Battle4aCure Response

Battle4aCure, an organization that raises funds for childhood cancer research, clarified its contact with Emily Dirr.

“I am actually crazy busy right now, I am headed to Africa on June 4th to work with children there. As far as the Eli hoax goes, it was quite the opposite; someone from the hoax actually sent items to us. They sent support bracelets to our organization and donated items for my Africa trip. They did not sign up for any of our programs or ask for any type of financial assistance, they only asked for us to post on our page to support their ‘son’s fight’. We were absolutely sickened and shocked to learn that it was a hoax. We are working on forms to be put in place that individuals seeking support will have to take and have signed by their clinic, so we can verify the validity of their illness. It’s sad that we have to do that, but we want to make sure that our efforts are directed to families who actually need our help.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all! Please feel free to share any of our information on your blog; we do want to clear the air that we had absolutely no idea that it was a hoax and we are better preparing our organization so incidents like this do not happen in the future. “

Some Revealing Posts from JS Dirr’s Myspace Blog

Here’s when JS announces that his many, many ex girlfriends have created a Facebook page to discuss him.  Only the coolest and baddest bad boys have that many exes still thinking about him, you guys.


(That’s in reference to the first JS Ex Girlfriend’s page.  That ended up being deleted, apparently, but was recently replaced with a second page and even more exes.)

In 2009 “Eli” had been recovered from his original cancer and relapse for two years, but he developed secondary cancer.




(These included pictures but they didn’t transfer in the screen shots and I’m sure they’re pictures of real cancer survivor E from New Mexico)

Emily inserts herself into the story by having JS wish her a happy birthday in 2009.


This is from a blog entry from 1/27/09.  Most of these entries detail the developments and tantrums of the kids along with Eli’s cancer treatment.  I did find this bit interesting.


Here’s my favorite, though.  Apparently, someone lied to JS!  He was absolutely disgusted.

It’s from 2007.




More to come.  Thanks to Rae and to J.

The Ex Girlfriends of JS Dirr

Readers have uncovered two Facebook groups that are very interesting.


and this one, screen shot below in case it gets removed.


As you can see, this page had activity as recently as March of this year.  If you look closely at the member list, all added by “Alyssa Shaw,” you can see that every one of the profiles is fake.




This adds 46 profiles to our cast of characters for a total of at least 71.