A Message from Staci’s Dad

Staci’s father reached out to me and asked me to post this note this morning.  I have talked to Will about this situation and he is very much on the ball about having Staci take responsibility for her actions and getting her help.  We don’t see this from the parents we talk to about hoaxers very often.  I am so glad Staci has him in her corner and I know he’ll make sure Staci gets the help that she needs.

Please also remember that I told Will that his daughter might face criminal charges for accepting gifts and donations.  Even knowing that, he made sure his daughter took responsibility for her actions and called me to confess that she was the person behind “AJ.”  I think that says a lot about Staci’s father’s character and his determination to have his daughter admit her mistakes and to support her as she gets help.

I know a lot of you are very upset and hurt, but I’d ask you to try to have compassion for the Sanders family and for Staci as they get her help for a very real mental illness.

Since I am not very comfortable or knowledgeable on a computer I was hoping that you could relay a message to all the good people that my daughter has hurt.

My message would be that I am very upset and sorry for my daughter’s actions and I would like to apologize to everyone involved.

I really do not know why or have a reason as to why my daughter would fabricate such a scheme. My only possible explanation would be that my daughter has mental illness issues and that she has been receiving treatment for years and she is still receiving treatment for, and this may explain why she would fabricate such an elaborate story. I really believe she fabricated these stories for attention not to scam individuals. “Of course this is only my opinion”

I am by no means trying to justify why my daughter would do such a foolish thing, I am just trying to give a possible explanation to the people who must be wondering why she would do such a thing as this!

I will continue to make sure my daughter receives the medical help that she needs and once again I want to say I am very sorry to all the individuals that she has hurt and let down.

I would like to say in advance, thank you to everyone for their understanding and may God bless you all.

Will Sanders


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