The Love Story of JS Dirr and Reader #2

We know that “JS Dirr” and the rest of the “Dirr family” befriended many many families suffering through childhood cancer diagnoses.  These people were at their most vulnerable and support from the online cancer community must have felt like a warm hug.  Of course, none of them knew that “Eli” didn’t exist and neither did the other nine or ten Dirr children.

That’s one of the things that bothered me the most about this entire situation.  Some of these parents who spent time consoling and supporting “the Dirrs” ended up losing their own kids.  Can you imagine how it feels to look back now, knowing that Emily is a hoax, and realize they spend precious moments of their deceased child’s life talking to a phony?

That is devastating.

Speaking of awful, another reader has come forward to share her relationship with “JR Dirr.”  I’m calling her Reader #2.  Here’s what she had to say.

“I met him on Xanga through his blog.  My mother had just died from cancer and I kinda bonded with him over the cancer thing.  At first we exchanged long emails and then he asked me to instant message him and it progressed from there.  We were in contact with each other every day.  There were days that we would instant message all day long.  Like 12 hours at a time.  He texted my phone from his email but I did not have his number since “he was a cop and couldn’t give out that info”.  I have known some cops before and they also were not allowed to give out their numbers so I didn’t see anything wrong there.

He would text me while I was out and tell me to hurry home so we could be together and several times asked why I didn’t move up there to Canada but I am married and so was he and we both knew it wouldn’t work out.  Neither of us were gonna leave our families.  We exchanged some naughty photos (no faces).  This went on for a year.  
We got in an argument on his birthday last year because I had a read receipt on my email to him that showed that not only was my email opened in Vancouver where he was at the time but also in Ohio and then forwarded to New York.  He said that he read the email but then was on the phone with Emily later and he asked her to check his email for him and she opened it.  He wasn’t sure why she had forwarded it to New York.  He had a close friend in NY named D *NOTE- this person has been verified as a victim, not an accompice-THW)  (also on his and Emily’s FB) and he thought Emily forwarded the email to her.  Said that D didn’t like me because she knew that JS had feelings for me.
After our argument, we didn’t speak anymore but I was still on the Warrior Eli site.  I’d message him every now and then but he never wrote back.  Mabye Emily got scared.  I dunno.”
I am not a tech savvy person but does anyone know if someone could fake an email being opened in Vancouver in a read receipt?  I’d appreciate any info on this.
If anyone else had an online sexual relationship with “Js” or “Dana Dirr,” please email me at  I promise that your identity won’t ever be revealed.

174 thoughts on “The Love Story of JS Dirr and Reader #2”

      1. these two links are not real web pages. The web page automatically combs the internet. Pages like this are called content farms.

        1. I’m going to do a post with some info a reader sent me on these sites. You’re absolutely right- the site took that comment from one of JS Dirr’s yahoo answers. EMily WAS pretending to be a trauma surgeon, but “Dana” never gave medical advice online, at least not on yahoo. (If I’m wrong, please email me)

    1. Through these content farms sites, you can see that she was truly obsessed with communicating and offering her “expertise” and “personal experiences” to parents of sick children at their most desperate times. Sick.

      1. Clearly, the point is not about the content farm, but rather the material that was taken from Yahoo Answers. However, Anony, your internet prowess is remarkable!

  1. Are you sure that they weren’t passing the naked pictures around? I mean, she posts some fake photo and in return she gets a real one, and then forwards it to others, or passes it off as herself to some online chat she has going with a guy? Oh dear.

  2. Also I have found pictures of “Emily” graduating last year from some medical thing. Would you like me to screen shot them?

      1. Anon 3:05am, *she said she’s 22yrs old. She also said she was Js. And Dana. And that she had a sick child. And twins. And a whole host of other stuff. Do we really believe anything she said in her apology? Should we believe any of it?

  3. When I requested my Warrior Eli’s bands, suddendly Dana Dirr sent me a friend request with the following message
    Dana Dirr.Select messages to forward..Select messages to delete.Delete All.

    March 31Dana Dirr Hi,
    We would love to send you some of Eli’s wristbands! How many would you like and what sizes? We have adult large, adult medium, and a child’s size (for kids ages 3-6, they’re tiny). Let us know where we can send them and Eli’s Aunt Emily will send them out to you in the next couple days since she’s sweet enough to send out the wristbands for us! Thanks again for supporting our little Eli!
    Dana (Eli’s Mom)

    After I sent my address she sent me the following message….

    Dana DirrThanks for supporting our little Eli! I’ll forward this to my husband’s sister and she’ll have them out to you very soon!

    This was the first time I was friending someone in facebook that I didn’t know in person.. now i’m freaking out because she had access to my kids & family’s pictures,

      1. I’m sick to my stomach, I understand that she had no personal gain. however, the pictures of my kids are precious and i do have pictures of one of my kids while in the hospital. does any one know if or how i can monitor my pictures online, to make sure that they are not being used in blogs or other sites???

  4. Has Emily posted recently? If you are ‘friends’ with her, can you provide any more details? Picures? or anything?

    1. The reader is a die hard hockey fan. She met a girl named Emily through hockey communities and she told the reader she was flirting with a guy named JS. The reader posted on “Other Emily’s” wall congratulating her on her new boyfriend, JS messaged the reader and said they weren’t dating, the reader and JS friended each other and talked often for years.

      Most interesting: Other Emily lied about having stomach cancer. Guess who called her out on it? JS.

      I have emailed “Other Emily.” We shall see where that leads.

  5. i have pictures of one of my kids recently in the hospital, this makes me sick to my stomach to think that someone might use my children’s pictures

      1. A few years ago someone I know had her pictures taken from the internet and used on websites. Since then, only my immediate family has access to my FB pictures and all other pictures I post (on my blog) are watermarked. Sad but you can’t be too careful.

  6. having children with cancer is no joke. a close friend of mine has a child that suffers from cancer and was part of the “Warrior Eli” site, she cried on mother’s day after the news of Dana. she couldn’t imagine how this little boy and rest of family were going to make it w/o mom. I guess whoever this Emily is not in contact with reality. and for many cancer is their reality. I hope Emily gets help and stop with the role play, and if she really wants to bring awareness to childhood cancer, she can get involved in one of the many organizations that bring awareness instead of pretending to have a child that has cancer.

  7. The ironic thing here is that “Emily” is really, without a doubt getting exactly what she wanted when she started all of this. Look at the attention, the emotions, the time consumed, the number of you wrapped up in THIS story. I say you all chalk it up to getting screwed – not making lightly of it and give her the opposite of what she wants – NOTHING!

    1. I think it’s important that as much information about “Emily” and her scam has to be put out there because I guarantee she’s hoping this will quiet down so she can start on her next scam. There’s no way that she’ll be able to just “hang it up” without mental health help.

      1. Exactly. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until I realized she was still using the JS Dirr email account, she had lied to me about several things in our phone call and that she had left most of the profiles up. She’s ready to slip back into it at any time. The woman needs some serious help.

      2. Maybe her mother can help her…it’s seems to fall into her field of work if what I found is indeed her mother (and I’m pretty sure it is).

        I also believe that Emily isn’t the only one involved in this. Hence the opening of emails and forwards to different areas.

    2. i totally disagree with your opinion. Simply because if we just let it quiet down she will do the same thing again and again until she gets caught again, and then the whole story over again. People like this dont just quit. They find new ways to manipulate people. You have to understand she invested so much of her life into this. This has become her reality. Since she got caught she could feel lost and dive right back into it. So I dont think that just letting it blow over is a good idea.

      1. what about contacting her family on facebook, even including his sister’s girlfriend? cousins and aunt?

      2. I think this is more for the people who were screwed over and what to know exactly what happened and who it was that did this…than anything concerning Emily or what will happen to her. Because in all honestly, likely nothing is going to happen to Emily and no matter what people say and do now…it’s not going to change who/how she is. But I think it’s natural for the people affected to want to know who was the “wizard” behind the curtain.

  8. I read somewhere where she graduated college and was on the deans list. Can anyone help me wrap my mind around how she maintained all these profiles and the whole story for years and managed to go to college and graduate on the DEANS list no doubt??

    1. has anyone contacted her brother and family on facebook? i sent him a message with a link to this site but he never replied, to confirm if he was related to the Emily that is part of this hoax

    2. She started all of this before she went to college.I do believe her plan was to go to medical school and I think it fed her craving concerning her obsession with the medical community and the attention surrounding it. It also made her more knowledgeable in her hoaxes. But, I don’t think she could hack it and I don’t believe she actually graduated. I’ve only found one year of her name in relation to her college education and that was only the first year after she graduated high school in 2008. I think after she quit school, she began devoting a LOT of time talking to these people and diving even further into the “JS Dirr” fantasy life.

    1. I agree we should send them a message and also send the link to this site, so they can get the full story

  9. I really hope someone that knows her alerts her REAL parents as to what has been going on so maybe they can force Emily into getting the help she needs.

    1. Along these lines – shouldn’t somebody contact her local new stations/authorities etc? Has somebody done that? I would think that a local news station would be all over something like this.

  10. Just seeing a couple of the REAL cancer families going through the now added stress of going back over their photos and watermarking them….as if they don’t have enough to do in their lives without the added stress this whole episode has caused…grrrrr….
    As well as that, just catching up on this whole story is taking our time and mental effort ;-0 the ramifications are snowballing.
    I do agree that even if he/she hasn’t crossed a legal boundary…although surely they have… there needs to be a public ‘outing’ and some help given because this must be an incredibly clever individual whose abilities could surely be used in some worthwhile pursuit rather than duping compassionate people and taking away the security of mind of the REAL cancer families.
    Having been living in this complex world of fantasy for the last 7 or so years surely he/she will not be able to cope in the real world without ongoing outside intervention.
    I mean the emotions we are feeling at the loss of this family that we cared for can be nothing compared to ‘Emily’s’ loss. With so many aliases attached and interwoven that story had to be her world.

    1. I agree. I think she’s real. I was inclined to believe that she was just someone following the “story” according to her facebook comments (via google), but the whole js dirr having the poster contact her is weird.

      1. looks totally real to me. I see the ronkonkoma info now too. I think this is a dead end though, looks real to me.

    1. I think that the “I remember exactly what I was doing” was an option you could chose on that quiz. I remember being odded out that so many of my friends answered the same way. Anybody else remember?

      1. Yes that question/answer thing is something going around all of facebook, I saw it on a friends page who is not related to cancer at all.

      2. I also think the exact answers are a multiple choice result. Probably considerably less nefarious than it seems. They’re polls, with specific choices of replies.

  11. A theory on the Vancouver email:
    Emily was using a proxy. She picked one from “Canada,” not realizing that it’s a really big country.

      1. Tons of random websites offer the ability to post via proxy. It’s basically allowing you to post through a server that will show your reply from coming from somewhere else than where you truly are. You can also ‘bounce’ off of several different proxies to make it really hard to find the originating location without tech savvy.

      2. I think it could be specified to show something from a specific location. So, yes…I think it could be bounced from Canada to Ohio to NYC.

      3. I think there’s several options, she either has a few people working with her, which I doubt because they’d have go keep this going for years, would take too much committment for more thsn one person, so i think she either traveled a lot, unlikely, or used proxies and she didn’t realize someone was keeping receipts of opening. And yes im pretty sure if she was using a proxy the receipt would show from the country of the proxy being used at the moment.

      4. Here’s a basic explanation of how to change your proxy IP in various old browsers. The IPs in the pics aren’t real, you would need to find a valid proxy IP off a list somewhere. There are also plugins for browsers like Firefox that will rotate your proxy at specified intervals. There are different kinds of proxies, some are more transparent than others, but the average recipient would probably accept an IP at face value.

        Also, ask Reader 2 for a screen shot of the return receipt or whatever info they used to determine the email was opened in Vancouver. That would clarify if the location was determined by an IP search or if the email service provided that info.

  12. If y’all haven’t seen the film “Catfish,” I’d highly recommend it:

    Eerie coincidence between the folks in that film and “Emily” are a twins thing.
    But having seen that film, I can’t help but wonder if it really was “Emily” that was spoken to on the phone. Could it have been an older relative using a fake voice? The mother?
    In the film “Catfish,” Angela would use a different voice for her young daughter “Megan” on the phone [a daughter who didn’t exist at all].

    Sorry, but my bullshit meter is screaming at me that this whole “Eli” thing (and related characters) were not something started by an 11-year-old and this is not the workings of a 22-year-old who was also going to college.

  13. ok, so using a time machine type site I think these are some of her tweets – ERD – lifeofmedschool

    She was being followed by her brother, Elliot Dirr. Can anybody make sense of the pic that she submitted to People of Walmart? Something ab Little Red Riding Hoods transvestite brother? when I follow the link I do not see a pic that goes with it.

      1. this does not sound like JS or emily’s tone at all. Perhaps it is her brothers twitter? That site is a walmart make fun of page and sound slike this person posed to it what they thought was a funny pic.

      2. and where does it show that her brother follows it? IT shows to me as protected , and does not list the followers.

      3. This is NOT a mix up. I used the site TOPSY to search for her old tweets. You can see that it has the same profile pic – they appear to be binders with post it note flags.

      4. thanks! I wish there was more. This has been on my mind & I kept hoping to find new, fresh info. 🙂

        I do know what People of Walmart is – I just didn’t see the pic that went with her tweet.

      5. But if she graduated hs in 2008, and went through 4 years of college on time (she seems to fall off college radar after 2009) she would just start med school this fall…yes? “life in med school?” she wishes. And where does she go?

        Or am I wrong and this is Elliott, but I think he is younger.

        Brain exploding!!

        1. We are thinking she was in a program that offered early admittance to med school. She claimed she was in med school and took a leave of absence to take care of a sick relative.

      6. So she is a genius, those programs are incredibly difficult to get into. And wouldn’t there be some trace of her attending a med school.

      7. Maybe she is stretching it (she’s been known to do that, you know) – “med school” is actually pre-med at Kent State.

    1. It was posted on another entry on this site under the comments. That it was most likely her twitter and then it went into private lockdown – almost real time like Emily was reading here. What doesn’t sound like her?? I see the silly ones – but the ones about possums having two uteruses (uteri?) and the jugular vein etc. seem to go along with her personality.

      1. none of them. The language seems different. But we are talking about a crazy person, so who knows. What is elliot’s twitter? I cannot see any-one she follows, or any followers. And Yes, She is reading this all. That was made known.

      2. Here are all of the tweets:
        I got the very first Justin Moore tickets sold for the concert at the #DustyA in February
        Has anyone seen my motivation? I would like it back please.
        Can’t believe winter break is finally here! Not nonebody gonna make me do no readin!
        Readin don’t never not done not nothin for not nonebody, never not no one didn’t about no reason not never & they not never ain’t gonna will
        Another important feature of the external jugular vein is that it is very popular with our vampire crowd.
        Even an anosmic pig can find an acorn.
        You might have seen a possum before – they’re the ones on the side of the road dead. They have 2 uteri under normal conditions.
        Congratulations to all of you who were not arrested at the Halloween party last night!I love it when professors forget to show up to their own lectures… Twice…
        You try to teach me to become more compassionate and empathetic. When I try to act on it, you shoot me down. Lesson learned.
        Children and peanuts are a deadly combination. – Dr. D
        I haven’t seen my cadaver in so long I’m starting to have separation anxiety.
        RIP Dr. Gould

        It appears that she retweeted several things – including a little girl with cancer and Kent Halloween (I think the party tweet was a general comment following that).

        I SOOOO wish that I could see more. that is all that comes up in the search,

  14. I saw the reader say that, Can we confirm that though? I asked the reader how that came about and got no answer. Same person says they are currently still friends with Emily.

  15. Melissa…it is on Long Island, where I also live. LI is not a huge Horse area, but there are a few places. what got me that ronkonkoma was not where she lived was he pics I saw in he FB profile, they are not from Long island.

  16. Emily’s mother has the following credentials: PhD, APRN, PMHCNS-BC, and is a professor at a university teaching nursing. Now THIS sounds like someone who could pull off all the medical talk over the last several years, don’t you think??

      1. It seems to be that a lot of the real Dirr family works in the medical field. I find it ironic that her mother has a specialty in adult mental health.

  17. two tweets of note:
    “You try to teach me to become more compassionate and empathetic. When I try to act on it, you shoot me down. Lesson learned.”

    “I haven’t seen my cadaver in so long I’m starting to have separation anxiety.”

  18. Other towns were Commack, NY and Wading River, NY. And an alias of the last name Francis. I couldn’t find anything else thoug.

  19. I forget about this tweet.
    “I submitted a picture of little red riding hood’s transvestite brother to I’m SOOOO going to hell!”
    Interesting considering that folks are wondering if there were gender/sexual identity issues at play
    The link is to People of Walmart.

  20. The last tweet? THey are from this time period: 12/9/2011 – 1/6/2012.
    I wish there were more results. Grrrrr!!

    1. There are more. At the bottom of the page there is a button for “next page” and there are three pages. They start on 10/18/11.

  21. his whole thing is totally freaking me out!! i’m seriously thinking of going to counseling! i question everybody and everything now, i am paranoid to the max. i wasn’t psycho before but i sure am now! this whole conspiracy thing is twisted! i mean sickly twisted! i found the mobog thing and now i am wondering if my kids pictures are out there!!!! i have one of my oldest son on the vent when he was in icu! i’m going through my entire picture folder and scanning each picture before i die!!! i hope some answers are found and the person doing this is found! dr phil had on his show not long ago a woman that did the same thing but pretended to be a 9/11 survivor. same story!!!

    1. You answered my question. There was talk on this site about gender identity issues yesterday, I think. So I wondered if she was tweeting what she read here.

  22. I think there was a gender issue, she was pretending to be a male, some cool guy she could sort of look up to maybe or how she imagined herself to be? Who knows! It is just very sick and twisted and she defibitelh has mental issues she needs to come to terms with.

  23. Oh good grief… Just found out that Emily’s maternal grandmother’s name was Ester. Weird coincidence, no?

    I think that we shoul search for Emily Ribak as well since she may have used her middle name. It appears that her mom goes by her maiden name.

  24. If you do a google image search for ‘Judy Ribak’ you will see one of her with Elliot to the right and is that Emily to the left?? It was the fourth one for me. If so, she looks so fresh faced and innocent.

    What happened?

      1. That is not the same woman. Emily’s mom is not that old and doesn’t have cancer nor does Emily have a sister named Cathy. There are more than one Judy Ribak in the country.

  25. This may seem obvious but I think it’s worth writing.

    We have learned without a doubt the person people involved in this are:
    1.Highly deceptive
    2.Capable of many many online persona’s
    3.Clever, manipulative and twisted

    These things should lead us to a highly likely conclusion that the deceiver/s are present on this blog and likely interjecting themselves into the conversation probably with multiple names. Perhaps trying to throw us off, agreeing or disagreeing with certain ideas or acting as a voice to ‘back up/ vouch for’ certain claims.

    Just something to keep in mind as we all continue to fall down the rabbit hole as Taryn put it.

    1. That’s what I’m saying, everyone keeps posting links but they should screenshot first cuz Emily is reading this and will cover it up

  26. Off topic but this is something unrelated (I think) that is starting to blow up on FB as well regarding the theft of photos of kids with cancer/scams. Sunshine Survivors Club and a man named James Napier on FB. I am not a member of that group (my daughter did not survive) or a friend of his. Just someone who doesn’t want to see more parents who have enough to deal with get hurt. If I were in this group or friends with Mr.Napier, I’d block him.

    1. Because every time a new profile is found and posted on here it magically ends up private a few minutes later

    2. She seemed to spend a huge amount of time online. If people were investigating you, wouldn’t you read it? Also anon 8:03 is right, the profiles do go private… but are not deleted… after they’re mentioned here.

      1. Has anyone contacted the school? If I was the school, I would want to know what one of my students was up to!

  27. Yes please! I would like to see. I am shocked of the one that is her as a younger child and the difference in looks.

    1. i cant either but I can take a guess as it started as her pretending to be the guy and then created a bunch of kids that he faught hard to get custody of then started in on the wife and cancer and all of that.. but i have nooo idea and until emily can confirm how old she really was (she never will) then only guesses will be made

  28. I can only imagine that patients will use Google more often in the future, not less, to find out information on potential doctors, and Dr. Emily Dirr will be in heaps trubs, as those cray-cray kids might say.

    1. I sent an e-mail, but have heard no reply. Not holding my breath. Giving it a little time before I escalate to “phase 2.”

      1. Personally, I feel that it’s time for phase2. Seeing her in that white coat scares me. To think that she has access to real patients and families and confidential info makes me sick to my stomach.

  29. Earlier I had found that JS Dirr created a facebook page on facebooks for different countries. Now, I see that Dawn Soldt has also been commenting on facebooks for different countries. Probably insignificant, but thought I’d mention it.

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