More on Cheecha Kicks Cancer

Apparently the last summary of Cheecha Kicks Cancer wasn’t very clear.  I’m going to summarize the Tumblr again and then give more proof that Chelsea Hassinger is the person behind the hoax.

The Goldberg family were supposed to be a jolly group of wisecracking siblings from Pennsylvania.  When one of their own, sister Chelsea, was diagnosed with Leukemia, the Goldberg clan stepped in to support their sister in any way they could.  They camped out in her hospital room, made her laugh, and basically dropped whatever they were doing to step in and carry her through her illness.  They were a good family.

None of them exists.  There is no record anywhere for this family, and Chelsea Goldberg is not a patient at any hospital in Pennsylvania.

If you read the Tumblr blog closely, especially if you have a comparative literature background, it becomes pretty obvious that the same person is writing as  Chelsea, Chad, Matt, Lindsay, Annabelle, Ryan, and Tanner.  Their sentence structure, word choice, and paragraph structures are exactly the same.  Sure, Chad is “the angry one” and Annie is “the nice one,” but all in all, the voices are too similar to have been written by more than one person.

Also, when you’re looking over the Tumblr, note that there are never any group pictures of the Goldberg family together.  There are pictures of Chelsea and Matt (who is actually Chelsea Hassinger’s brother-in-law) and lots of pictures of Chelsea by herself, but no group shot of the siblings together.


The pictures of Chelsea and her mother?  They’re the real Chelsea Hassinger and her mother.

Anyway, each of the siblings would update the Tumblr blog with every aspect of Chelsea Goldberg’s illness.  They’d remind the world constantly that their sister was brave, strong, funny and a smart ass.  She was their very own superhero, right in their own family.

All of the Goldberg siblings are fictional and the work of one person, Chelsea Hassinger.

Oh, the “Goldbergs” also found people faking cancer on Tumblr along the way.

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One might question why the brother of a cancer patient was doing google image searches for IV poles, but who am I to judge?

All of the pictures on the blog of medical equipment were stolen from places online.  Chelsea Hassinger manipulated the images so they were more difficult to find, but we worked around that.  Most of them were taken before 2008.

Remember Chelsea’s hotel room suite from the blog?  The one with the silk flowers that “Chad” got upset about because they might compromise Chelsea’s delicate immune system?


It’s from this website.

Chelsea Hassinger contacted me and denied being the person behind it.  She claims that someone stole her pictures off of Facebook and that she is currently battling Stage 4 AML.  There is no such thing as Stage 4 AML.

Also, when images are saved from Facebook, the EXIF date will tell us that.  The image that “Chelsea Goldberg” posted of her guitars on the wall?  The one that just happened to have been taken at her fiance Colin ‘s house?  That image had EXIF data that showed it had never been saved from Facebook.  It went directly from a cell phone to the blog page.

Chelsea has done this before.  She couldn’t explain away the hitRECord drama and that she had been outed faking cancer last year by the friends she had made on the site.  She told them she was a patient at Duke, among other things, and the friends checked and found that every story Chelsea told them was a lie.  When I brought this up, she told me she’d be happy to explain it at some point.  So far, I haven’t heard an explanation.

Oh, also, Chelsea’s email is almost the exact same thing as the URL for the “Life and Times of Cancer Girl” blog that was published under her name.

I should also say that Chelsea Hassinger has a criminal record for fraud and deceit.

As far as the “Cancer Girl Problems” blog that was discussed in the last entry, I’m slowly gathering info about who found that blog.  The screen shots I posted on that entry show Chelsea “Goldberg’s” cover story as to how someone could have possibly found pictures of her on a blog claiming to be a different Chelsea from a different state.  Hopefully, I’ll have updates to share as more information comes in.

Cheecha Kicks Cancer

After we exposed Rachael Wright as a cancer faker, the family of Chelsea Goldberg, a 28 year old leukemia patient, was extremely angry with people who dared to fake cancer on the internet.

NOTE: Chelsea’s blog has been deleted.  Luckily, we saved it and you can read it here.  Her personal blog was also deleted and it will be linked as well.

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Harsh, but understandable.  After all, Chad is Chelsea’s twin brother and he’s stood by her side as she fought leukemia, had a kidney and a pancreas removed and several scary bouts with sepsis in the hospital.  Chad and Chelsea’s other siblings Matt, Lindsay, Annabelle, Ryan, and Tanner document Chelsea’s illness with humor and the support they give her is touching to read about.  Chelsea also maintains her own Tumblr and she’s funny and foul mouthed and inspirational as she deals with the curve ball that life threw at her.

Except it’s fake.

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This picture of Chelsea’s scar from her tumor removal in 2012 was actually taken in 2003.


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This picture of her platelet infusion was stolen from the cancer blog of a woman fighting Multiple Myeloma.

Take a close look at this picture from Chelsea’s blog.


Now compare it to this picture, posted by a real life cancer patient.

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Yes, Chelsea photoshopped her face over the patient’s face, took away the color and cropped the picture so it would be more difficult to prove it fake.

Here’s another one.


Now, from the same cancer patient as above.


Since this faker went to the trouble of trying to manipulate her images, I figured it wasn’t her first rodeo with faking cancer online.  I was right.


Meet Chelsea.

A few years ago, Chelsea was a contributor to Joseph Gordon Levitt’s website for artists, hitRECord. She made a lot of friends on the site and they were all devastated when she announced she had cancer.  A friend from the site recorded this video of Chelsea talking about her illness.  Then, they gave her support as she shaved her head and posed for pictures afterwards.

Chelsea was caught plagiarizing art on hitRECord and she deleted her account, her Twitter and her Tumblr.  Then, her ex husband contacted her friends from hitRECord and let them know she didn’t have cancer at all.  A few calls to hospitals where she was supposedly a patient confirmed his story.  Chelsea didn’t have cancer at all.

Here’s another blog Chelsea started to document imaginary cancer.  She didn’t keep up with it.

How are we sure that Chelsea is behind Cheecha Kicks Cancer?  Well, for one thing, Chelsea and Chad have the exact same birthday.

This is from the Goldberg’s Tumblr from January 16th.

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And from Chelsea’s mother’s Facebook, also from January 16th.

Chelsea's Birthday

Need more proof? Look at this picture, from Chelsea’s personal blog.

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It was taken with an iPhone 4 and the location information pinpoints the place where it was taken.  The home of Chelsea’s new fiancee.

Need even more proof?  On October 13th, Chelsea wrote about finally teaching her parents how to use Skype.  She included this picture.


Here’s Chelsea’s mother’s Facebook post from October 12th.


It looks like some people were on to Chelsea during her blogging life.  The family posted about their cousin who had impersonated Chelsea online and raised a ton of money pretending to be someone with cancer.

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As you can see from her old blog, Chelsea has used the handle “Cancer Girl” online.  She also has two children and lives in another state, just like the “cousin” who was impersonating Chelsea.  Did Chelsea raise $7500 with PayPal by pretending to be “Cancer Girl Problems” on Tumblr, Blogger and WordPress?  If you have any information on this, I’d love to hear about it at

“Terminal Chronicle’s” Thoughts on Cancer Fakers

Rachael Wright has deleted her GoFundMe fundraising page, but (of course) we have screen shots of it here.

Again, if you donated to Rachael and Tray, please contact me.  This is one of the few cases where criminal charges can be filed.

Here’s Rachael’s thoughts about people who fake cancer.

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