Xanga Summary

Someone made a very rough draft summarizing JS’s now deleted Xanga diary.  This diary went back to 2004 or 2006.  Here’s what she remembers from reading it.

He has an older brother Joshua, then he and his identical twin Justin Samuel Dirr, then a sister, then a brother Jimmy. He is very close to his younger sister, but his younger brother hates them all.  He and his brother Sam had a friend Mitch who was their best friend, and they were sometimes called the triplets. He has many sets of twins in his extended family, and a set of triplets.


He had a girlfriend, Mandi, that he always thought he would marry. He went away to college, and she got pregnant. Later he said he was 17 and she was 14. They didn’t tell their parents. It is unclear who they were living with but suggested they were living together with her family’s blessing. The baby was named Jaymes Timmothey, which was a name he did not like, because his younger brother’s name is Jimmy. So he decided to call the baby Timmy. When Timmy was a few days old, he woke up to find a note next to the baby saying Mandi was going back to her grandparents to finish high school. He went to college, taking Timmy with him. The professors said Timmy was better behaved than some of the students. Sometimes he and Timmy slept through class, but he recorded them, so it was okay. He was a teaching major, and after his brother was murdered, he decided to major in criminology, which was his brother’s dream.


His brother and his birthday was December 31, 1982. He said his brother was stabbed just before they turned 18. It is later stated that he was stabbed on September 23, 2000 at UCLA where he was on scholarship playing ice hockey. Sam had confided in JS that he was gay, and he couldn’t sleep with his girlfriend. (Yet, on the fake band site for Vas Deferens, Sam and JS’ band, Sam’s quote was sex is a race to orgasm, and I am undefeated.) JS agreed to switch places with Sam and sleep with the girlfriend every now and then to keep her happy. She found out and was furious. Sam went to her apartment, and she murdered him thinking it was JS. On the fake band site, it was said that she stabbed Sam 74 times all over the body, including the genital area.


At some point, JS adopts a two-week old daughter named Katherine Kelsey. He makes a big deal about how her initials are now KKK (but his last name is supposed to be Dirr). He alludes to the trial where her parents go to jail. He doesn’t say why. There is a brief mention of an older brother of this child, but that never comes up again until later. I believe he later mentions Connor as the 13-year old half brother of Katie, but I am not sure that is who Connor was.


After he adopted Katie, JS then met a woman named Aly, and they fell in love and got engaged. She ended up pregnant with twins. He asked her to marry him. They decided to name the twins Markus Paul and Mattias Petr. She went into early labor with the twins, because Markus broke his amniotic sac. The twins were in the hospital for awhile. Aly then decided it was too much for her, and she threw the ring in his face (he states several times how cinematic this was) and left without explanation.


He then runs into some woman he knew a long time ago named Julia. She was just a friend. He explains he was such a hard partier that he and all his friends would have sex and not remember it, do drugs, etc. On the fake band site, I believe, it said that 10 people would be having sex with each other. Anyway, Julia has two sons, Kyle (Kyle Henry) and Dougie (Douglas Jackson). JS has seen Dougie at a wedding before and feels connected to this kid. Julia realizes that JS could be the father of the boys. JS gets tested. He is not Kyle’s father, and he’s glad, because Kyle is autistic and very annoying to him. He thinks Julia coddles Kyle. Kyle’s dad is a 50-year old bald drug addict. JS decides to spend more time with Dougie so that he can get custody. One night, he and Julia get drunk and wake up, realizing they had sex. Time moves on. Julia is pregnant. He goes to Julia’s house to pick up Dougie, and since he is on a 48-hour rotation at work, his hours are strange. He gets to Julia’s home and finds out that Julia has a husband. He is shocked, and the husband leaves Julia. Julia tells JS she is pregnant, but it is her husband’s baby. JS goes with Julia to her doctor’s appointment, and she is supposed to be 10 weeks along, but the doctor lets it slip that she is 20 weeks, so they realize the baby is JS’. They fight over what to name the baby. He says many times if he has a daughter he will name her Samantha, after his brother. (Later, Mitchy and his wife have a baby and name her Samantha.) Julia wants to name the baby Cliff, but he gets to choose the middle name. They fight a lot about what to name the baby. He chooses just hours before, and picks Elias. Yes, this is baby “Eli.” Julia calls him one night in tells him to “get his fucking ass over here, you fucking bastard,” or something like that. She is having a home birth at her sister’s with a midwife, the same as she did with her other two sons. Once the baby is born, he says the baby cries when he holds it a certain way and has a lump on his right side. When he changes his first diaper, he notices bloody pee. He takes the baby to the hospital where they find the tumor. (All of the illness that follows was well-documented on xanga, but I don’t remember the specifics, really. I’m assuming it was read by many people on the caringbridge site, which I did not read, so I won’t go into the specifics here.)


As this is all going on, he mentions a couple of times that he has a “halfway” girlfriend, Dana. (At some point later, he says that Mitch and his wife set up them up, and they hated each other at first, partly because Dana was too quiet; the friends made them go out again, but on the second date realized they liked each other.) Dana knows that Julia is pregnant, and she is thrilled with all this, because she can’t have children due to an incident in her youth which he did not feel comfortable explaining. Dana decides to come to wherever they live to do her residency and needs a place to say, so she moves in. Pretty soon, he says Eli is six months old, so it’s time to have another baby, haha, and announces Dana is pregnant. She used fertility drugs, and it took 4.5 months. She is first pregnant with quadruplets, and he is thrilled. She loses one, then another. The twins that remain are said to be girls, which they will name Samantha Lillian and something Riley. She goes into early labor because one of the amniotic sacs broke—just like the other twins. It turns out to be a boy and a girl. They change the names to Lily Madison and Jude Riley.


At this point, I realized that this was all probably fake and stopped really paying attention, so I don’t have a lot of solid details after that.


Timmy is a gifted hockey goalie. Dougie is very smart and a chess whiz.


Timmy broke his hand while playing hockey. Dougie broke his arm at some point, and on the way, their black Ford F350 (earlier it was an E350) was run off the road by a semi on the way to the ER, further breaking Dougie’s arm. He posted a dozen or so pics of the accident, cars only.


Dana’s birthday was Valentine’s Day.


Dana’s FB alluded to JS having a heart attack and subsequently a pacemaker. JS’ xanga had entries about JS tearing his ACL and surgery for that, and at one point he had a ripped up arm from jumping a fence while at work.


Aly visited the twins on their first birthday, and she tried to hold Markus, but he hated her and cried. Aly tried to visit Marko and Tayo (the nicknames for Markus and Mattias) when they were a couple years older, and he turned her away. She followed him to her work, and she eventually left. She had brought her boyfriend.


Eli’s cancer wasn’t mentioned all that much. He went into detail about how he tried not to post pics of Eli that showed his scars, but then later posts seemed to be straight out of the hospital.


The twins are in the hospital for awhile, and Dana has to drop out of school for the year. She wants to be a surgeon, because her dad, Dane Devereaux, is a surgeon, too. He loves his in-laws so much, and they help with the kids a lot. Dana has a sister. I can’t recall her name.


He and Dana got married just before the twins were born, I believe it was in late November. He said they were keeping it small, I think he said 12 people, and he actually gave names of the people.


Dana got pregnant again, and someone commented on her FB, wow I can’t believe you talked JS into another one.


At some point on Dana’s FB page, she says something along the lines of, “We just found out that JS has a 7.5 year old son. We’re so happy!” The few comments were very benign, like “Congratulations.” This wasn’t mentioned again.


They were raised catholic, and his grandmother disowned him and didn’t talk to him for seven years. Later, she decided to forgive him and came to see him, dana, and the kids. He later says that he is Jewish and allows other co-workers to take Christmas day off. He and Dana are both Jewish and are raising the children as secular Jews. However, in one photo, Timmy has made a Christmas list which says at the top, find a cure for childhood cancer. This was on paper that was a memo pad from somewhere, like a company marketing item, shaped like a shirt. I wish I had paid attention to what the company name was at the bottom.


JS blogs a lot about music and posts lyrics at a point. He is a musician at heart, but his day job is raining K9 unit dogs. He has a dog Gordie, who he also considered naming a couple of other things.


JS is very fixated on names—for the kids and for his K9 dogs. If you google crazycanuckj, you can find old yahoo entries and entries from other sites showing that he posted names and asked for people’s opinions on them.


He moved to Nebraska and Timmy, Dougie, and Eli went with him. It was for four weeks so he could teach a training seminar for K9 units.


On some trip out of town, JS rooms with a woman colleague. He references his interns many times and talks about how stupid they are. One entire entry was about this woman he roomed with, and about how she took forever to fix her hair and was always late. He gave her a month but eventually fired her, and his bosses commended him for even trying for that long to make it work.

New Updates

There are (unfortunately) a lot of fake people online, and these people seem to gravitate towards communities of moms of multiples and children or adults with terrible diseases.  It sickens me that someone would take the attention of a parent of a critically ill child to have that parent pray for an imaginary person (or in this case, 100 people).

What makes this case pretty unbelievable is the number of profiles and the sheer amount of time a person has been perpetuating the hoax.

Check this out from six years ago.


Here’s a “cancer update” from 2009.


JS, the father of “Eli” who himself was an identical twin but lost his twin to murder 12 years ago, apparently wrote in a Xanga journal that the reason his twin brother was murdered by his girlfriend was because JS told the girlfriend that his twin brother was secretly gay.

Seriously, Pine Valley had nothing on this story.

Info is still coming in but we still haven’t found the real Eli.  I’d also LOVE to hear from you if you ever sent the Dirr family anything for their son or any of the other members of their family.

Thanks so much for being such great detectives!  Seriously amazed at the long long memory of the internet.