. Rachael had her surgery. All was well… until things took a turn for the worse and, of course, more money was needed.

Then, tragically, on February 6th, Tray let us know Rachael was on a ventilator.