Contact Info

If anyone knows any of the people on Warrior Eli’s site, please email me at  I would really love to figure out who the cancer patient in the pictures really is as he deserves support in his own name.

If you’ve been scammed by this person, I’d love to help tell your story here.

If you have other examples of this hoax, please email me.

19 thoughts on “Contact Info”

  1. I am thinking the Dirr’s woke up and found the aftermath since suddenly their pictures are all on lockdown. They used to have them all public.

      1. Yep, either Facebook or the “Dirrs” are cleaning house. Dane Devereaux’s page is gone, Dana Dirr’s profile is almost completely locked down (even as I was navigating around her friends list went private). I reported this to Caringbridge and alexslemonade so those will probably be gone early tomorrow.

        Wow. I wonder who this was? Someone looking for attention or sympathy? Doesn’t appear to be financially motivated since they directed donations to alexslemonade. We may never know…

    1. I have found profiles of friends, then profiles of their girlfriends/wives, profiles of the friends’ fathers and mothers… I think if this whole thing were a book it’d be longer than War and Peace.

  2. Wow I’m in shock..I live near these supposed people and I’ve been searching for any information on an accident where a pregnant surgeon dies and there was nothing and then I came across this page! After thinking about the whole situation it does seem a little far fetched! By question is that since this person is saying to donate through the Alex’s lemonade stand and I see in memory of Dana has raised over $1000 in one day, where does that money first go?

    1. I actually started to set up a Alexa lemonade stand page to see te rules and what not and it states in there that you have to agree to turn over all monies raised so that must mean that the fund raisers have the monies first??

  3. This lady spent her life fighting childhood cancer. And as God is lifting her to heaven, ya’ll are spending your time bashing her. Your research on this has shown your education level. I will pray for you and the other uneducated FOOLS!!

  4. I seriously was just about to post saying that I was surprised that there were no naysayers in all of this wanting to shoot the messenger – but Heathre (Heather?) popped in at the end here. Is that possibly another persona of Dana trying to throw in some doubt?

    Excellent detective work.

  5. I feel sickened by this, and I’m glad it has been exposed. I have to say that I was surprised by Dana’s husband to post so quickly after his wife had passed (meaning his post Sunday Morning). I follow ALOT of caringbridge pages, and traditionally, the families are so overwrought immediately after the loss, that the only post is a one-liner, stating that the person has passed away and more details will follow. Sometimes, it’s even several days before anyone posts. I also found it strange that a 5 year old boy, after having lost his Mommy just that morning, and HAS to be scared out of his mind about who’s going to take care of him, would immediately think about directing donations to a specific location. I guess I don’t like to think that people would do something like this, so I just chalked it up to the family being unbelievably strong. So sad.

  6. i fell for this as well and even had my church praying for thsi family on mothers day im so sickened by this i follow a lot of REAL sick kids pages and now will have the doubt in my head about it all

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