Here’s Jeff’s great masterpiece in its entirety. It’s nice to know that Jeff deleting the blog didn’t erase it from our hearts, minds or hard drives.
EDITED 2/6/13: After a copyright complaint, I removed the file that was originally linked. Jeff’s entire website is still available here.
# 13 on his happiness reminder list:
Be who you are. Trying to be someone you’re not takes a lot of energy, and it doesn’t make you feel good about yourself.
So I’m reading along Jeff’s blog and one of his early entries directs his readers to Jennifer “Mckmama” McKinney. Isn’t it nice that these people find each other? Birds and liars of a feather flock together.
I saw that! He was talking about “Stellan’s Story”. While Stellan did have medical issues, Jennifer definitely embellished on the details.
I knew this blog was fake because of how really unlikely it is that any woman would be OK with having her husband be so clearly obsessed with another woman, even a dead friend…and then, how unlikely it’d be that “Jill” would have had no one else as next-of-kin to appoint as her daughter’s guardian. Think about it. It’s crazy to try and imagine a scenario where “Jill’s” dead husband’s family would have been OK with having their grandchild/niece sent off to be raised by some stranger.
Depending on the child’s age, that’s not so implausible. Grandparents/other relatives may not want to take a school aged child out of their school and friends, especially after the death of her mother.
That being said, taking a good look at the blog makes me see a hundred or so other errors. That picture of “biking on the Appalachian Trail” looks to me like it was taken somewhere in California. And very few eight year olds die suddenly in their sleep with no prior health issues.
I think he owes a huge apology to Will he do it, or is he a coward?
I agree. These people dedicated time, energy and love into a fictional character, when they could have been directing that energy to either themselves or someone who is real.
The cancer community is vulnerable enough. We don’t need liars vying for our attention.
I was reading back through some of the old posts and was struck anew by the…ickiness…of what this character actually did. I mean, he would frequently describe in great detail his emotions about his totally fictional troubles, and then he’d ask his readers to pray for him.
Someone a couple of posts back here actually said that she saw nothing wrong with what he did, because what he wrote was inspirational to her anyway, whether it was true or not. I don’t understand that line of reasoning, especially in light of how twisted it is for someone to put so much energy into describing a bunch of made-up situations, talk about his made-up character’s supposed feelings about those made-up situations, and then ask his real readers to say real prayers for his made-up character.
There’s something very wrong going on with this guy. It may not be illegal, and it may not do any measurable material harm to anyone, but putting so much time and effort into that kind of manipulative mind game indicates a troubled person who needs help.
I am also a long time BC Support participant – I followed along at the time of “Jill’s” death but didn’t pay that much attention after and wasn’t aware of his blog. I agree with Asshole as a good descriptor…..there was a lot of heartfelt support on the BC Support site and believe me people who are there shouldn’t have their emotions played with. Has he done anything illegal at any point?
I don’t think so, and I don’t believe he accepted any money. He asked people to donate to Komen in “Jill’s” name……..It seems like it was a “creative writing assignment” that got out of control. I don’t care, it was a crappy thing to do to people who are already fragile dealing with cancer. I cried when “Jill” died and when “Victoria” died too. What an idiot I am…….Well, be prepared Jeff, you will pay for this one day, maybe a loved one will be diagnosed with cancer or someone very close to you will die unexpectedly. No sympathy from me, what comes around goes around, douche-bag…….
Thanks for posting the blog. I remain amazed — “Jeff” went to so much trouble to write this, even apparently writing some comments (to appear to be from others) which indicated that the person commenting knew the family in real life. And the videos and audios of “Katie” singing! I also recall a post from “Jill” on bcsupport. Unbelievable.
I wonder who’s singing on those recordings.
The links (including the second one) don’t seem to work. I’d guess you’ve had to remove them?
The links have been replaced. An astute reader of the blog directed us to yet another copy available online.
The links are both not working now (January 7th, 2015). Too bad, I’d really like to see them.