Poor Aurella Rocca-Greer, better known as AJ, can’t catch a break. She had two extremely traumatic late term miscarriages before giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, Arianna. Unfortunately, little Arianna is deaf and suffers from Goodpasture Syndrome, a rare disease that causes kidney and lung failure. This disease usually targets older men, but luckless Arianna is only four years old. In fact, she is the youngest person ever diagnosed with the disease.

Luckily, AJ has a lot of support. Arianna had a Facebook prayer page (screen capped there but since deleted after friends upset AJ and caused her to give up drama) and had racked up over 4000 fans. AJ celebrated every time the number of people praying for her daughter went up.

AJ also organized prayer chains on the day of Arianna’s kidney transplant to help guard against a possible bad outcome.

Arianna and AJ lived in England with AJ’s husband Joshua. (They are also expecting twins, of course). After Arianna had a kidney transplant and experienced complications, the doctors in the hospital decided that the best treatment option for the little girl would be to transfer her to a hospital in Lansing, Michigan.

So, on October 28th, AJ, Arianna and a couple of medics boarded a small helicopter and took off from England bound for Lansing, Michigan. Even though the helicopter ride must have been quite bumpy, what with flying through Hurricane Sandy and all, they arrived safely in Michigan just a handful of hours later.

Once she arrived in the land of medical miracles, Arianna quickly started feeling better.

She was released from the hospital on November 8th (eleven days after the perilous life-saving helicopter flight) and apparently felt well enough to stop and do a family photo shoot in a cornfield on the way home. You know, just like all families with immunosuppressed children do.

The real “AJ” is a woman from Nebraska named Danielle. Her sister, Sydney, has a pretty public Facebook page. Sydney’s pictures were used as AJ’s sister Maddie.

The picture of the family in the cornfield after “Arianna’s” hospital stay was found on Danielle’s husband’s father’s Flickr account.

The main profile picture for “Prayers for Arianna” was also found on Sydney’s Facebook profile.

Even these pictures of “Arianna’s” birthday party and new bedroom accessories were taken from other places on the internet.

Danielle’s pictures have been used as “AJ” for many years. Here’s a profile at TeenSpot.com that was made in 2009. Here’s another profile, this one from Yunti.com, with more baby pictures of Danielle’s real life child used to portray “Arianna.” That’s also from 2009.
“AJ” is also an admin on various Mommy related Facebook groups, including Kid’s Prayer Network, Mommys Matter, Moms and Future Moms and The Journey Through Parenthood.
We’ve figured out the person behind “Prayers for Arianna.” I’d like to talk to her before publishing more about this.
Also, if any friends of AJ Rocca-Greer want to contact me, I’d love to hear your stories.